Title: Dakar
The story
2The Dakar was an Israeli submarine. In 25.1.1968
2402 a last telegram has been received from the
Dakar. In 25.1.1968 0800 the Dakar was
supposed to contact the HQ (command) but it
didnt. The auscultation to the Dakar be
reinforced and at noon an interrupted connection
was made with the Dakar.
3In the morning of the 26.1.1968 after the contact
with the Dakar has failed the search after the
Dakar has began. The search operation was huge
boats planes scaned a huge part of Dakars
lane in hard weather conditions.
4In the 4.2.1968 the Dakar has been announced
missing with all its crew-69 sailors. After
thirteen months, in the 9.2.1969 the emergency
float of the Dakar has been found in Han-Yoones
(???-????). The float was checked but didnt
provide any new information.
5Thirty-one years after the Dakar disappeared, on
27.5.1999 it was found 500 km from Israel,
between Crete and Cyprus, 2900 m under the
sea. There isnt a big chance to pull out of
the water the Dakar or the bodies (if there are
any bodies).
7(No Transcript)
8The compass of the Dakar
9(No Transcript)
10The Dakars tag
11I choose to do my presentation on the Dakar
because I see this subject very interesting
because my uncle (Michael Gal Heppner) was one of
the Dakars crew.
12The end
Producer Imri Heppner