Title: EEA Grants
1EEA Grants Norway Grants
The Prison Service of The Czech Republic Main
Soft Projects
- Treatment Programmes for Prisoners
- Expansion of Existing Accredited Programmes
- Development of New Accredited Programmes
- Information for Imprisoned Foreign Nationals
- Enhancement of Education of Prison Staff
- PARDON for perpetrators of traffic accidents
- Piloted in 2008, carried out in 2 prisons twice a
year - Provided to 32 prisoners a year
- Target group roughly 500 prisoners /
perpetrators of worst-case accidents, intoxicated
drivers etc. - Aim education, self-control and change of
attitudes leading to hazardous behaviour patterns - Expansion to 2 further prisons 32 prisoners a
year - training for 2 expert teams, supervision on
regular basis, support by experts, documentation,
- Treatment Programmes for Prisoners
- Expansion of Existing Accredited Programmes
- Development of New Accredited Programmes
- Information for Imprisoned Foreign Nationals
- Enhancement of Education of Prison Staff
- PARDON for perpetrators of traffic accidents
- Piloted in 2008, carried out in 2 prisons twice a
year - Provided to 32 prisoners a year
- Target group roughly 500 prisoners /
perpetrators of worst-case accidents, intoxicated
drivers etc. - Aim education, self-control and change of
attitudes leading to hazardous behaviour patterns - Expansion to 2 further prisons 32 prisoners a
year - training for 2 expert teams, supervision on
regular basis, support by experts, documentation,
4SOFT PROJECTS Programmes for Prisoners
Expansion of Existing Accredited Programmes
for perpetrators of traffic accidents
5SOFT PROJECTS Programmes for Prisoners
- Expansion of Existing Accredited Programmes
- for perpetrators of traffic accidents
- Piloted in 2008, carried out in 2 prisons twice a
year - Provided to 32 prisoners a year
- Target group roughly 500 prisoners /
perpetrators of worst-case accidents, intoxicated
drivers etc. - Aim education, self-control and change of
attitudes leading to hazardous behaviour patterns - Expansion to 2 further prisons 32 prisoners a
year - training for 2 expert teams, supervision on
regular basis, support by experts, documentation,
6SOFT PROJECTS Programmes for Prisoners
Expansion of Existing Accredited Programmes
for perpetrators of (sexual) violence on
7SOFT PROJECTS Programmes for Prisoners
- Expansion of Existing Accredited Programmes
- for perpetrators of (sexual) violence on
children - Piloted in 2007, carried out in 2 prisons twice a
year - Provided to 48 prisoners a year
- Target group approx. 200 prisoners in category B
and C (medium and high security prisons) - Aim education, self-control, change of attitudes
and behaviour - Expansion to one further prison in category D
(maximum security) 12 very serious offenders per
year training of one expert team, professional
supervision on regular basis, evaluation
- Treatment Programmes for Prisoners
- Expansion of Existing Accredited Programmes
- Development of New Accredited Programmes
- Information for Imprisoned Foreign Nationals
- Enhancement of Education of Prison Staff
- PARDON for perpetrators of traffic accidents
- Piloted in 2008, carried out in 2 prisons twice a
year - Provided to 32 prisoners a year
- Target group roughly 500 prisoners /
perpetrators of worst-case accidents, intoxicated
drivers etc. - Aim education, self-control and change of
attitudes leading to hazardous behaviour patterns - Expansion to 2 further prisons 32 prisoners a
year - training for 2 expert teams, supervision on
regular basis, support by experts, documentation,
9SOFT PROJECTS Programmes for Prisoners
Existing special treatment programmes
Treatment units without protective
measures Treatment units with protective measures
- Drug abusers
- Alcohol abusers Gamblers
- Sex offenders
- Personality disorders
- Drug abusers
- Mental retardation
1063 general recidivism
40 violent within 6 m.
50 violent within 12 m.
Czech Institute of Criminology and Social
Prevention, 2011
11SOFT PROJECTS Programmes for Prisoners
Existing special treatment programmes
- 21 hours/week over 1 year
- community sessions
- crime-oriented group therapy
- group psychotherapy
- psycho-social, educational, leisure activities
12SOFT PROJECTS Programmes for Prisoners
- Development of New Accredited Programmes
- Short-term intensive programme for violent
offenders - There is a need of a light, short-term,
broad-range treatment programme for large groups
of violent offenders, focused on anti-aggression
training and education about the consequences of
violent behaviour - should be piloted in one prison
- should be implemented in 10 prisons
- as a standard entry intervention for indicated
prisoners - Impact 50 violent offenders per prison per one
13SOFT PROJECTS Programmes for Prisoners
- Development of New Accredited Programmes
- Interventions and programes for drug users
- The results of the latest epidemiologic survey
show, that almost one quarter of inmates (3000
prisoners) are problem drug users (users of
heroin or amphetamins or/and intravenous users) - Problem drug use causes a serious criminogenic
risk and health risks as well
14SOFT PROJECTS Programmes for Prisoners
- Development of New Accredited Programmes
- Short-term program for drug users
- There is an urgent need of a low-threshold,
outpatient, broad-range treatment programme
(standardised interventions) for largest group of
problem drug users, focused on assessment,
counseling and motivational training - should be piloted in one prison
- should be implemented in all 35 prisons
- as a standard entry intervention for indicated
prisoners - Impact 2000 problem drug users in all prisons /
15SOFT PROJECTS Programmes for Prisoners
- Development of New Accredited Programmes
- Long-term program for drug users
- There is a need of a long-term, inpatient,
intensive treatment programme for group of
problem drug users motivated to be changed,
focused on regime, psychotherapy and relapse
prevention by the means of therapeutic community
for drug addicted - should be piloted in one prison
- should be implemented in 12 prisons
- as a standard intensive, long-term intervention
- for indicated prisoners
- Impact 300 problem drug users in all 12 prisons
per one year
- Treatment Programmes for Prisoners
- Expansion of Existing Accredited Programmes
- Development of New Accredited Programmes
- Information for Imprisoned Foreign Nationals
- Enhancement of Education of Prison Staff
- PARDON for perpetrators of traffic accidents
- Piloted in 2008, carried out in 2 prisons twice a
year - Provided to 32 prisoners a year
- Target group roughly 500 prisoners /
perpetrators of worst-case accidents, intoxicated
drivers etc. - Aim education, self-control and change of
attitudes leading to hazardous behaviour patterns - Expansion to 2 further prisons 32 prisoners a
year - training for 2 expert teams, supervision on
regular basis, support by experts, documentation,
17SOFT PROJECTS Information for Imprisoned Foreign
Foreigners 1423 9 Vietnam Slovakia Ukraine Pol
and Bulgaria Romania Russia Nigeria
Coordinators for Treatment with Foreigners
Improving the Situation of Foreigners (more info,
crossing barriers, etnique distinctions)
Recommendation of the Council of Europe
- Treatment Programmes for Prisoners
- Expansion of Existing Accredited Programmes
- Development of New Accredited Programmes
- Information for Imprisoned Foreign Nationals
- Enhancement of Education of Prison Staff
- PARDON for perpetrators of traffic accidents
- Piloted in 2008, carried out in 2 prisons twice a
year - Provided to 32 prisoners a year
- Target group roughly 500 prisoners /
perpetrators of worst-case accidents, intoxicated
drivers etc. - Aim education, self-control and change of
attitudes leading to hazardous behaviour patterns - Expansion to 2 further prisons 32 prisoners a
year - training for 2 expert teams, supervision on
regular basis, support by experts, documentation,
19SOFT PROJECTS Enhancement of Education of Prison
Current System of Education of Prison Service
20SOFT PROJECTS Enhancement of Education of Prison
Improved System of Education of Prison Service
General training for specialists (8 weeks)
Training in practical skills (general)
Advanced Training (workplace related)
- Assessment methods
- used in Prison Service
- Crisis intervention
- Crime-oriented
- approach
- Treatment of
- mentally ill
- personality disordered
- drug addicted
- physically disabled
Thank you for your attention!
Contact Bc. Sarka Cerna scerna_at_grvs.justice.cz