Title: Human Losses in Bosnia and Herzegovina 91-95
1Human Losses in Bosnia and Herzegovina 91-95
Sponsored by
2 Killed and missing 91-95
3 Killed and missing 91-95
4Killed and missing by military status
5Killed and missing 91-95 by military status
6Killed and missing 91-95 by military status
7Killed and missing 91-95 by military status
8Killed and missing 1991
9Killed and missing 1991 by military status
10Killed and missing 1991 by military status
11Killed and missing 1992
12Killed and missing 1992 by military status
13Killed and missing 1992 by military status
14Killed and missing 1993
15Killed and missing 1993 by military status
16Killed and missing 1993 by military status
17Killed and missing 1994
18Killed and missing 1994 by military status
19Killed and missing 1994 by military status
20Killed and missing 1995
21Killed and missing 1995 by military status
22Killed and missing 1995 by military status
23Killed - missing
24Killed - missing
25Killed and missing soldiers by military formation
26Killed and missing soldiers by military formation
27Killed and missing by gender
28Killed and missing by gender
29Killed and missing by military status and gender
30 C i v i l i a n s - killed and missing (39.684)
by gender
31 S o l d i e r s - killed and missing (57.523) by
32Killed and missing by ethnicity
33Killed and missing by ethnicity
34Killed and missing by ethnicity and year
35Killed and missing by military status and
36C i v i l i a n s - killed and missing (39.684)
by ethnicity
37 S o l d i e r s - killed and missing (57.523) by
38Killed and missing by age structure
39Killed and missing by age structure
40Killed and missing by military status and age
41C i v i l i a n s - killed and missing (39.684)
by age structure
42S o l d i e r s - killed and missing (57.523) by
age structure
43Killed and missing by region of residence
44Killed and missing by region of residence
45Killed and missing by military status and region
of residence
46C i v i l i a n s - killed and missing (39.684)
by region of residence
47S o l d i e r s - killed and missing (57.523) by
region of residence
48Killed and missing by region of suffering
49Killed and missing by region of suffering
50Killed and missing by military status and region
of suffering
51C i v i l i a n s - killed and missing (39.684)
by region of suffering
52S o l d i e r s - killed and missing (57.523) by
region of suffering