Title: Tallinn University of Technology
1Tallinn University of Technology
- Founded as engineering college in 1918, TTU
acquired university status in 1936. - TTU has about 9000 students and 1209 employees,
offering engineering and economics diploma
studies, bachelor, master and doctorate degree
programmes. - Academic part of the university is organised into
- 8 faculties,
- 30 departments and 108 chairs,
- 7 centres and
- 9 affiliated institutions.
Raimund Ubar Computer Engineering Department
2Research Topics
- Computer science Decision Diagrams
- Test Pattern Generation
- Hierarchical Approaches
- Defect-Level Testing
- Simulation of Circuits and Systems
- Fault Simulation (SAF, functional faults, delays)
- Dynamic (multivalued) Simulation
- Built-In Self-Test
- Hybrid BIST
- Functional BIST
- Hardware accelerators for Fault Simulation
3European projects
- History (1992-2000)
- TEMPUS Digital Design based on PLDs (1992-95)
- EUROCHIP (1993 -1996) - EUROPRACTICE (1996 -)
- PECO EEMCN - East European Microelectronics
Cooperation Network (1993-96) - COPERNICUS FUTEG - Functional Test Generation
(1994-97) - ESPRIT ATSEC - Advanced Test Generation and
Testable Design Methodology (1994-96) - COPERNICUS SYTIC - System Design Training
(1996-98) - COPERNICUS VILAB - Microelectronics Virtual
Laboratory for Cooperation in Research
4Current European Projects
- FRAMEWORK V REASON - Research and Training
Action for System On Chip Design (2002-2004) - FRAMEWORK V eVikings II - Establishment of the
Virtual Centre of Excellence for IST RTD in
Estonia - SOCRATES 2 Thematic Network Project THEIERE
-Thematic Harmonisation in Electrical and
Information EngineeRing in Europe - SOCRATES 2 Thematic Network Project ECET -
European Computing Education and Training
(2002-2004) - EUROPRACTICE
5Our Partners
TTU cooperates with about 20-30 universities
USA Michigan U
East- and Middle-Europe
Costa Rica
6Hierarchical Test Generation Tool
7Turbo-Tester Tool Set
8Hybrid BIST for Multiple Cores
Embedded tester for testing multiple cores
9Optimized Multi-Core H-BIST
Pseudorandom test is carried out in parallel,
deterministic test - sequentially
10Applet for Learning RT L Test
- For learning problems of RT-level digital design
and test - Design of data path and control path
- Tradeoffs between speed HW cost
- RT-level simulation
- Fault simulation
- Test generation
- DFT and BIST
11Virtual Lab Tool integration
Cooperation with Fh-IIS, DTU, LIU, IISAS, WUT
12Proposal Ingredients of SoC test
- Functional test to test the system (WP1)
- BIST, embedded test for IP cores (WP3)
13Tallinn University of Technology
- WP1. High-level modeling and simulation
- Methods for automated generation of functional
test at the system-level for verification
purposes. - We have previous experience in
- High-level modeling and simulation
- High-level test pattern generation
- Design error identification at the logic level.
14Tallinn University of Technology
- WP3. Setting up a Virtual IP library
- Solutions for automated synthesis of the test
infrastructure to IPs. - Novel hybrid BIST strategies
- Functional BIST
- Web based e-learning tools for teaching IP test
standards like Boundary scan and P1500.
15Artec Design Group
- Artec Design Ltd. founded in 1998 is a successful
Estonian SME empoying more than 30 people. - In 2001, the company was selected to top ten in
the Central European Technology Fast list. - The field of the Artec company is designing
hardware, ASICs, embedded software and factory
information systems. - The company has been involved in a number of
national and European level research projects. -
16Artec Design Group
- VPNow an IP core for cryptographic network
processing. - It allows any system with PCI interface to
connect using the IPSec encryption standard. - Possible to send new, ipv6 internet protocol
packets via existing ipv4 networks and
vice-versa. - A network-ready, full-function compact 486
motherboard with an award-winning Single
Component Computer MachZ. -