Bacteriophages: basic characteristics, biology and diversity. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Bacteriophages: basic characteristics, biology and diversity.


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Bacteriophages: basic characteristics, biology and diversity.

Bacteriophages basic characteristics, biology
and diversity.
  • Dr Mike Dyall-Smith, lab 3.07

What are bacteriophages?
  • Viruses of bacteria - first discovered 1915,
    Frederick Twort and but largely researched by
    Felix DHerelle
  • Bacteriophages (or phage)
  • are small (lt 200 nm diam), acellular organisms
    that contain DNA or RNA genomes enclosed in a
    protein coat.
  • are inactive outside cells, but once they have
    infected a cell they direct the cell metabolism
    to assemble more virus particles.

Lambda and P1 specialised or site-specific
Refs Trun and Trempy, Fundamental Bacterial
Lewin, Genes VIII
  • Dr Mike Dyall-Smith, lab 3.07

Advantages of phages
  • Simple, small genome - easy to manipulate
  • Rapid and efficient infection of host cells
  • Rapid replication
  • Very high production rates and yields of virus
    from host cells
  • Can clone foreign DNA into viral DNA
  • Can use their genes and enzymes or the virus

Types of Infection
  • Lytic or Virulent - eg. T4. Virus has lysin gene
    and destroys the host cell to liberate newly made
    virus particles.
  • Temperate - eg. lambda, P1. Virus can maintain
    its genome in a stable state (prophage) in the
    host cell for an indefinite time, without lysing
    the host.
  • Chronic - eg. M13, fd. Once infected the host
    cell continually produces virus particles at high
    rates, slowing host cell growth and lowering

Temperate phage
  • Have a regulatory switch between lytic and
    temperate states
  • When existing as a prophage, they express
    repressor proteins to block expression of virus
    replication genes, and also express genes to
    protect the cell from superinfection by similar
    viruses (immunity genes)
  • Usually a small percentage of cells break out of
    the prophage state and go through the lytic cycle.

Temperate phage (eg. lambda)
From Prescott, Harley and Klein, 2005
49 kb
Phage lambda has linear, dsDNA has ss ,
complementary 3 overhangs
Once circularized, it can recombine with the host
chromosome, integrating into a specific site. The
virus genome is then almost completely inactive,
but is replicated along with the host cell
Lambda phage
From Prescott, Harley and Klein, 2005
Specialised recombinationor site-specific
  • recombination between specific sites that are not
    necessarily completely homologous
  • lambda phage integrates into the host chromosome
    by recombination at a specific (att) site
  • the lambda genome is excised from the E.coli
    chromosome by recombination between the ends of
    the prophage
  • lambda gene int codes for an integrase enzyme
    (Int recombinase) that catalyses integration

Specialised recombination
  • Extensive regions of homology are not required,
    and Rec enzymes are not involved.
  • Can occur between two DNA molecules (lambda
    integration), or within the same DNA molecule
    (lambda excision)
  • Very energy efficient, ATP is not required for
    site-specific recombination

Specialised recombination
Specialised recombination
E.coli chromosome
Specialised recombination
  • If the att site is deleted from the E. coli
    chromosome, integration is possible elsewhere,
    but the efficiency is far less (lt0.1) compared
    to the frequency of integration at att .
  • These secondary attachment sites, resemble the
    authentic att sequences.

Specialised recombination
attP phage attachment site
attB bacterial attachment site - located
between genes for galactose utilization and
biotin synthesis.
attP and attB are also called the POP and BOB
sites, and contain the same 15 nt core
Specialised recombination
  • Int recombinase catalyzes the cutting within a 7
    nt sequence TTTATAC of the core sequence
  • attB has two sites for Int recombinase
  • attP of lambda has five sites for Int
  • An E.coli factor, IHF (integration host factor)
    is also bound.

Specialised recombination
  • IHF bends the flanking sequences of attP core
    sequence to be closer to the core.
  • Three IHF binding sites are in attP. None are in
  • Once Int and IHF have bound, and the two sites
    (attP and attB) are close together, Int catalyzes
    four phosphodiester strand breakages.

Lambda integration
  • The right end of the attP core is joined to the
    left end of the attB core and vice versa
  • Int catalyses the joins

Lambda excision
  • The integrated lambda phage genome can be excised
    by a reversal of the same process.
  • The process is called excision
  • Requires Int, IHF and a second protein Xis

Site-Specific / specialised recombination
  • Integrase acts in a similar way to type I
    topoisomerases in that DNA strands are broken one
    at a time
  • However Int then joins the ends up cross-wise
    (whereas topoisomerases rejoin the same ends)
  • Basic principle is that one Int enzyme is
    required for each strand breakage (so four are
  • Int is a monomeric enzyme with an active site
    capable of cutting or ligating DNA

Site-Specific / specialised recombination
  • Two enzymes bound to each recombination site
  • At each site, only one enzyme cuts the DNA, and
    the 3 end is joined to a Tyrosine
  • The 5-OH attacks the tyrosine bound 3 end of an
    opposing molecule forming a Holliday junction

Site-Specific / specialised recombination
  • Resolution occurs when the other two enzyme
    molecules (not involved in the first round) act
    on the other pair of complementary strands
  • The result is a conservative strand exchange,
    with no deletions or insertions, and no use of

Lambda recombination
Host protein IHF is also required for both
integration and excision IHF is a 20 kDa
protein Not essential for E.coli Has the ability
to wrap DNA on a surface IHF and Int bind at
different sequences within the core sequence
Excision of lambda
When Int and IHF bind to attP, they generate a
complex in which all the binding sites are
brought together on the surface of a protein The
complex is called an INTASOME
When Int and IHF bind to attP, they generate a
complex in which all the binding sites are
brought together on the surface of a protein The
complex is called an INTASOME The current model
suggests that the attP intasome traps attB
  • The current model suggests that the attP intasome
    traps attB
  • The initial reaction is not based directly on att
    DNA homology but by Int binding to both att sites
  • The two att sites are then positioned on the
    intasome, in the correct orientation for

Excision requires Xis
  • In the integrated state, the two ends are called
    attL and attR.
  • The lambda gene product, Xis protein, is required
    for excision, as well as Int and IHF
  • Why would a specific phage factor be needed for

  • Lambda phage integration/excision requires host
    factor and two phage proteins (Int,Xis)
  • This means the system cannot easily used in other
    cells for example, to delete genes

  • Lambda phage integration/excision requires host
    factor and two phage proteins (Int,Xis)
  • This means the system cannot easily used in other

What if you had a way of integrating/excising DNA
that just needed one enzyme and a short DNA
Phage P1
Enterobacteriophage P1 94.8 kb linear, dsDNA
genome 87 x 216 nm Infects Shigella,
E.coli Temperate, forms a plasmid inside cell Has
a site-specific integrase, Cre. Why?
Dr Maria Schnos, Department of Molecular
Virology, Bock Laboratories, University of
Cre LoxP
  • Cre is a 38 kDa, recombinase encoded by P1 phage
  • In the P1 life cycle it causes cyclization of the
    linear genome and resolution of multimeric
    genomes produced during replication
  • Acts at specific sites (loxP) that are composed
    of near identical Cre binding sites (13 nt) in
    inverted orientation, with an 8 bp central
    cross-over region.
  • Simple system only need Cre and target sequence

Cre - lox recombination
Cre - lox recombination
Site-Specific recombination
Reaction intermediate (from crystal structure of
phage P1 integrase) showing the close proximity
of the recombinase enzymes and the DNA
ends. Strand exchange takes place in a central
cavity of the protein complex that contains the
central part of the cross-over region.
Site-Specific recombination
Phage P1 Cre-lox
Cre loxP
  • Cre-lox system will work on ANY DNA in both
    eukaryotic and prokaryotic cells.
  • If you can supply Cre to cell DNA containing lox
    sequences, then recombination will occur
  • Can set this up to show expression from
    eukaryotic promoters, eg. Tissue specific gene
  • For example, if put Cre gene under host promoter
    control, then give it a target of lox sites that,
    if excised will give a signal, then can tell in
    which tissues the promoter is active

Site-specific recombination
Know the process of site-specific (specialised)
recombination and be able to use the lambda and
P1 Cre-lox systems as examples Be able to
compare these to other DNA transactions that you
learn in this course. Find an example in the
journal literature where cre-lox system is used.
Lambda recombination
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