Title: Ubiquitous Presenter:
1Ubiquitous Presenter
Enabling Student Access and Control in a Digital
Lecturing Environment
Tamara Denning, Michael Kelly, David Lindquist,
Roshni Malani
William G. Griswold, Beth Simon
University of California, San Diego
Interested in trying out Ubiquitous Presenter?
Go to http//up.ucsd.edu
Ubiquitous Presenter (UP) is an outgrowth of
University of Washingtons Classroom Presenter
(CP), which uses Tablet PC ink to annotate
pre-prepared lecture slides. UP takes CPs
functionality onto the web, enabling
- Electronic submissions to in-class learning
activities via a laptop or cell phone - Text modalities
- Ink modalities using Java applet
- Multiple choice polling
Peer Review
- Lightweight in-class peer review allows
- Instructors to gauge how well students
understand concepts - Students to view other students solutions
- Students to indicate solutions for the
instructor to discuss - Students to group solutions as Similar and
Different - Students to comment on other solutions
Instructor view of rated submissions
Student rating view
Student view of rated submissions
2Question Percent Agree
Did the rating process cause you to reconsider your solution? 93
Did seeing others solutions and their ratings increase your confidence in your own ability? 60
Did you find it difficult to rate and classify other students solutions? 40
Did you find that it got easier to rate and classify solutions over the course of the lecture? 87
Did you enjoy previewing and rating other students solutions? 87
Did the rating and discussion process create apprehension about your solution of the instructor choosing to discuss it? 47
Cell Phones
Note Blogging
- Mobile Phones
- Are ubiquitous computing devices
- Have more capabilities than PRS clickers
- SMS is good for multiple-choice and short-answer
- Need for brevity hampers creative expression
- Cost to students is a practical concern
NoteTaker application view
Polling from cell phones
Web view of bloggers notes
- Students learn better when actively engaged
(active learning) than when listening passively - Idea Integrate note-taking into active learning
application, obviating need for separate notebook - Not everyone needs tablet PCs laptop users can
view bloggers' notes during and after lecture - Online blogger ink appears on top of instructor
ink, with drop shadow (instructor ink may also be
Text submission from a cell phone
Photo submission from a cell phone