Title: Lessons from Using NWEA
1Lessons from Using NWEAs Vertical Scales
- Phil Dommes
- North Thurston Public Schools
- June 2, 2006
2North Thurston Public Schools
- 1995 2005
- Customized reading and math tests
- Fall to Fall
3Characteristics of NWEA Tests
- Common item pool of pre-tested items
- Common, cross-grade measurement scales for all
items in a content area - Common test design
- Common psychometric properties
4NWEA Vertical Scales
- Grade level independent
- Equal interval
- 150-300
5Put Growth into Perspective
6(No Transcript)
7(No Transcript)
8Monitoring Growth in Student Achievement
Reading Achievement and Growth Reading Achievement and Growth Reading Achievement and Growth Reading Achievement and Growth Reading Achievement and Growth
Fall Spring Mean Growth Mean Growth Mean Growth
Grade Median Mean Median Mean Ending Grade Fall to Spring Fall to Fall Spring to Spring
2 179 177.7 188 186.6 2 14.9 n/a
3 191 188.7 200 197.9 3 10.5 11.9 14.1
4 200 198 206 204.6 4 7.4 7.6 10.7
5 207 205.2 213 210.8 5 6.3 7 8
6 212 210.5 217 215.3 6 5.3 5.3 6.1
7 216 214.4 221 219.1 7 4.3 4.3 5.3
8 220 218.3 225 223.2 8 4.2 4.3 4.6
9 223 221 226 224.2 9 2.9 3 3.8
10 225 223.1 231 229.2 10 2.6 3.3 3.6
9RIT Block Growth Norms
10(No Transcript)
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12Learning continuum sequence of skills
RIT ? Skill ? lt150 161-170 181-190 201-210 231-240 241-250
Whole Numbers Identify fact families with sums 0-18 in horizontal format - Subtract two numbers in vertical format. Subtract a 1-digit number from a 2-digit number with no regrouping - Solve simple addition word problems. Solve 1-step word problems involving division Divide a 3-digit or 4-digit number by a 1-digit number. Understand the concept of division using pictorial representation Divide a 2-digit by a 2-digit number with a remainder Divide multi-digit numbers using a calculator N/A
Fractions N/A N/A Read, shade write fractional parts of a group Add mixed numbers with like denominators with regrouping Multiply mixed numbers Divide a mixed number by a whole number or a fraction Divide a fraction, whole number, or mixed number by a mixed number Multiply a whole number by a fraction
Percents N/A N/A N/A Write a decimal or fraction as a percent Find the percent one number is of another N/A
13Dont Forget about Error of Measurement
14(No Transcript)
15 Test 2 (Obtained Score)
Test 1 (Obtained Score)
Most likely Students true score grew 8
points. Plausible
Score increased by 2 points
Score increased by 16
16Be cautious when interpreting subtest results
17 Test 2 (Obtained Score)
Test 1 (Obtained Score)
Most likely Students true score grew 8
points. Plausible
Student decreased by 4 points
Student increased by
20 points.
18Triangulate the Data
Local Assessment
20When 3 points of data tell the same story about
a student, we can comfortably make the
appropriate decisions.
21Data begins a discussion it doesnt end the