Title: The Berlin Crisis
1The Berlin Crisis
- How do the US Soviet Union fight their first
Cold War Battle?
2Trouble in Berlin
- At Yalta Conf. US, Britain, Soviets decide
Germany will be split into three zones at end of
the war US/GB will give France a 4th zone
- Capital city Berlin is also divided into four
occupation zones even though it is inside the
Soviet zone
- US, Britain, France will allow their 3 zones of
Germany to combine into W. Germany by Spring 1949
- US/GB will supply City of W. Berlin (in Soviet
- Truman tells West Germans not to pay Stalin
reparation money
Harry Truman
3The Berlin Blockade
- Says not paying reparations is a violation of
agreement made at Potsdam conference!
- Installs a puppet communist govt. in Soviet
zone creating the country of East Germany
Joseph Stalin
- Soviets/E. Germans block road access to West
Berlin, which is inside East Germany
- Soviets/E. Germans no agreement for road access
- Soviets hope US will just give up West Berlin
4Berlin Airlift
- US Britain claim they have a legal right to
supply West Berlin, will airlift supplies into
- 278K flights were made (June 26-May 11)
- 2.3 million tons of food and supplies were
- Stalin threatens military action, but ends
blockade in May of 1949
5- After Berlin Crisis each Superpower forms a
defensive alliance
- US forms NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization)
6A miniature city is used instruct how the airlift
will work and locations that will be used.
7 US Air traffic controllers directing the airlift
8Fueled by doughnuts, hamburgers and coffee, these
pilots at Rhein-Main flew four round trips per
9 The limited load capacity of the C-47 aircraft
necessitated that the much larger C-54s be added
to the airlift as quickly as possible. A single
C-54 was capable of carrying as much cargo as
four of its older cousins.
10 Fresh milk being loaded on a C-47.
Shipments of whole milk soon were dropped in
favor of more weight efficient condensed milk.
11- One of the first planes to bring in supplies.
Food had to be rationed as well. Two-thirds of a
pound per day for employed persons and one-half
pound for the unemployed.
12 A C-54 flies over a graveyard and perilously
close to some apartments buildings while making
its landing approach.
13 Remains of a Navy C-54 after a crash landing on
the night of November 15, 1948.
14Miniature parachutes carrying treats for the kids
can be seen dropping from a C-54 as it comes in
for a landing.
15 German children playing out their own Berlin
16Waiting for supplies. Notice the kids sitting on
rubble from WWII