Title: dddd
1Fluoropolymeres - Basis of our Products
- Material properties
- Resistance to chemicals
- Surface condition
- Purity (Leaching)
- Permeation
- Outstandig chemical stability
- Service temperatures up to 260C
- Extremely anti-adhesive, smooth surface
- Ultra-high purity
- Superior electrical insulator
- Hydro-phobic
4Fluoropolymeres - Material Properties
5Composition and Poperties of PTFE
- Perfluorinated plastic with melting point of 327
C, molecular weight approx. 108 g/mol - Complete protection of C-C-bonds by F-atoms
- Processable by pressing, sintering and chip
removing technics - Nearly universal resistance to chemicals
- Service temperature - 250 C to 250 C
- High purity, excellent dielectrical properties
- No embrittlement, no aging
6Composition and Poperties of modified PTFE
- Molecular weight is about 1/5 of the molecular
weight of PTFE - Contains the same perfluorinated modifier as PFA,
but less than 1 - Therefore TFM-PTFE closes the cap between
classical PTFE and PFA - Weldable by special technics, thanks to the
shift versus thermoplastic properties - Cold-flow, pore content and stretch-void-index
are improved
7Composition and Poperties of PFA
- Thermoplastic processable perfluorinated polymere
- Molecular weight approx. 1 of PTFE, therfore
processable by fusion - 4 to 10 modifier
- melting point 305 to 290C
- Highly modified ? highly amorph high
transparency, improved alternate bending and good
chemical resistance to stress crack - Chemical stability and service temperature
comparable with PTFE - Processing methods injection molding, extrusion,
transfer molding - Thermoplastic processing technics open up new
applications for this material with
8Fluoropolymeres - Material Properties
9Fluoropolymeres - Resistance to Chemicals
10Fluoropolymeres - Surface Condition
11Fluoropolymeres - Purity (Leaching of
Extraction time 2 daysMedium 2 HNO3
Temperature 20 CResult ng/cm2
12Fluoropolymeres - Purity (Leaching of PTFE-TFM)
- Conclusion
- Purity in accordance with specification for
PFA-HP - lower concentrations of Cr, Ni, Mo than in PFA-HP
- Conditions
- 2 mm plate material
- 2 HNO3, 49 HF 20 C, 7 days
- DI water 80C, 7 days
13Fluoropolymeres - Permeation
- Permeation of HCl-Gas at 100C
14Fluoropolymeres - Permeation
- Permeation of water vapour at 100C
15Your Benefit
- Hiogh competence through in house production
- Customized solutions possible
- PTFE and TFM-PTFE comparable with PFA
- Solid, longevity PTFE-TFM-products (inserts,
pressure vessels etc.)