Anatomy - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Title: Chapter 15 Subject: Anatomy & Physiology, 5e Author: Sandy Schnee Last modified by: Curtis Greene Created Date: 8/6/1999 5:54:51 PM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Anatomy

Chapter 15
  • Anatomy Physiology
  • Fifth Edition
  • Seeley/Stephens/Tate
  • (c) The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.

The Senses
  • Information gathered by the sensory receptors go
    up the afferent neurons and are processed at the
    cerebral cortex.
  • Sensory receptors work in response to the
    stimulation from the environment as well as the
    change observed within the body, where regulation
    by negative feed back is needed.
  • Each specific sensory receptor is designed to
    pick up corresponding stimuli, such as heat,
    pressure, light, sound, et and transmit to the
    primary sensory cortex of its own.
  • However, if the stimulus is applied to the
    receptor other than the form of its primary
    function, the receptor may still respond and give
    a signal to the sensory cortex. You will see a
    flash of light when your eye is hit.

  • Furthermore, if the input is given to a simple
    nerve ending, the neuron may pick up any stimuli
    without discrimination.
  • The sensory receptors are known to adapt to the
    level of input. Adopting to hot bath, noise,
    taste, smell, etc
  • On the contrary, the sensitivity of sensory
    receptors may be increased by the command from
    the higher order. For example, if you are
    commanded to listen carefully you do indeed
    listen carefully.

  • Classification the senses may be divided into 3
    major types, which use 5 different types of
    receptors. (Table 15.1)
  • Three types of senses are
  • Somatic sense response of the body to the
    environment, such as touch, pressure,
    temperature, proprioception and pain.
  • Visceral sense sensation within the body, such
    as pain pressure.
  • Special sense sensation felt by specialized
    organs, such as smell, taste, sight, sound and

  • In order to detect these stimuli, at least 5
    receptors have been identified.
  • Mechanoreceptors
  • Chemoreceptors
  • Photoreceptors
  • Thermoreceptors
  • Nociceptors
  • As has been mentioned, these receptors may
    respond to other stimuli than originally

  • A stimulus may excite a receptor and generate an
    action potential.
  • But to be recognized as stimulation, the action
    potential must travel through afferent neurons to
    the cerebral cortex to be sensed as a stimulus.
  • The action potential may travel to the parts of
    the brain such as the cerebellum and remain as
    unconscious information.
  • Adaptation or accommodation to stimuli may be
    processed by CNS.
  • Another modification to stimuli may be found in
    proprioceptors. There are two types of
    proprioceptors tonic and phasic.

  • Tonic receptors generate action potentials as
    long as stimuli are applied and accommodate
    (adapt) slowly, locate position of your body
  • Phasic receptors accommodate rapidly and sense
    only when there is a change moving body parts.

  • Types of Afferent nerve Endings somatic and
    visceral sensation may arise from at least 8
    types of sensory nerve endings (Table 15.2 and
    Fig. 15.1)
  • Free nerve endings distributed throughout all
    parts of the body and responsible for a number of
    sensations , such pain, temperature, itch and
  • Thermoreceptors are essentially free nerve
    endings scattered immediately beneath the skin,
    skeletal muscles, the liver, and the
  • There are several times more cold receptors than
    hot receptors and their structures are
  • The pathways of pain receptors and those of the
    thermoreceptors are about the same, ii.e. the
    reticular formation, the thalamus, the primary
    sensory cortex.
  • Thermoreceptors are sensitive to the temperature
    change and can quickly adapt.

  • Pain receptors pain receptors are found in the
    skin, joint capsules, periosteal of bone, the
    walls of blood vessels.
  • Found a little in deep tissues or visceral
  • Pains are transmitted with types of axons fast
    pain with myelinated axons and slow pain with
    non-mylinated axons.
  • Fast pain ca be localized and respond quick
    somatic reflexes or specific sensory cortexes.
  • Slow pain, such as caused by burning, identifies
    only general area of pain.
  • Pain from visceral organs are often confused with
    the surface pain coming from the same spinal
    nerves referred pain.
  • Thus, the cause of upper chest or left arm pain
    may be from the heart.
  • The awareness of pain may be reduced by
    inhibition of pain center in the thalamus,
    reticular formation, lower brain stem and spinal

  • Merkels (or tactile) disks flattened axonal
    ending associated with epithelial cells.
  • At the basal layers of the epidermis.
  • Touch, pressure, and vibration.
  • Fine touch and pressure receptors for exact
    location, shape, size, texture and movement.
  • Hair follicle receptor at the root of hair
    follicles and respond to the motion of hair.
  • Pacinis or Laminated Corpuscles single
    dendrite is found at the center of this laminated
  • Located in the dermis or hypodermis. (finger,
    breasts, external genitalia.)
  • Senses cutaneous pressure and vibration.
  • The corpuscles associated with the joints help
    relay proprioceptive information.

  • Meissners or Tactile Corpuscles in the dermal
  • Two point discrimination touch.
  • Different distribution densities leading to the
    different level of position resolution.
  • Ruffinis End Organs in the dermis of the skin
    of fingers.
  • Respond to pressure and stretch.
  • Golgi Tendon Organ proprioceptive nerve ending
    at the tendon.
  • Respond to stretch of the tendon.
  • The afferent signal from the Golgi organ inhibits
    the motor neuron of the associated muscle and
    makes it to relax. Thus, prevents damage to the
    muscle by excessive contraction.

  • Muscle Spindles relatively short 3-10 muscles
    fibers which are striated only on the ends of the
    fibers, ii.e only the ends can contract.
  • Sensory afferent neurons wrap around the
    non-striated central region. Efferent gamma motor
    neurons attach the striated ends.
  • When the muscle is stretched, stimulates the
    muscle spindle.
  • The afferent neuron synapses with the alpha motor
  • Muscle contracts stretch reflex.

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  • The structure of olfactory recess and bulb are
    shown in Fig. 15.3.
  • Olfactory receptors are found in the olfactory
    epithelium of olfactory organ together with the
    basal (these are stem cells) and supporting
  • Exception to the rule that neuronal cells do not
    replicate, the basal cells regenerate olfactory
    cells every two months.
  • The olfactory cells dendrites ends are embedded
    in the mucus layer excreted from olfactory glands
    and the axons extend into olfactory bulbs, where
    the cranial nerve N I are found.
  • The olfactory receptors are highly modified
    neurons and humans have about 10-20 millions per
    5cm², while a dog can have the receptor surface
    more than 72 times of this.
  • The average person can distinguish about 4,000
    different odors. Though it is not known how.

  • Seven primary classes of odors have been
  • Comphoraceous
  • Musky
  • Floral
  • Peppermint
  • Ethereal
  • Pungent
  • Putrid
  • The olfactory receptor cells are highly sensitive
    and respond to the dissolved chemicals in the
    mucus and change its permeability of the membrane
    leading to a formation of an action potential.
  • The information is often transmitted as the
    frequency of action potentials.
  • The axons from the olfactory bulbs directly reach
    the olfactory cortex, but effector neurons reach
    hypothalamus and the limbic system raising
    emotional behavioral responses. Smell good and
    smell bad. (adaptation, effect of perfume)

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  • Gustatory (taste) receptors are located within
    the taste buds, which are in turn protectively
    placed in the specialized papillae to avoid
    mechanical stress. There are four types of
    papillae circumvallate, fungiform, foliate, and
    filiform which have no taste buds.
  • At the ending of gustatory cell, microvilli are
  • The microvilli, responding to the chemical that
    causes depolarization to initiate the action
  • There are four primary taste sweet, salt, sour,
    and bitter.
  • Surprisingly, the chemical structures of
    artificial sweeteners are not the same as
  • Peppery and burning sensation are with the
    general sensory receptors.

  • The afferent nerves synapses in the medulla,
    again in the thalamus, and to the primary
    sensory cortex. Good taste and bad taste.
  • Perception of taste is extensively related to
    other senses.
  • Integration with the olfactory receptor is
    especially evident. For example, bad smell could
    ruin your appetite.

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Visual Physiology
  • How subjects are recognized? Scattering,
    absorption and reflection.
  • Projection to retina.
  • Visual recognition starts with recognition of
    light with photoreceptors, rods and cones.
  • In all the available instruments, human eyes are
    the most capable of working under a very wide
    intensity of light, ii.e. from the dim light
    under the moon to the bright daylight in the
    beach. Minimum light intensity to be recognized
    is about 40 photons.
  • Our eyes are also sensitive to visible wave
    length of the light ranging from red, orange,
    yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet.

  • Light (Fig. 15.16)
  • Visible light and UV/IR
  • color
  • Light refraction and reflection
  • Lens focused imaged
  • Reflection by the surface of an object
  • Inner structure of an eye (fig.15.13)
  • The Retina
  • Rods and Cones their names, rods and cones,
    come from the appearance of their outer segments

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  • Rods are very sensitive to the light. But do not
    distinguish colors. They are found more at the
    outer edge in the retina. In the outer segment of
    the rods there are light absorbing pigment called
  • Cones are less sensitive to light, but they
    distinguish color. Because there are at least
    three types of cones with specific colors of
    iodopsins red, green and blue cones, which will
    be decribed later.
  • Cones are concentrated near the opposite end of
    the lens, fovea, at a higher density to provide
    high resolution.
  • Failure for any these cones to develop ends in
    color blindness. The most common color blindness
    is missing of the red cones, thus the subject
    cannot distinguish red light from green light (
    red-green color blindness).
  • Color blindness is caused by recessive sex linked

  • Photoreceptor Function in the outer portion of
    each photoreceptor, many layers of membranous
    discs are packed within the membrane sack.
  • Photoreceptor pigments are located in these
  • When the photoreceptor is at rest, gated sodium
    channels are open in the outer segment causing
    depolarization at the synaptic end of the cell.
  • Thus, in the dark, the neurotransmitters are
    continuously released from the synaptic region of
    the photoreceptor leading to a high frequency of
    spiked signals
  • Activated rhodopsin closes the Na gated channel
    and the cell becomes hyperpolarized to stop
    sending the spiked signals.
  • When the receptor is stimulated with light, the
    Na channels are closed and the rate of release
    of synaptic vesicles decreases, thus the cell
    becomes hyperpolarized.

  • Visual Pigments
  • a visual pigment, rhodopsin, consists of enzymes
    opsin and retinal from Vitamin A.
  • Retinal, with a slight modification, is the same
    for both rods and cones.
  • Three slightly different opsins bind with retinal
    to form three iodopsins found in cones. Red,
    green and blue.
  • Recognition of Light
  • There are two forms of retinal cis (bent) and
    trans (stretched) forms.
  • In the dark, the retinal takes the cis form and
    the rhodopsin is inactivated.
  • This keeps open the gated Na channels of the
    outer segment of the cell and keeps the cell

  • The cell continues to send spiked signals.
  • When the cell is illuminated, the retinal becomes
    isomerized to the trans-retinal and activated
  • activated rhodopsin closes the Na channels and
    the cell becomes hyperpolarized to stop sending
    the spiked signals.
  • These biochemical processes create an optical
    image on the retinal surface and the image will
    be transmitted through the optic nerves to the
    cerebral cortex.
  • Shortly after the photo excitation, the
    trans-retinal will dissociate from the rhodopsin
    (bleaching). The opsin will be recycled and the
    trans-retinal will be put back to cis-retinal
    using the other enzymes and ATP.
  • Dark adaptation
  • Fading image in the retina.

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  • Visual Pathway recall the anatomy of retina
  • There is a significant complexity of neuronal
    pathways at the level of the retina.
  • Eventually, the ganglionic cells extend their
    axons together as optic nerves, cross over 50 of
    them at the optic chiasm, and reach lateral
    geniculate nuclei at the thalamus before finally
    arriving at large area of visual cortex. (Fig.
  • Visual information is spread over the wide areas
    of the cerebral cortex via lateral geniculate
    laterals from the optic tracts.
  • Visual inputs to the pineal gland establish a
    daily pattern of activity, thus circadian rhythm.

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  • Equilibrium and hearing (review)
  • Anatomy of the Ear in the lab
  • Auditory Function
  • Sound is generated by vibrating matter such as
    drums, tables etc
  • It travels through matter such as air,
    water,wood, metals etc, but does not travel
    through a vacuum.
  • It has pitch and volume.
  • Humans can hear within a certain range of pitch
    (20 20,000 cps) of louder than 0db, but less
    than 125 db with pain.
  • While other animals have different hearing
    ranges. Example a dog whistle can be heard by
    dogs, but not by humans.

  • Sound traveled through the air is
  • Collected by external ear and reaches tympanic
    membrane (15.23)
  • The vibration of tympanic membrane is transmitted
    to auditory ossicles (three tiny bones) in the
    middle ear consisting of malleus, incus and
    staples, while tensor tympani and stapedius
    muscles provide sound attenuation reflex to
    protect the structure. (15.30)
  • The vibrating foot of staples transmits the sound
    to oval window. When overall window is pushed,
    the perilymph will be pushed through the scala
    vestibuli and scala tympani, while basilar
    membrane is pushed down. These events will end up
    pushing out the round window.

  • The vibration frequency of the perilymph will be
    enhanced at a specific resonating region along
    the basilar membrane the higher frequencies are
    closer to the oval window and the lower
    frequencies are at the further end of the
  • The position oriented movement of basilar
    membrane moves hair cells causing them to rub
    against the tectorial membrane. (15.26)
  • Hair cells attached to the basilar membrane are
    exposed to endolymph. There is about a 80 mV
    difference between endolymph and perilymph across
    the vestitublar membrane ( endocochlear
    potential). The difference in potential may be
    the cause of the forming action potential on the
    hair cells.
  • A large number of cochlear nerves are attached to
    the entire length of the cochlea hair cells to
    detect sounds of different frequencies.
  • Neuronal Pathways for Hearing are shown in Fig.
    15.32. Both hearing and balance senses are
    transmitted by the vestibulochlear (VIII) nerve
    to cochlear nucleus and eventually reach the
    auditory cortex

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  • Balance
  • The organs of balance consist of two major parts
  • Static labyrinth consisting of the utricle and
    saccule. Defines the position of the head
    relative to gravity.
  • In the utricle and saccule, there are two oval
    shaped maculae with receptor cells.
  • These receptor cells support gelatinous matter on
    which is composed of high density mineral
    crystals of otolith.
  • Any motion against otolith is felt with the
    receptors as motion against the gravity or linear

  • Kinetic labyrinth consisting of three
    semicircular canals. Defines the movements of the
    head. (15.35). The three semicircular ducts
    anterior, posterior and lateral create three
    dimension perception towards movement of the body
  • The root of each duct, ampulla, a cupula with
    receptor where receptor hair cells are found.
  • The motion of gelatinous liquid in the
    semicircular ducts is felt by theses receptors
    cells to provide rotational sensation

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The End.
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