Taxonomic Levels - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Taxonomic Levels


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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Taxonomic Levels

Taxonomic Levels And Rubrics
Desired Outcomes
  • An awareness of taxonomic levels and its purpose
  • An awareness of the relationship of HCPS III
    benchmarks and taxonomic levels
  • An opportunity to match benchmarks and tasks to
    the taxonomic levels
  • An awareness of various types of performance
    assessment rubrics

  • Why do I need to know the taxonomic levels?
  • Aligning our instruction and assessment to the

  • Alignment congruence or match between
    curriculum, instruction and assessment

How Well
Research on Aligning
  • curriculum with standards and assessment shows a
    strong relationship to student achievement.
  • (Prince-Baugh, 1997 Mitchell, 1998 Wishnick,

Standards Implementation Process Model
Student involvement throughout the process.
Teacher collaboration throughout the process.
Identify relevant content standards
Determine acceptable evidence and criteria
Determine learning experiences that will enable
students to learn what they need to know and to do
Teach and collect evidence of student learning
Assess student work to inform instruction or use
data to provide feedback
Evaluate student work and make judgment on
learning results and communicate findings
Reteach, or repeat the process with the next set
of relevant standards
Adapted from WestEds Learning from Assessment
All targets, curriculum, instruction, activities
and assessments involve some level of thinking.
  • Definition the science or technique of

Cognition Type
  • or cognitive demand - generally refers to a
    taxonomy and reflects a classification of
    thinking rather than a sequential hierarchy.
  • (understanding prior to application and
  • Cognitive demand is determined by analyzing the
    context of the lesson.
  • (What support is provided and what are the
    students being asked to do?)

Adapt or adopt a systematic method for assigning
performance expectations. McREL
  • Taxonomy of objectives a system for identifying
    distinct levels of difficulty.
  • Blooms
  • Guilfords
  • Three-Story Intellect
  • Marzanos

Marzanos Taxonomic Levels
  • Level 1 Retrieval - recall, execution
  • Level 2 Comprehension - integrating,
    representation, symbolizing
  • Level 3 Analysis - matching, classifying, error
    analysis, generalizing, specifying
  • Level 4 Utilization - decision making, problem
    solving,experimental inquiry, investigation

Not used with performance standards, but part of
  • Level 5 Metacognitive System - goal setting,
    process monitoring, monitoring clarity,
    monitoring accuracy
  • Level 6 Self System - examining importance,
    examining efficacy, examining emotional response,
    examining motivation.
  • Adapted from Marzano (2001). Designing A New
    Taxonomy of Educational Objectives.

The Three Systems and Knowledge
New Task
  • Self-System
  • Decides to engage

Continue current behavior
  • Metacognitive System
  • Sets goals and strategies
  • Cognitive System
  • Processes relevant information

Marzanos Taxonomic Levels (Cognitive System)
Level IV Level III Level II Level I
Knowledge Utilization Analysis Comprehension Knowledge Retrieval
Use ___ to determine ___ Judge the validity of ___ Use___ to solve Generate/Test hypotheses Analyze using evidence Investigate Compare/ contrast Differentiate Categorize Find what is common among Categorize Determine reasonableness of information Predict Determine what comes next/later Describe and explain Explain the concept Demonstrate and explain Diagram Illustrate/ describe how ___ is related to ___ Represent Recognize Select from a list Recall Give/Provide examples List Name Read Perform mathematical operation (by following a set algorithm)
(No Transcript)
Standards Implementation Process Model
Evaluate Student Work and Make Judgment on
Learning Results and Communicate Findings
Assess Student Work to Inform Instruction or
Use Data to Provide Feedback
Teach and Collect Evidence of Student
Congruence of Content, Context Cognitive Demand
Determine Learning Experiences that will
Enable Students to Learn what they need to
Know Do

Determine Acceptable Evidence and Criteria

Identify Relevant Standards
Lets Identify Taxonomic Levels
  • Retrieve (Marzano)
  • Recognize, Recall, Execute
  • Comprehension
  • Integrate, Symbolize
  • Analysis
  • Match, Classify, Analyze, Generalize, Specify
  • Knowledge Utilization
  • Decision Making, Problem Solving, Inquire
    Experimentally, Investigate

Topic Cells, Tissues, Organs, and Organ Systems
Benchmark BS.4.1 Describe different cell parts and their functions.
Level 1 - Knowledge Retrieval
Topic The Universe
Benchmark ES.8.10 Compare different theories concerning the formation of the universe.
Level 3 - Analysis
Drill and Practice
  • Work with your table group
  • Read each card
  • Group by taxonomic level

Level of thinking helps determine the appropriate
assessment method
Analyze plot, setting, characterization, or
conflict to interpret theme in a literary text.
  • Describe the setting of the story.
  • Explain how the author uses his characters to
    convey a message.
  • Compare the plot of this story to the plot of the
    previous story.
  • Chooses a literary element (e.g., conflict).
    Describes how the author treats this element in
    the story. Assess how this element relates to the

Knowing a taxonomy also helps in
  • scaffolding instruction.

Three Tiers of Skill and Assessment Work
Thanks to Heidi Hayes Jacobs
  • Drill Practice
  • Rehearsal Scrimmage
  • Authentic Performance

The level of thinking in the benchmark is the
level of thinking required to meet
Balanced Assessment Model
Performance Assessment is
  • an assessment (product or performance) based on
    observation and judgment about its quality.
  • the activities, problems, projects, and
    assignments students are asked to perform.
  • anything from a special task at the end of
    instruction as in a culminating event, or
    naturally occurring events during regular

The Importance of Criteria
  • Teachers frequently ask the wrong question
    first What do we do? - putting the focus
    immediately on designing tasks - when they need
    to ask, What do we want kids to know and be able
    to do? How well? What does quality look like?
    We need to ask these questions very clearly
  • Mike Hibbard, Education Update, 38(4). p.5, ASCD,
    June, 1996.

To Know Criteria Requires ...
  • Being exposed to the criteria from the beginning
    of instruction.
  • Having terms defined. (lots of details)
  • Samples of strong and weak performances.
  • Practice with feedback using the vocabulary of
    the criteria.
  • Focused revision of work.
  • Practice articulating the vocabulary for quality
    and applying it to many situations.
  • Instruction consciously focused on subparts of
    the criteria.
  • Judy Arter, ATI

What is a Rubric?
  • A scoring guide designed to provide constructive
    feedback to students
  • Designed to show how important elements of a task
    would look in a progression from less well
    developed to exceptional along a continuum
    (Tomlinson, 2003).
  • A Latin word that means red.

A Rubric
Dimensions (essential qualities) Continuum
(Scale) Descriptors of points on the scale
Work samples illustrating those points.
Holistic Rubrics
  • Holistic rubrics have one performance expectation
    description at each numerical level on the
  • The product or performance is evaluated as a
    whole, and given a single score.
  • Used to obtain the overall impression of the
    quality of a performance or product. (Wiggins
    and McTighe, 1999)

Holistic Rubrics
  • Quicker to write and to use.
  • Summative because they evaluate work at the end
    of the process.
  • Fails to communicate to students, especially low
    performing students, what their shortcomings are

Holistic Rubric Example Fiction Writing Content
  • 5 The plot, setting, and characters are
    developed fully and organized well. The who,
    what, where, when, and why are explained using
    interesting language and sufficient detail.
  • 4 Most parts of the story mentioned in a score
    of 5 above are developed and organized well. A
    couple of aspects may need to be more fully or
    more interestingly developed.
  • 3 Some aspects of the story are developed and
    organized well, but not as much detail or
    organization is expressed as in a score of 4.
  • 2 A few parts of the story are developed
    somewhat. Organization and language usage need
  • 1 Parts of the story are addressed without
    attention to detail or organization.

Analytical Rubrics
  • Use multiple descriptors for each criterion
  • Type of task analysis where teachers award
    points on a criterion-by-criterion basis.
  • Described as teaching rubrics because their
    design helps students improve their own

Analytic Rubric Example Fiction Writing Content
Criteria 4 3 2 1
PLOT "What" and "Why" Both plot parts are fully developed. One of the plot parts is fully developed and the less developed part is at least addressed. Both plot parts are addressed but not fully developed. Neither plot parts are fully developed.
SETTING "When" and "Where" Both setting parts are fully developed. One of the setting parts is fully developed and the less developed part is at least addressed. Both setting parts of the story are addressed but not fully developed. Neither setting parts are developed.
CHARACTERS "Who" described by behavior, appearance, personality, and character traits The main characters are fully developed with much descriptive detail. The reader has a vivid image of the characters. The main characters are developed with some descriptive detail. The reader has a vague idea of the characters. The main characters are identified by name only None of the characters are developed or named.
Holistic or Analytical Trait
  • Holistic
  • Use
  • Quick snapshot of overall status
  • When speed of scoring is important
  • Simple products or performances
  • Disadvantages
  • 2 students can get same score for different
  • Cant identify strengths weaknesses
  • Not useful for students
  • Analytical
  • Use
  • Planning instruction - show relative strengths
  • Details to teach student quality
  • Detailed feedback
  • Precision more important that speed
  • Disadvantages
  • Scoring is slower
  • Takes longer to learn

Descriptive Terms for Differences in Degree
  • Degrees of Understanding
  • Degrees of Frequency
  • Degrees of Effectiveness
  • Degrees of Independence
  • Degrees of Accuracy
  • Degrees of Clarity

Descriptive Terms for Differences in Degrees
Understanding Frequency Accuracy Clarity
thorough/ complete consistently completely accurate exceptionally clear
substantial generally generally accurate generally clear
partial/ incomplete sometimes inaccurate lacks clarity
misunder-standing rarely major inaccuracies unclear
Options for Selecting Rubrics
  • Create your own - build from scratch
  • Adopt - use an existing rubric
  • Adapt - Modify or combine existing rubrics
  • Reword parts
  • Drop or change one or more scales
  • Omit irrelevant criteria
  • Mix and Match rubrics
  • Change a holistic rubric into an analytic rubric
  • Modify for different grade levels

Guidelines for Rubrics
  • Rubrics are effective when teachers utilize the
    following criteria
  • Use specific numbers like 2 or 3 or more
    rather than vague words like some, many, or
  • Use specific descriptors, rather than general
    descriptors like good or excellent.
  • Use the vocabulary of the standards and
  • State clear expectations for work so that all
    teachers, students, and parents know the criteria
    for quality and the requirements for earning a
  • Burke, 2006

  • Anderson, L.,Krathwohl, D. et al. (2001). A
    Taxonomy for Learning, Teaching and Assessing.
    New York Longman.
  • Curriculum AssociatesAssessing Levels of
  • Lewin, L. Shoemaker, B.J. (1998). Great
    Performances. Virginia ASCD.
  • Marzano, R.J. (2001). Designing a New Taxonomy
    of Educational Objectives. Thousand Oaks Corwin
  • Popham, W. J. (2002). Classroom Assessment.
    Boston Allyn Bacon.
  • Stiggins, R.J. et al. (2004). Classroom
    Assessment for Student Learning. Portland ATI.
  • Wahlstrom, D. (2002). Designing Using High-
    Quality Paper-and-Pencil Tests. Virginia
  • http//
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