Title: FP6 NoE: Multi-Material Micro Manufacture: Technologies and Applications (4M)
1FP6 NoE Multi-Material Micro Manufacture
Technologies and Applications (4M)
General Overview
24M Partnership
20 decembrie 2004
34M Scope Establishment of Capabilities for 4M
- Capabilities for Multi-Material Micro
Manufacture - Miniaturisation
- Serial Production
- Rapid Prototyping
- Future Product Platforms
44M Design for Manufacture Approach
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5The Interdependencies and the Logical Links
between Workpackages
WP 1 Network Management
WP 2 Divisional Operational Structure
WP 3 Cross-Divisional Activities
(Horizontal Vertical Integration)
WP 12 Spreading of Excellence
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8- IMT expertise and involvement in 4M
- Ceramics processing
- micro-fluidics micro-manufacture platforms for
high pressure high temperature applications
micro-fluidic manufacturing operations
compatible tooling and machining processes - micro-optics manufacturing of micro-moulds
with free form surfaces in different kind of
materials assembly and testing of micro-optical
systems - micro-sensors and actuators simulation and
design (COVENTOR), micromachining, thin layers
deposition, photolithography, masks fabrication,
SEM, AFM, electrical characterization, packaging - micro-components produced in different materials
including IC-compatible ones
20 decembrie 2004
9Simulation (Coventor) of a differential pressure
sensor (deflection at 0,1 atm)
Microprobe for recording of cells and tissues
electrical activity
Clean Room of IMT
CHEMFET Sensor for pH, K, Na, Mg 2, Ca2
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10Laboratory of Microsystems for Biomedical and
Environmental Applications
Calorimetric sensor detects the heat that is a
result of a burning reaction. The reaction takes
place inside the ceramic pellet impregnated with
the catalyst (heated at 300-500oC) and involves
oxygen and a flammable gas. The resulting heat is
detected as an imbalance of the bridge in which
the sensor is connected
Z-axis Displacement at 10.5 Volts (also showing
Thermal distribution at 10.5 Volts
20 decembrie 2004
11Laboratory of Microsystems for Biomedical and
Environmental Applications
NEXT PROJECT Micromachined Gas sensor on
ceramics substrate
Design aspects The gas sensor was designed to
have an uniform temperature distribution. The
rounded shape of the heating resistor gives an
uniform temperature distribution, with the
maximum temperature in the center of the circle.
Temperature distribution for the heater at 8V
Full layout
20 decembrie 2004
12 4M workshop in ROMANIA, October 6,
2005 , Sinaia
20 decembrie 2004