Title: Honors English III: Today
1Honors English III Todays Class
- Reflection on The Glass Menagerie Essay
- Introduction Our Town by Thornton Wilder and
essay assignment - Review Notes How to Analyze Literature
- View Our Town, pt. 1 take notes for in-class
essay. - Notes will be collected at the end of class
2How did you do?
- Take a look at the AP Essay scoring rubric.
- Read back over your essay from last week.
- For a class work grade, analyze your essay based
on these rubric guidelines, and explain what
score your essay should have received, and why. - This weeks essay will be scored based on this
rubric for a quiz grade. - If you did not turn one in, write a response
explaining why you did not turn one in. - If you turned in a homework pass, share someones
essay sitting near you.
3Our Town by Thornton Wilder
4Our Town by Thornton Wilder
5Our Town by Thornton Wilder
6Our Town by Thornton Wilder
7Our Town by Thornton Wilder
8Our Town by Thornton Wilder
9Our Town by Thornton Wilder
10Our Town by Thornton Wilder (1938)
- At any given time on any given day, this play is
being performed somewhere around the world. - No scenery or props except for tables, chairs,
ladders - Purpose concentrate on characters, themes, and
11Our Town by Thornton Wilder
- Stage Manager- narrator and character
- Setting Grovers Corners, NH in 1901
- Titles of Acts
- Daily Life
- Love and Marriage
- Death
12Our Town by Thornton Wilder
- Themes
- People should appreciate life while they are
living it. - Carpe Diem (seize the day).
- Little things in life are really big things.
- No town can isolate itself from the rest of the
world. - No community is perfect, not even idyllic
Grovers Corners.
13The Playwright Thornton Wilder
- 1897-1975
- Lost a twin brother at birth
- Army brat-lived in China for a while
- Wrote his entire life
- Globally acclaimed for his plays
- Works are still famous to this day
14Your Assignment Choose One
- 1997. Novels and plays often include scenes of
weddings, funerals, parties, and other social
occasions. Such scenes may reveal the values of
the characters and the society in which they
live. Select a novel or play that includes such a
scene and, in a focused essay, discuss the
contribution the scene makes to the meaning of
the work as a whole. You may choose a work from
the list below or another novel or play of
literary merit - 2004, Form B. The most important themes in
literature are sometimes developed in scenes in
which a death or deaths take place. Choose a
novel or play and write a well-organized essay in
which you show how a specific death scene helps
to illuminate the meaning of the work as a
whole. Avoid mere plot summary