Title: Effect of Intrusion Detection on Reliability
1Effect of Intrusion Detection on Reliability
of Mission-Oriented Mobile Group Systems
in Mobile Ad Hoc Networks
- Jin-Hee Cho, Member, IEEE, Ing-Ray Chen, Member,
MARCH 2010
Reporter Clarence Bingsheng Wang
- Introduction Background
- System Model
- Performance Model
- Parameterization
- Numerical Results Analysis
- Applicability Conclusion
- Reference
- Q A
- Analyzing the effect of intrusion detection
system (IDS) techniques on the reliability of a
mission-oriented group communication in mobile ad
hoc networks. - Knowing design conditions for employing intrusion
detection system (IDS) techniques that can
enhance the reliability, and thus prolong the
lifetime of GCS.
- Identify the optimal rate at which IDS should be
executed to maximize the system lifetime. - Consider the effect of security threats, and
Intrusion Detection Systems (IDSs) techniques on
system lifetime of a mission-oriented Group
Communication System (GCS) in Mobile Ad Hoc
Networks (MANETs).
- Mobile ad hoc networks (MANETs)
- Move Independently Rapid Change in Topology
- Forward Traffic
- Group Communication Systems.
- Group Directly Communicate
- Group Partition
- Group Merge
- Security Protocol in MANETs
- Characteristics
- Actions Against Malicious Attacks
- Prevention Security holes
- Detection Mission-Oriented GCSs
- Recovery
- Optimal setting for IDS techniques
- Maximize the security-induced failure time
security-induced failure time
- MMTSF Mean time to security failure
- Reflect the expected system lifetime
8System Model
- Connectivity-Oriented Mobile Group
- Defined based on Connectivity
- Single Hop All members are connected
- Multi Hops Separation between groups
9System Model
- Mission-Oriented GCSs
- Mission execution is an application-level goal
built on top of connectivity-oriented group
10System Model
- Secure Group Communications Broadcast
- Group Key
- Encrypt the message for Confidentiality
- Rekey Group member Join/Leave/Eviction, Group
Partition/Merge - Contributory key agreement protocol GDH
11- Group Members Authenticity
- Public/Private key pair
- Challenge/Response mechanism
- Assumption The public keys of all group members
preloaded into every node. No certificate
authority (CA) in the MANET during mission period - A nodes public key servers as the identifier of
the node
12System Model-IDSs
Detection Situation Detection Situation
Bad Nodes Good Nodes
Actual Situation Bad Nodes a(TP) b(FN)
Actual Situation Good Nodes c(FP) d(TN)
13System Model-IDSs
14System Model-IDSs
- (a) The per-node false negative, and positive
probabilities ( ??1, and ??2) - (b) The number of vote-participants, ??
- (c) The estimate of the current number of
compromised nodes which may collude with the
objective to disrupt the service of the system.
15System Model-IDSs
- Intrusion tolerance
- For the selection of participants, each node
periodically exchanges its routing information,
location, and identifier with its neighboring
nodes - Candidates all neighbor nodes of a target node
- A coordinator is selected randomly so that the
adversaries will not have specific targets
16System Model-IDSs
17System Model-IDSs
- Intrusion tolerance
- Any node not following the protocol raises a flag
as a potentially compromised node, and may get
itself evicted when it is being evaluated as a
target node. - The vote-participants are known to other nodes,
and based on votes received, they can determine
whether or not a target node is to be evicted.
18System Model
- Failure Definition
- Definition 1 The failure of any group leads to
GCSs failure. (SF1) - Definition 2 The failures of all groups lead to
GCSs failure. (SF2) - Condition 1 a compromised but undetected group
member requests and subsequently obtains data
using the group key. (C1) - Condition 2 more than 1/3 of group member nodes
are compromised, but undetected by IDS (Byzantine
Failure model) (C2)
19System Model
- Network Connectivity, System Failure
- Group nodes are connected within a single hop,
forming a single group in the system without
experiencing group merge or partition events - Only a single group in the system, SF1 and SF2
(i.e., the two system failure definitions) are
the same. - Group nodes are connected through multi-hops so
that there are multiple groups in the system due
to group partition/merge events because of node
mobility or node failure.
20System Model
- Reliability Metric MTTSF
- Indicates the lifetime of the GCSs before it
fails. - A GCS fails when one mobile group fails, or when
all mobile groups fail in the mission-oriented
GCS, as defined by SF1 or SF2. - A mobile group fails when either C1 or C2 is
true. - A lower MTTSF Implies a faster loss of system
integrity, or availability. - The goal is to maximize MTTSF.
21Performance Model
- Use places to deposit tokens.
- Use transitions to model events.
- Tracks the behavior of a single mobile group
- Tracks the number of mobile groups existing in
the GCSs during the system lifetime - A transition is eligible to fire when the firing
conditions associated with the event are met,
including (a) its input places each must contain
at least one token, and (b) the associated
enabling guard function, if it exists, must
return true
22Performance Model
23Performance Model
24Performance Model
25Performance Model
26Performance Model
27Performance Model
28Performance Model
29Performance Model
Incorrect factor
36 False Alarm
Good nodes-gt Bad nodes
37 SF1
Node Density
38 Data Leak
Good nodes-gt Bad nodes
39 SF1
Node Density
40 Compromised Rate
41 SF1
Node Density
42Applicability Conclusion
Attacker Behavior
System Failure definitions
Operational Conditions
mathematic model
Optimal Intrusion Detection interval T_IDS
43Applicability Conclusion
Node Density
Node Density
Optimal intrusion detection interval T_IDS for
maximizing the MTTSF decreases
- Jin-Hee Cho, Ing-Ray Chen, Phu-Gui Feng,
Effect of Intrusion Detection on Reliability of
Mission-Oriented Mobile Group Systems in Mobile
RELIABILITY, pp. 231 241, VOL. 59, NO. 1, MARCH
2010. - Jin-Hee Cho, Design and Analysis of QoS-Aware
Key Management and Intrusion Detection Protocols
for Secure Mobile Group Communications in
Wireless Networks, PhD. Dissertation, Nov. 12,
2008. - http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Challenge-response_au
thentication - http//en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public-key_cryptograp
45(No Transcript)