Title: Bell Work: 2/11/15
1Bell Work 2/11/15
Work out the Punnett square JUSTIFY YOUR
2Word Wall
- Offspring- the young of an animal or plant
- Classify methods of reproduction as sexual or
asexual. (SPI 0707.4.1) - 64. Asexual vs. Sexual Reproduction
4Determining the Sex or Gender of Offspring
- Sex chromosomes carry genes that determine the
sex or gender of offspring. - In humans, females have two X chromosomes and
males have one X and one Y chromosome. - During meiosis, one of each of the chromosome
pairs ends up in a sex cell.
- Baby boy XY
- Baby girl XX
- Set up a Punnett square to figure out the
probability of the gender of the offspring.
5Sex Chromosome Probability
6Sex ChromosomeChromosome 23 (XX or XY)
7Living Things Reproduce
- 2 Types of Reproduction
- Asexual- a single parent produces an offspring
identical to the parent - Sexual- two parents produce an offspring with
traits of both parents
8Challenge Questions
- When animals go through sexual reproduction, what
type of cell division are they going through? - meiosis
- When animals go through asexual reproduction,
what type of cell division are they going
through? - mitosis
9Types of Asexual Reproduction In Animals
- Budding happens when a part of the parent
organism pinches off and forms a new organism. - The new organism separates from the parent and
lives independently. - Jellyfish hydra
10Types of Asexual Reproduction In Animals
- Fragmentation parts of the organism break off
(which may or may not be intentional) and a new
organism grows identical to the parent. - Worms starfish
11Types of Asexual Reproduction In Animals
- Regeneration organism loses a body part and that
part may develop into a new organism, or that
part that was lost may re-develop on the
organism. - Sea star
12Asexual Reproduction in Other Organisms
- Binary fission is a method of asexual
reproduction in which an organism splits into
two. - This occurs in bacteria and other single-celled
13Asexual Reproduction in Plants
- Some plants can reproduce asexually when they are
cut or damaged. These plants can sprout new
growth from their roots, stems, and leaves. - In wild strawberry plants, stems are capable of
arching downward and taking root in the ground,
resulting in the formation of a new plant. This
is an example of asexual reproduction.
14(No Transcript)
1565. Sexual vs. Asexual Lab Stations
- Number a loose-leaf sheet of notebook paper (in
the numbered folder at your group) 1-16, skipping
two lines in between each number. - At each station there are two scenarios
(real-world examples) of either sexual or asexual
reproduction. - You and your group will have 2 minutes at each
station to do the following - Classify each method of reproduction in the
scenario as sexual or asexual reproduction. - Justify your answer.
- The scenarios at Station 8 (lab table 8) will be
for extra credit, but it is mandatory that you
try them! - We will discuss the scenarios first thing
tomorrow. - When you are finished, you will complete an exit
ticket comparing and contrasting sexual vs.
asexual reproduction.
16- Which of these is a characteristic of sexual
reproduction? - A formation of eggs and sperm
- B formation of runners
- C growth of a new organism from a bud
- D production of offspring that are exactly
like a parent
17- The diagrams represent the way that three
different organisms reproduce. - Which of these classifies the reproductive method
of all the organisms shown above? - A segmentation B budding C asexual
reproduction D sexual reproduction
18- Which of the following is NOT a defining
characteristic of asexual reproduction - A involves one parent organismB offspring are
identicalC offspring are the product of a sperm
and egg D involves the process of budding,
binary fission, or regeneration
19Exit TicketCompare Contrast Sexual vs.
Asexual Reproduction using a Venn diagram.
Sexual Reproduction
Asexual Reproduction