Title: Abraham Maslow (1908-1970) Hierarchy of Needs
1Abraham Maslow (1908-1970)Hierarchy of Needs
2What are 5 things you cant live without?
3Reaching Potential
Self Actualization- Striving to become the best
you can be
Need to be appreciated and valued by family,
friends, and peers
Feeling Recognized
Need to be loved
Protection from harm
Basic Needs- Food , water, sleep, shelter
4Read pages 170-171, 175-177
- Write each question and answer
- What are five characteristics of good mental
health? - List 5 signs of good mental/emotional health.
- What does self actualization mean?
- List the 4 components included in your
personality - What are the two main influences on your
55 characteristics of good mental health
- Positive self-esteem
- Sense of belonging
- Sense of purpose
- Positive outlook
- Autonomy
6Sign of good emotional health
- Realistic about strengths and weaknesses
- Responsible for personal behavior
- Avoid high risk behaviors
- Open minded, flexible and able to see several
sides of an issue - Fun loving and able to relax with others
- Respects both their own needs and needs of others
- Respect each persons values as a human being
- Invest time and energy in developing nurturing
relationships - Express their emotions in ways that do not hurt
themselves or others - Put their talents and abilities to good use
- View change as a challenge and an opportunity
7Maslows Hierarchy of needs
- Physical
- Safety
- Belonging
- Feeling recognized
- Reaching potential
8Components of your personality
- Emotional makeup
- Attitudes
- Thoughts
- Behaviors
9Main influences on your personality