Title: The Administration of Provincial Taxation
1The Administration of Provincial Taxation
- Select Committee on Finance
- 30 October 2001
- Limited SARS capacity a key concern in the
Seventh Interim Report of the Katz Commission
issued in 1998 - Substantial improvement in capacity evidenced by
SARS exceeding revenue targets for six years in a
row - However
- Taxation Laws Amendment Act 2000
- Taxation of foreign dividends
- Revised regime for Public Benefit Organisations
- Air passenger tax on international travel
- Closing loopholes in the employment field
- Revenue Laws Amendment Act 2000
- Residence basis of taxation - 1 January 2001
- Enabling legislation for AGOA
- Revenue Laws Amendment Act 2001
- Capital Gains Tax - 1 October 2001
- Second Revenue Laws Amendment Bill 2001
- Group re-organisation relief
- SARS has expended a massive amount of effort in
gearing up to implement these reforms - Legislation
- Systems
- Forms
- Training
- The private sector has faced similar demands
- SARS has also embarked on a process of
restructuring its operations to improve
collections and client service - This approach will fundamentally change the way
that SARS does business - The first region to be restructured was
KwaZulu-Natal and it will shortly be followed by
the Western Cape
642 Old SARS Offices
New SARS Structure
6 large scale processing centres Gauteng (2),
Cape Town, Durban, Bloemfontein, Port Elizabeth
7 major compliance centres plus satellites (most
co-located with processing centres)
40 SARS taxpayer service centres, mainly in
current locations
Taxpayer queries, education and support
New SARS taxpayer service centres in previously
disadvantaged areas
New SARS call centres to handle most frequent
Customs staff (where posted)
Remain in existing international border posts
- The improvement in SARS capacity has largely
been applied to aligning the South African tax
system with the global nature of trade and
investment - SARS capacity constraints thus remain an issue
with regard to additional reforms in the short
term - Once the Siyakha transformation has been bedded
down SARS capacity will be improved substantially
- The impact of section 228 of the Constitution on
the administration of a tax surcharge was a key
concern in the Seventh Interim Report of the Katz
Commission - This concern has been addressed by the amendment
to the Constitution proposed in clause 14 of the
Constitution of South Africa Second Amendment
Bill 2001
- A Personal Income Tax (PIT) Surcharge was
considered in the Seventh Interim Report of the
Katz Commission but was not recommended in the
light of - Capacity concerns
- International benchmarking of developing
countries - Unequal distribution of tax bases
- Continued need for equalising grants
- SARS data indicates that approximately 60 of PIT
is paid in Gauteng - PAYE payments for 1 April 2000 toto 31 March
- Tax table required for each province
- An additional burden will be placed on employers
in respect of SITE - Allocation of taxes collected to the correct
province will require systems changes for
employers and SARS - Allocation of refunds and of payments to
penalties and interest will be problematic
- A devolution of the fuel levy was considered as a
medium term possibility in the Seventh Interim
Report of the Katz Commission - Once again there is an unequal distribution of
the tax base if levied on actual sales in a
province at the retail level or on a proxy basis - SARS is in the process of introducing duty at
source or the collection of the fuel levy at the
refinery to reduce compliance costs
- A number of other taxes are possible
- SARS will be required to build capacity to
administer many of these taxes as they will be
outside the normal framework of taxes SARS
administers - SARS will be in an strong position to build such
capacity as the Siyakha process frees up
- The cost of administering a tax depends on many
factors, amongst them the degree to which
existing capacity can be reused to support the
tax - The Skills Development Levy is a tax that is
closely aligned with the current employees tax
system - SARS recovered its system development costs and
charges an ongoing fee of 2 of collections