Indian and Chinese Empires - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Indian and Chinese Empires


Indian and Chinese Empires Chapter 7 Mauryan Empire Chandragupta Maurya Seizes Power in 321 B.C., starts Mauryan Empire Chandragupta defeats Seleucus I; north India ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Indian and Chinese Empires

Indian and Chinese Empires
  • Chapter 7

Mauryan Empire
  • Chandragupta Maurya Seizes Power in 321 B.C.,
    starts Mauryan Empire
  • Chandragupta defeats Seleucus I north India
    united for first time
  • Chandragupta uses taxes to support his large army

Mauryan Empire
  • Chandraguptas chief adviser is Kautilya, a
  • Chandragupta creates bureaucratic government
  • He divides the government to make it easier to
  • AsokaChandraguptas grandson, brings the empire
    to its height
  • After a bloody war with Kalinga, Asoka promotes
    Buddhism and peace
  • Preaches religious tolerationaccepting people of
    different religions
  • Builds roads, with wells along them
  • Asoka dies in 232 B.C. kingdoms in central India
    soon break away

Gupta Empire
  • Chandra Gupta marries into kingship in north
    India in A.D. 320
  • Starts Gupta EmpireIndias second empire
    flowering of Indian civilization, especially
    Hindu culture
  • His son Samudra Gupta expands empire with
  • Majority of Indians are farmers entire family
    raises crops together
  • Families are patriarchalheaded by the eldest
  • Farmers have to contribute work to government
    and pay heavy taxes
  • Some Tamil families are matriarchalled by
    mother rather than father

Gupta Empire
  • Height of the Gupta Empire Golden Age
  • Chandra Gupta II rules from A.D. 375415
  • He defeats the Shakas and adds western coast to
  • Gupta Empire sees flourishing of arts, religion,
    and science
  • After Chandra Gupta II dies, the empire declines

Changes in Hinduism and Buddhism
  • Traditional Hindu and Buddhist Beliefs
  • Hinduism blends Aryan and other beliefs belief
    in many gods
  • To Buddhists, desire causes suffering but
    suffering can be overcome
  • A More Popular Form of Buddhism
  • Belief in bodhisattvas developspotential Buddhas
    who save humanity
  • Mahayana sectBuddhists accepting new doctrines
    of worship, salvation
  • Theravada sectBuddhists who follow original
    teachings of Buddha
  • Wealthy Buddhist merchants build stupasstone
    structures over relics

Changes in Hinduism and Buddhism
  • A Hindu Rebirth
  • Hinduism is remote from people by time of Mauryan
  • Hinduism moves toward monotheism gods part of
    one divine force
  • Chief gods
  • Brahmacreator of the world
  • Vishnupreserver of the world
  • Shivadestroyer of the world

Indian Culture
  • During the Mauryan and Gupta empires, poetry,
    literature, drama, and dancing flourished
  • Astronomy, Mathematics, and Medicine
  • Ocean trade leads to advances in astronomy
  • Indian astronomers in Gupta Empire prove that
    world is round
  • Mathematicians develop idea of zero and decimal
  • Doctors write medical guides and make advances in

Indian Trade Grows
  • Indias Valuable Resources
  • India has spices, diamonds, precious stones, and
    good quality wood
  • Trade routes called Silk Roads connect Asia and
  • Indians build trading posts to take advantage of
    the Silk Roads
  • Indian merchants carry goods to Rome by sea
  • Merchants trade by sea with Africa, Arabia,
    China, Southeast Asia
  • Effects of Indian Trade
  • Increased trade leads to rise of banking
  • Bankers lend money to merchants, careful of
    degree of risk
  • Increased trade spreads Indian culture to other
  • Trade brings Hinduism, Buddhism to other lands

Han Dynasty
  • In Qin Dynasty peasants resent high taxes and
    harsh labor, rebel
  • Liu Bang Founds the Han Dynasty
  • Liu Bang defeats Xiang Yu, a rival for power, and
    founds Han Dynasty
  • Han Dynastybegins in 202 B.C., lasts 400 years
  • Han Dynasty has great influence on Chinese
    people, culture
  • Liu Bang establishes centralized governmenta
    central authority rules
  • Liu Bang lowers taxes and reduces punishments to
    keep people happy
  • Liu Bang dies in 195 B.C. wife Lü seizes control
    of empire
  • Liu Bangs great-grandson Wudi rules from 141 to
    87 B.C.
  • Martial Emperor Wudi defeats Xiongnu (nomads)
    and mountain tribes
  • Colonizes Manchuria, Korea, and as far south as
    what is now Vietnam
  • Chinese believe their emperor has authority to
    rule from god
  • Believe prosperity reward of good rule troubles
    reveal poor rule
  • Complex bureaucracy runs Han government
  • People pay taxes and supply labor, military
  • Government uses peasant labor to carry out public

Han Dynasty
  • Wudis government employs 130,000 bureaucracy
    of 18 ranks of jobs
  • Civil service jobsgovernment jobs obtained
    through examinations
  • Job applicants begin to be tested on knowledge of
  • Wudi favors Confucian scholars, builds school to
    train them
  • Only sons of wealthy can afford expensive
  • Civil service system works well, continues until
  • Invention of paper in A.D. 105 helps spread
  • Collar harness, plow, wheelbarrow improve farming
  • As population grows, farming regarded as
    important activity
  • Government allows monopoliescontrol by one
    group over key industries
  • Techniques for producing silk become state secret
    as profits increase
  • Assimilationintegrating conquered peoples into
    Chinese culture
  • Most women work in the home and on the farm
  • Some upper-class women are educated, run shops,
    practice medicine
  • Han dynasty lasts until 220 AD
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