Darfur Genocide - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Darfur Genocide


Darfur Genocide Cultural Differences Janjaweed National Islamic Front China s Role U.N Involvement Multinational Companies September Laws National Geographic – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Darfur Genocide

Darfur Genocide
  • Cultural Differences
  • Janjaweed
  • National Islamic Front
  • Chinas Role
  • U.N Involvement
  • Multinational Companies
  • September Laws
  • National Geographic

Some Information
  • The Darfur region of western Sudan borders the
    Central African Republic, Libya and Chad covering
    an area of approximately 493 000 square
  • The region is divided into 3 federal states West
    Darfur, South Darfur and North Darfur
  • Population is between 6 and 7 million people

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  • One of the worlds largest concentrations of
    human suffering
  • Thousands of people have been killed since 2003
  • Over 4.5 million people in Darfur and eastern
    Chad now rely on humanitarian aid
  • 2.7 million people have been internally displaced

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  • Cultural Differences

Darfur Tribes
  • 36 main tribes in Darfur
  • Arab or non-Arab tribes
  • 3 largest non-Arab tribes are the Fur, Zaghawa
    and Massaleit (3 most directly targeted tribes in

Tribes of Sudan
  • 1899 established Anglo-Egyptian
  • There have always been many cultural differences
    between the North and the South of Sudan.
  • 1924-1956 was ruled as two separate territories
    (North and South)
  • Two regions developed unique cultural and
    religious characteristics

North (Islamic) 75-80 population
South (Christian) 5 population
The North
  • Ruled by Egypt
  • Practices Islamic faith

The South
  • Ruled by the British
  • British wanted to reduce influence of Islam and
    encourage Christian missionaries to work and
    promote the English language

September Laws
  • The September Laws were created by the Nimeiri
    Government, 1983
  • Transformed Sudan into an Islamic state, forcing
    Islamic faith on the population, and subjecting
    even non-Muslims to harsh penalties

Jaafar Nimeiri, ex-president of Sudan. Nimeiri
brought Islamic law to Sudan during his rule.
Islam ( North ) Christianity ( South )
Do not believe in the Trinity  Christians believe in the Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit)
Jesus is a Prophet and a servant of God. Muhammad is also a Prophet and a servant of God. He was the last Prophet sent by God to guide and teach mankind. As a member of the Trinity, Jesus is viewed as God Himself.
The Quranic teachings in this regard may be summed up as follows (1) Christ was neither  crucified nor killed by the Jews, notwithstanding certain apparent circumstances which produced that illusion in the minds of some of the enemies and (2) Jesus was taken up to God (i.e.. God raised him up (raf'a) to Himself.) Qur'an 4157, 158 355 4157 Christians believe that Jesus was crucified on a cross.
Hell is a place of purification, and is permanent. Paradise is a reward, Paradise will be eternal. Once meriting it, there can be no question of being ejected from it. Hell is eternal, but Purgatory is not They believe it is a place or state of punishment wherein the souls of those who die in God's grace may do penance for past sins and hence become cleansed and fit for heaven. Only Christians can go to heaven.
Chart from http//muslim-canada.org/islam_christi
Islam ( North ) Christianity ( South )
All mankind is born pure and he/she is responsible for his or her own sins and not someone else's. Christians believe in Original Sin, (all of mankind is held responsible for the sins of Adam and Eve) which only the sacrament of baptism in the name of Christ can expiate.
Muslims do not believe in vicarious atonement. They believe that each person is responsible for his or her own actions and that no-one else can atone for them. Christians believe in vicarious atonement -- that another person can extinguish the guilt incurred by another person's sins
The Qur'an exists today exactly the same as it was revealed to Muhammad A council was called, in the early days of Christianity, where the church fathers and elders debated. This council codified (systematized) standard Christian belief and gave the New Testament its present form,
For Muslims, Prophets are spiritually advanced and are very pure and sinless. They have been sent by God to guide and teach mankind. In the Old Testament (Jewish scriptures which most Christians regard as authoritative), Prophets are not portrayed as being infallible to say the least.
There are many differences between the Quranic and the Biblical versions in the details of certain Biblical stories. There are many differences between the Quranic and the Biblical versions in the details of certain Biblical stories.
The first source of Muslim Law, is the Qur'an. The source of Christian (or Canon) Law is the scripture,
Chart from http//muslim-canada.org/islam_christi
  • The differences between the Muslim and Christian
    populations have caused many civil wars and
    political, religious, and cultural disputes
  • Unfortunately these issues have yet to be solved,
    and the northern and southern Sudanese continue
    to live in discord

The Janjaweed
"a man with a gun on a horse"
WHo are the Janjaweed ?
  • means a man with a gun on a horse, in Arabic
  • Started to be more aggressive in 2003
  • Are a loose roving band of armed fighters worked
    as a freelance tribal militia for 10 years
    before assuming the role of counterinsurgent
    used by the government of Sudan to combat
  • Began pillaging towns and villages inhabited by
    members from which rebel armies draw strength-the
    Zaghawa, Masalit, and Fur tribes.

Janjaweed's Connection to the government
  • Rather well- equiped fighting forces that enjoy
    the overt assistance of the Sudanese Government
  • June 2004, Sudanese army was openly recruiting
    horse-owning Arab men, promising them a gun and a
    monthly salary of 116 in exchange for joining a
    Janjaweed cohort.
  • Money that gets paid to the Janjaweed comes
    directly from booty captured in raids on
    villages, giving them an additional incentive to
    act with extreme brutality
  • Janjaweed commanders are using racism as a
    rallying point, encouraging their charges to rape
    the dark-skinned villagers they encounter during
    their raids

Connections countined
  • Janjaweed commanders are living in government
    garrison towers
  • Janjaweed militiamen wear combat fatigues
    identical to those of the regular army
  • Sudanese Government has strongly denied offering
    any support to the Janjaweed
  • Sudanese Government denies any relationship with
    the Janjaweed and says that it is seeking to
    disarm both the Janjaweed and the Darfur Rebels

Khidir Haroun Ahmed
  • "The government armed the people who volunteered
    to fight against the rebels, the armed groups.
    And, these people were not Janjaweed," Sudanese
    Ambassador to the United States Khidir Haroun
    Ahmed told the Online News Hour in September
    2005. "The government has no hesitation at all in
    disarming the Janjaweed. The problem is the other
    nomad tribes. These people and the lack of law
    enforcement in the region, they will not disarm
    themselves unless you disarm the rebels groups."

National Islamic Front
  • A Brief Introduction

  • An Islamic political organisation created and led
    by Dr. Hassan Al-Turabi in 1985.
  • Created in the 1960s, it was originally known as
    the Islamic Charter Front.
  • It was later known as the Muslim Brotherhood. The
    name came from the Muslim Brotherhood from Egypt,
    who had been active in Sudan since 1949. Their
    objective in Sudan was to bring in Islamic law

  • Code of law for Muslims
  • Based on revelation of Mohammed and what is
    written in the Quran
  • Believed to be Gods law
  • Deals with secular, political and economical law
  • 5 countries use it Nationally

Basics (Contd)
  • In the mid-1960s, they overthrew the Communist
    party that was ruling Sudan
  • After Nimeiri was overthrown, Al-Turabi set up
    the NIF, which then was dominated by the former
    members of the Muslim Brotherhood

Basics (Contd)
  • Heavily influences the Sudanese government, ever
    since 1979 and dominated since 1989
  • While it is still technically a political
    organization, the NIF greatly expresses
    ruthlessness and rampant violence. They do this
    by arming and training loyalist militias such as
    the Janjaweed

Al-Turabi Interview
  • Short Interview with Al-Turabi discussing his
    views on Darfur.
  • http//www.youtube.com/watch?vgdWfKSrJ42ofeatur

China's Role in Darfur
Trade to Sudan
  • China is Sudans biggest trade partner.
  • Sudan imports low cost items as well as armaments
    from China.
  • China sells military transportation to Sudan in
    violation of the 2006 arms embargo.

  • China imports oil from Sudan.
  • In 1999 the value of Chinas oil trade with
    Africa was 2 billion.
  • China has a 40 share in Sudans oil.

Chinas Military Presence
  • China has trained fighter pilots for the Sudanese
  • China has supplied arms and ammunition for the
    military in Sudan.
  • Chinese-made Fantan fighters that have been sold
    to Sudan have been photographed in Nyala, Sudan

Chinas Support of the Darfurian Killings
  • Human rights organizations have criticized China
    for its supportive relationship with the Sudanese
    government, which is committing mass killings in
  • China has threatened to veto UN Security Council
    actions to combat the Darfur crisis.

Darfur GenocideU.N. Involvement
  • Fighting broke out between Sudan government
    forces, allied Janjaweed militia, and armed rebel
    forces in 2003.
  • 200,000 people have been killed and 2 million
    people displaced since then.
  • This fighting was a part of the Sudanese
    governments attempt to get rid of non-Islamic
    groups in Sudan.

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Recognition as Genocide
  • In 2004 the US secretary of state declared the
    incident in Darfur as a genocide.
  • No other permanent member of the U.N. Security
    Council has done the same.
  • In 2005 an International Commission of Inquiry on
    Darfur stated that the government had not pursued
    a policy of genocide but had committed war crimes
    and crimes against humanity.

U.N. Actions
  • In May 2004, after two U.N. missions found
    massive human rights violations and humanitarian
    need, the president of the Security Council
    called on the government of Sudan to disarm the
    Janjaweed militia.

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Resolution 1556
  • This resolution was passed by the U.N. in July of
  • It demanded that the government disarm the
    Janjaweed and bring their leaders tio justice,
    threatening sanctions if they failed to comply.
  • It also endorsed the deployment of African Union
    troops to monitor ceasefire talks going on at the
    time and banned the sale of firearms to
    non-government officials and those who support
    the Janjaweed.
  • By the time this was passed the situation has

  • Stronger measures were recommended but could not
    be carried out.
  • China and Russia threatened to veto sanctions or
    direct U.N. intervention.
  • China owns 40 of Sudans main oil producing
  • Russia is thought to be the Sudanese governments
    main arms supplier.

What Is Being Done
  • The U.N. is currently operating the largest aid
    effort in the world in Darfur and refugee camps
    in neighboring Chad and the Central African
  • In 2006 a joint U.N.-African Union mission in
    Darfur, called UNAMID, began. It is a three phase
    plan to bring peace to the region.

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Multi- National
of Sudan
In this presentation we are going to educate you
on the different multinational companies that are
located in Sudan. Some companies which had major
effects on the Darfur genocide, others who had
negative effects in Darfur and some who just in
general work in the area.
You will also see that there are NO U.S based
companies located and/or doing business in Sudan.
Nevertheless, the State of Iowa does hold limited
investments with international corporations that
do business in the country. Twisted huh?
Oil Companies...
One of the major multinational companies that
held a negative effect on Darfur was oil
companies. Oil companies would make oil
extraction easy and profitable in Sudan, funding
the Sudanese Government. The biggest oil company
fueling violence and producing in Sudan is CNPC.
They are the biggest player in Sudan's oilfield
bring Sudan's oil revenue up by 291 bringing in
4.7 billion. Sudan's finance minister has said
that at least 70 of the oil profits go to the
Sudanese Armed Forces.
This is negative because the Sudanese Armed
Forces are linked with its militia allies to the
crimes in Darfur.
Most companies have withdrawn and fled from Sudan
because of its worsening political instability.
Companies such as ABB LTD. Previously
ATT. Bharat Heavy Electrical
These companies do not agree with the decisions
that have been made by the government in Sudan
and dont want anthing to do with the awful
events taking place in Darfur. Most of these
companies are US based.
The US government has even paid certain companies
to close there business in Sudan and leave.
There are also mutual companies located in Sudan
who ignore the violence, dont take part or
support the violence and just mind their own
business. They continue to produce product and
make money with out supporting the Sudanese
The September Laws.
What were the September Laws?
  • They were laws put in effect by Military dictator
    Jafar Mohammed-Al Numeri from 1983-1985.
  • They were part of his Islamization campaign to
    sustain his political standing and to justify
    authoritarian rule.
  • His intention was to transform Sudan into a
    Muslim-Arab state, he divided the south into
    three regions and instituted Sharia law.

  • Sharia Law is used to refer both to the Islamic
    law and the Islamic way of life.
  • It is the dominant Law in Sudan, and was used to
    legitimize the September Laws.
  • It is described as being "... a religious code
    for living, in the same way that the Bible offers
    a moral system for Christians. 
  • Literally translated it means the path to the
    watering hole

Southern Sudan.
  • The separation of southern Sudan was
    controversial even in the Northern Muslim
  • To insure the law was applied more broadly, and
    for it to not be questioned, president Numeri
    declared a state of emergency on April 26th 1984
  • The separation pitted the separate regions
    against each other, killing many and clearing
    Sudan of its none Muslim community without blame
    landing directly back onto the government.

The colonisation of Sudan
  • Before Jafar- Al Numeri was put into power, to
    be able to implement the September laws,
    colinization was taking place in the country of
  • Britain ran Sudan as a colony, they administered
    the northern and southern provinces separately.
  • The South was held to be more similar to East
    African Colonies, while Northern Sudan was more
    similar to Arabic speaking Egypt.
  • Northerners were prevented from holding positions
    of power in the South and trade was discouraged
    between two areas.

  • However in 1946, the British gave in to Northern
    Pressure to Integrate the two areas.
  • Arabic was made the language of administration in
    the South, and Northerners began to hold
    positions there. The Southern Elite trained in
    English and resented the change as they were kept
    out of their own government.
  • After Decolonization power was given to the
    Northern Elites, based in Khartoum, causing
    unrest in the south.

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What is Islamic Law?
Islamic Law
  • The Islamic Law, known as the Sharia, is the
    sacred law of Islam. The Sharia is like a
    guideline to life, basing laws on Muslim
    principles of jurisprudence. It addresses crime,
    politics, and economics and as well as personal
    issues like hygiene, sexuality and diet. Its
    followed by well over one billion people.

Using Islamic law as their main body of law
blurred the lines between state and secular in
While the majority of Northern Sudan was Muslim,
the majority of Southern Sudan was either
Christian or believed in the local religion
There was obvious tension between the north and
the south in Sudan during this time, which
sparked a civil war.
The government at the time was Islamic, so the
NCP (National Congress Party) issued armies to go
out and destroy potential rebel groups that could
be a threat to the government.
National Geographic
African refugee life
  • Since fighting broke out between rebel groups and
    government-backed militias in the Darfur region
    of western Sudan in 2003, an estimated 200,000
    people have been killed or have died of
    starvation or disease. Atrocities attributed to
    the militias, known as the Janjaweed, include the
    burning and looting of villages, and large-scale
    killings, torture, and rape. The violence has
    forced more than 2.2 million people to flee their

Darfur Death Toll Is Hundreds of Thousands Higher
Than Reported
  • United States government death toll estimates for
    the war-torn Darfur region of Sudan in Africa
    underestimate the count by hundreds of thousands
    of lost lives. Hagan and co-author Alberto
    Palloni of the University of Wisconsin, Madison,
    estimate that the conflict has caused anywhere
    from 170,000 to 255,000 deaths, and they say the
    number could be much higher. "Analysis of factors
    confounding previous estimates leads to the
    conclusion that hundreds of thousand of people
    have died as a result of the conflict in Darfur,"

Geographic Reporter on Imprisonment, War's Future
  • Well, for the first 10 or 11 days of my
    assignmentI was just beginning a long journey
    across the Sahel, across five countriesI spent
    much of my time in refugee camps on the Chad side
    of the border. And these camps contained tens
    of thousands of peoplethey're teeming. There are
    canvas tents bolstered by pieces of scrap wood,
    driftwood, whatever people can scrounge together
    to create shelter, very densely packed together.
    Once you go into the war zone proper, there's an
    added layer of danger. Of course, you're in an
    area where there are many armed factions floating
    around. Often you don't even know who they are.

Slim Promise of Peace?
  • Desertification and competition for natural
    resources are among the underlying causes of the
    recent Darfur conflict. More than 200,000 people
    have been killed and 2.5 million others chased
    from their homes during the four-year strife.

Describe the daily routine of a woman living in
one of the camps.
  • What you have to know is that 80 percent of the
    refugees are women and children. So the women are
    really holding the family structure together. A
    lot of the husbands have been killed or belong to
    the rebel groups, or they're taking care of the
    cattle. It's a daily struggle for survival.
    People live in makeshift shelters, very close to
    each other, so they don't have space. So women
    would go and collect wood, and that takes
    sometimes the whole day, because they walk two to
    three hours to the bush and then two or three
    hours to come back. And then they would try to
    sell the wood in the city or in the camp to try
    to have some additional income for their
    families. For women not in an official camp, they
    also have to go and collect the water. They carry
    jerricans containers that hold about 5 gallons,
    or 19 liters, of liquid. ... And they do that
    several times a day. The work there is survival.

  • Chinas Role In the Darfur http//www.youtube.com/
  • National Islamic Front - Short Interview with
    Al-Turabi discussing his views on Darfur.
  • Multinational Companies of Sudan
  • September Laws http//www.youtube.com/watch?vsuQA
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