Jacksonian Democracy: - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Jacksonian Democracy:


Jackson s kitchen cabinet of common man advisors instead of typical presidential ... thus killing the Bank of the United States Tariff of 1828: ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Jacksonian Democracy:

The Jackson Era
  • Jacksonian Democracy
  • National conventions instead of members of
    Congress choosing Presidential candidates (caucus
    system), national nominating conventions began
    opening up the process to more of the common
    citizens input!
  • Secret ballot early forms of todays secret
    ballots began under Jacksons Presidency ( Real
    choice of the people!)
  • No property requirement by the mid-1820s, most
    states had eliminated the ownership of property
    as a requirement for voting, many more Americans
    could then participate and vote!
  • Spoils system - Jackson supported the idea of
    appointing loyal party supporters to office (WHO
    you knownot WHAT you know!)
  • Jacksons kitchen cabinet of common man
    advisors instead of typical presidential cabinet
    of political advisors
  • Veto Power Jackson used the checks and
    balances power to veto more than all previous
    presidents combined

The Bank War
  • Background Most Southern and Western states
    opposed the idea of a national bank. Jackson
    felt he had a responsibility to the people to
    bring an end to it.
  • What happened ? When the issue came up to
    extend the provisions of the national bank for
    another 20 years, Jackson vetoed it and pulled
    federal money from it, ending it.
  • Pet Banks
  • (Wildcat Banks) Jackson took deposits from the
    B.U.S. (Federal banks) and placed them in state
    banks thus killing the Bank of the United States

The Nullification Crisis a battle of a states
right to not obey a federal law
  • Tariff of 1828 - a tariff was placed on all
    imports into the country
  • this cause an increase in the price of
    manufactured products
  • states hurt most by this called it the Tariff of
    Abominations (South Carolina)
  • States rights argument - led by John
    Calhoun, South Carolina argued that a state had
    the right to nullify (to make void doesnt
    exist ) any federal law that they saw as
  • Since states originally agreed to form a nation,
    states also then had a right to ignore the
    nations laws!!!
  • The Force Bill Congress gave Jackson power to
    use any means necessary to enforce South Carolina
    to pay the tariffs.
  • Resolution Jackson eventually lowered the amount
    of the tariff and South Carolina withdrew its
    nullification of the tariff
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