Title: Measuring malnutrition at individual level
1Measuring malnutrition at individual level
Module 6
2Learning objectives
- Be familiar with the standard methods used to
measure weight, height, mid-upper arm
circumference (MUAC) and oedema. - Understand the classifications of undernutrition
in children and adults using different
anthropometric indices. - Be able to identify Z-score ranges for
weight-for-height for children 6-59 months using
the 2006 WHO Growth Standards simplified field
tables for boys and girls - Be aware of the uses of anthropometric
measurements in both emergency and non-emergency
contexts. - Be aware of the limitations of anthropometry.
3How do we assess the nutritional status of an
4Measurements for undernutrition
- Anthropometry or body measurements
- Clinical assessment
- Dietary intake
- Biochemical assessment
All of them are suitable in emergencies?
5Body measurements and clinical assessment for
acute malnutrition
- Age and sex
- Anthropometry
- Weight
- Height (or length)
- Middle-upper Arm Circumference (MUAC)
- Clinical signs
- Presence of bilateral pitting oedema
- Presence of medical complications
- Absence of appetite
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11Use of MUAC for children 6-59 months
- MUAC (Mid upper arm circumference) is measured in
the middle of the left arm of children and is a
proxy for measures of reserves of fat and muscle
in the body.
- It is an effective predictor of death in children
6 to 59 months, but it tends to select more
younger children
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13Clinical assessment and acute malnutrition
- Presence of bilateral pitting oedema
- Assessment for medical complications and appetite
14Checking for oedema
15Anthropometrical or nutritional indices
- Combination of two measurements
- Weight and age WFA
- Height (or length) and age HFA
- Weight and height (or length) WFH (or BMI)
Why do we need them?
16Use of anthropometrical indices at individual
- To determine the condition of an individual by
comparing to expected anthropometric values for
an individual of the same sex and age, e.g. a
growth standard or growth reference. Then - Classify the nutritional status of individuals,
e.g. whether they present or not malnutrition,
according to specific cut-off points, and - Decide whether the individual needs to be treated
or not - Some indices dont need to be compared with
references, thresholds are used instead (BMI).
17Which standards / references do we use?
- For children, for each height standards of weight
are expected - The 2006 WHO Growth Standards are universal
standards of growth for children and also provide
a classification for malnutrition lt-3 SD for
severe malnutrition, lt-2 SD for moderate
malnutrition - WHO and UNICEF also endorsed the use of MUAC lt115
mm as a criteria for severe malnutrition for
children 6 to 59 months.
18Normal distribution of weight for an specified
height (Growth standards)
19Anthropometry and acute malnutrition
- Wasting
- low weight-for-height (WFH) or
- and/or low mid upper arm circumference (MUAC) or
- low BMI (for adults)
- MUAC and BMI are interpreted directly with
cut-off points, without comparison to a reference
20Acute malnutrition in children 6-59 months
- The basic information and body measurements
needed to assess acute malnutrition in children
6-59 months are - Age and sex,
- Anthropometrical measurements weight,
height/length and MUAC, - Clinical signs of visible wasting, bilateral
edema, medical complications and lack of appetite
- The nutritional index is WFH
21For children aged 6-59 months
- Classification of acute malnutrition
Moderate acute malnutrition (MAM) Severe acute malnutrition (SAM)
WFH (wasting) -3 SD lt -2 SD lt -3 SD
MUAC 115mm lt 125mm lt 115mm
Bilateral Oedema No Yes
22Classification of acute malnutrition
23For infants less than 6 months
- Criteria for malnutrition are based on clinical
signs (e.g. oedema, visible wasting, too weak to
suckle, not gaining weight despite feeding) and
risk factors (e.g. insufficient breast milk,
absence of mother - Birth weight (lt 2,500gr) is a recognized measure,
but does not account as malnutrition criteria.
LBW is used as indicator of issues during
pregnancy (like IUGR) and represents a risk
factor for subsequent malnutrition
24For older children and adolescents (5-19 years
of age)
BMI-for-age Z-score
Severe thinness lt-3SD
Thinness -3 SD lt -2 SD
BMI-for-age calculations are based on the use of
the WHO growth references
25For adults (20 59.9 years)
Well-nourished Mild acute malnutrition Moderate acute malnutrition Severe acute malnutrition
BMI (WHO 1995) 18.5kg/m2 lt18 to 17kg/m2 lt17 to 16kg/m2 lt 16kg/m2
- For pregnant and lactating women MUAC is
recommended - MUAC lt210 mm indicates a nutritional risk
requiring intervention. Normality is defined at
gt230 mm.
26For elderly (over 60 years old)
- Very difficult to measure age for being
considered old differs between settings or
possibility to take accurate measures is limited. - Same cut-offs as BMI for adults should be used
for identifying older people suffering from
27Anthropometry and chronic malnutrition
- Stunting is indicated by low height-for-age (HFA)
- Underweight is indicated by low weight-for-age
28Stunting and underweight in children 6-60 months
- The three nutritional indices of WFH, HFA, and
WFA each assess different aspects of growth
failure. - Tables exist in the WHO growth reference for
measure of each of them
Moderate stunting Severe stunting
HFA (stunting) lt-2 SD to -3 SD lt -3 SD
Moderate underweight Severe underweight
WFA (underweight) lt-2 SD to -3 SD lt -3 SD
29Growth Monitoring charts (WFA index)
30Measuring the different forms of undernutrition
Acute malnutrition Acute malnutrition is indicated by wasting and/or bilateral oedema. Wasting is measured by the nutritional index of WFH or mid upper arm circumference (MUAC). Bilateral oedema, found in cases of kwashiorkor and marasmic-kwashiorkor, is an abnormal infiltration and excess accumulation of serous fluid in connective tissue or in a serous cavity. Other clinical signs are presence of medical complications and anorexia
Chronic undernutrition (stunting) Stunted children are short for their age (low height-for-age (HFA). Stunting is measured by the nutritional index of HFA.
Underweight (acute and/or chronic) Underweight children weigh less than the average weight for children of the same age and sex. Underweight is measured by the nutritional index of weight-for-age (WFA)
Micronutrients deficiencies Direct assessment measurement of actual clinical or sub-clinical deficiency in individuals Indirect assessment estimation of nutrient intakes at a population level and from this the risk of deficiency and the likely prevalence
31Key messages Module 6
- Anthropometry is the use of body measurements to
assess and classify nutritional status in an
individual. - Other measurements include clinical, biochemical
and dietary intake assessment - Body measurements include age, sex, weight,
height / length and mid-upper arm circumference
- Clinical signs of acute malnutrition include
visible wasting, bilateral oedema and lack of
appetite - Acute malnutrition among children 6-60 months is
assessed using the nutritional indices of
weight-for-height or weight-for-length (WFH),
MUAC, and signs of bilateral oedema. - Acute malnutrition for other age-groups
- Infants less than 6 months of age is assessed
using visible signs of wasting and bilateral
oedema. Social criteria such as an absent mother
or inadequacy of breastfeeding can indicate
nutritional risk. - Undernutrition among children and adolescents
5-19 years is assessed using the nutritional
index of body mass index for age (BMI-for-age)
and clinical signs. - Adult undernutrition is assessed through Body
Mass Index (BMI) (either adjusted or unadjusted
by Cormic index) or MUAC in addition to clinical
signs. MUAC is the preferred nutritional index
during pregnancy and up to 6 months postpartum. - There are numerous issues related to the
assessment of undernutrition in the elderly,
however BMI is recommended in addition to
clinical signs. - The use of the 2006 WHO Growth Standards is now
recommended over the use of the 1978 National
Center for Health Statistics growth reference
(NCHS GR) in the definition of acute malnutrition
in children 6-60 months. The 2007 WHO Growth
References is recommended for use in assessment
of children and adolescents 5-19 years. - Nutrition indices should be presented as Z-scores
as opposed to percentage of the median.
Percentage of the median is no longer recommended
for use in classification of individual nutrition