- There are three bookmarks on favorite places. Use
these bookmarks to answer the following questions.
2 Who? When? Why? Where ? And How?First base
the answersWhen1941 Where HawaiiWho The
Japanese bombed AmericaWhy America was
intimidating/pressuring the Japanese to
modernizeHow The United States thought that
Pearl Harbor was a very safe place and a Nakajima
B5N Kate started bombing Hawaii
3 Who? When? Why? Where ? And How?Second base
use information from the web pages to support
your answerWho The Japanese had bombed the
American bases in HawaiiWhen It happened
12/7/1941Why The Japanese had gotten pressured
to trade with us and they had to
modernize.Where It was at Hawaii and the
Japanese was after our military bases because the
American soldiers made them trade.
4 Who? When? Why? Where ? And How? Third base
use information from your background knowledge
about Japans experience with the United
StatesOn T.V there was a show that explained
about how the Japanese had bombed us and we had
pressured them to trade with us.
5 Who? When? Why? Where ? And How?Homerun! Why
is it important to understand this event in
history? How can understanding this event help
prevent future attacks like this?Understanding
this will prevent future attacks by us learning
that you cant go over to someone's country and
take advantage of them. Also another reason to
understand this is so that you know about
America/Japans crazy history.