Title: Kein Folientitel
1Recent extensions of the COSMO TKE scheme related
to the interaction with non turbulent scales
- Separation between turbulence and non turbulent
sub grid scale circulations
- Additional scale interaction terms in the
separated TKE budget
- Parameterization and effect of 3 important scale
interaction terms with separated
- Horizontal shear modes (e.g. at frontal regions)
- Wake modes from SSO blocking (over mountains)
- Buoyancy forced thermal circulations (e.g. due to
shallow convection or sub grid scale katabatic
- Considering of non turbulent sub grid scale
circulations in the statistical condensation
scheme (including non Gaussian effects)
Matthias Raschendorfer DWD
Offenbach 2009
Matthias Raschendorfer
2 Partial solution for turbulence by spectral
Turbulence is that class of sub grid scale
structures being in agreement with turbulence
closure assumptions!
- Turbulence closure is only valid for scales not
larger than - the smallest peak wave length Lp of inertial
sub range spectra from samples in any direction,
where - the largest (horizontal) dimension Dg of the
control volume
- considering budgets with respect to the
separation scale
- averaging these budgets along the whole control
volume (double averaging)
generalized turbulent budgets including
additional scale interaction terms
Offenbach 2009
Matthias Raschendorfer
3Additional circulation terms in the turbulent
2-nd order budgets
average of the non linear turbulent shear terms
turbulent shear term
turbulent shear term
circulation shear term
Offenbach 2009
Matthias Raschendorfer
4Physical meaning of the circulation term
- Budgets for the circulation structures
Circulation term is the scale interaction term
shifting Co-Variance (e.g. SKE) form the
circulation part of the spectrum (CKE) to the
turbulent part (TKE) by virtue of shear generated
by the circulation flow patterns.
production terms dependent on specific length
scales and specific velocity scales (
production terms depend on the turbulent
length scale and the turbulent velocity
scale ( )
and other
and other
statistical moments
We need to consider additional length scales
besides the turbulent length scale!
Offenbach 2009
Matthias Raschendorfer
5Separated semi parameterized TKE equation
(neglecting molecular transport)
to be parameterized by a non turbulent approach
expressed by turbulent flux gradient solution
eddy-dissipation rate (EDR)
shear production by sub grid scale circulations
time tendency of TKE
buoyancy production
transport of TKE
shear production by the mean flow
Offenbach 2009
Matthias Raschendorfer
6TKE-production by separated horizontal shear
horizontal grid plane
- Separated horizontal shear production term
separated horizontal shear
effective mixing length of diffusion by
horizontal shear eddies
velocity scale of the separated horizontal shear
grid scale
isotropic turbulence
scaling parameter
horizontal shear eddy
- Equilibrium of production and scale transfer
towards turbulence
scaling parameter
additional TKE source term
.effective scaling parameter
Offenbach 2009
Matthias Raschendorfer
7 (dissipation)1/3
Pot. Temperature K
frontal zone
06.02.2008 00UTC 06h -92 E
Offenbach 2009
Matthias Raschendorfer
8TKE-production by separated wake modes due to SSO
- SSO-term in filtered momentum budget
blocking term
currently Lott und Miller (1997)
separated sub grid orography
Offenbach 2009
Matthias Raschendorfer
9 (dissipation)1/3
moderate light
MIN 0.00104324 MAX 10.3641 AVE 0.126079
SIG 0.604423
MIN 0. 00109619 MAX 10.3689 AVE 0.127089
SIG 0.804444
out_usa_rlme_tkesso out_usa_rlme_sso
mountain ridge
SSO-effect in TKE budget
06.02.2008 00UTC 06h -77 E
MIN -0.10315 MAX 0.391851 AVE 0.00100152
SIG 0.00946089
Offenbach 2009
Matthias Raschendorfer
10TKE-production by separated thermal direct
- In a simplified 2-nd order framework
- In all circulation scale budgets
- thermal circulation structures are negligible
during neutral stratification
shear production of (not by) thermal circulations
is negligible
- a vertical constant circulation time scale for
expressing scale interaction loss and pressure
- In the CKE budget
- scale interaction loss buoyant production
- In the budget for circulation scale heat and
moisture flux
- scale interaction loss pressure destruction
buoyant production
- In the budget for circulation scale temperature
- scale interaction loss vertical flux
divergence from the surface
- flux gradient form of temperature variance flux
with a vertical constant circulation scale
diffusion coefficient
Offenbach 2009
Matthias Raschendorfer
11A first parameterization of the thermal
circulations term
- Circulation scale 2-nd order budgets with proper
approximations valid for thermals
circulation scale temperature variance
circulation scale buoyant heat flux
circulation term
vertical velocity scale of circulation
square for Brunt-Väisälä-frequency
virtual temperat. of ascending air
separated thermals
current formulation using an additional
assumption about the gradient
virtual temperat. of descending air
pattern length scale
circulation height e.g. BL-height
horizontal updraft scale
scaling factor
bottom level
turbulent velocity scale
- Simplified max flux approach for the circulations
horizontal updraft fraction
Offenbach 2009
Matthias Raschendorfer
12Effect of the thermal circulation term for
stabile stratification
horizontal scale of a grid box
- Even for vanishing mean wind and negative
turbulent buoyancy there remains a positive
definite source term
TKE will not vanish
Solution even for strong stability
Offenbach 2009
Matthias Raschendorfer
13measured midnight profile of potential
simulated midnight profile of potential
Offenbach 2009
Matthias Raschendorfer
14Convective modulation of turbulence in a
statistical condensation scheme
total oversaturation
from normal distribution of turbulence
turbulent Gaussian saturation adjustment using
average oversaturation of upward flow
grid scale oversaturation
turbulent Gaussian saturation adjustment using
average oversaturation of downward
horizontal direction
from bimodal distribution of convective
to be estimated form relevant 2nd order scheme
describing convective circulations
derivable directly from proper mass flux scheme
describing convective circulations
Offenbach 2009
Matthias Raschendorfer
- Non turbulent sub grid scale modes interact with
turbulence through additional shear production in
the TKE equation.
- 3D-shear terms have got a significant effect
only, when formulated as a scale interaction term
producing TKE by shear of a separated horizontal
shear mode with its own length scale.
- Wake production of TKE by blocking can be
formulated as a scale interaction term as well
and can be described by scalar multiplication of
the horizontal wind vector with its
SS0-tendencies yielding some effect above
mountainous terrain.
- Buoyancy forced (convective) circulations can be
described either by a mass flux approach or 2-nd
order closure. The according TKE production term
is related to the circulation buoyancy heat flux. - Interaction of those circulations with the
statistical saturation adjustment (cloud scheme)
can be formulated by convective modulation.
- We intent to implement the revised formulation of
the circulation term together with the
convective modulation of the statistical cloud
scheme and to derive a similar scale interaction
term from the current convection scheme as well.
- Further we plan to consider the circulation scale
fluxes in the 1-st order budgets leading to
additional non local mixing tendencies of the
prognostic variables.
COSMO user seminar
Offenbach 09-11.03.2009
Matthias Raschendorfer
16Thank You for attention!
Offenbach 2009
Matthias Raschendorfer
17About the results of UTCS Tasks (ii)a,c and (iii)a
As far as attended by
Matthias Raschendorfer DWD
Offenbach 2009
Matthias Raschendorfer
18Basic scheme of advanced SC-diagnostics
Identical except horizontla operations and
Forced correction run with SC version
Realistic 3D-run (analysis)
Forced test run with SC version
mesdat only with model variables
mesdat containing geo.-wind, vert.-wind
und tendencies for horizontal advektion
outdat with correction integrals
Component testing outdat or mesdat may contain
3D-corrections and arbitrary measurements (like
surface temperature or surface heat fluxes) the
model can be forced by.
outdat with similar results compared to compared
test run using the 3D-model
Offenbach 2009
Matthias Raschendorfer
19Potential temperature profile
Potential temperature profile
too much turbulent mixing
interpolated measurements
free model run starting wit 3D analysis
free model run starting with measurements
forced with prognostic variables from 3D-run
forced with 3D corrections
forced with 3D corrections and measured surface
forced with 3D corrections and measured surface
heat fluxes
Stable stratification over snow at Lindenberg
Offenbach 2009
Matthias Raschendorfer
20Explicit moisture correction
Turbulent fluxes of the non conservative model
thermodynamic non conservative model variables
thermodynamic conservative model variables
explicit flux correction
flux-gradient form
should vanish due to grid scale saturation
Conversion matrix
cloud fraction
steepness of saturation humidity
Exner factor
Offenbach 2009
Matthias Raschendorfer
21Time series of model domain averages
less low level clouds
due do numerical effects with the Exner-factor
treatment of the T-equation
But there are differences
Offenbach 2009
Matthias Raschendorfer
22SC simulations with 80 layers and implicit TKE
Dew point profiles 50 layers
Dew point profiles 80 layers
explicit TKE-diffusion with restriction proper
for 50 layer configuration
considerable difference
numerically unstable!
implicit TKE-diffusion being unconditional stable
almost no difference
Offenbach 2009
Matthias Raschendorfer