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Chinese University of Hong Kong


Outline. 1. Paradoxes of truth, definability, (e.g. Liar) Why they aren t idle puzzles. How they make a case for revising logic (= fundamental rules of reasoning) – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chinese University of Hong Kong

Revising Our Logic
  • Chinese University of Hong Kong
  • March 5, 2012

  • 1. Paradoxes of truth, definability, (e.g.
  • Why they arent idle puzzles
  • How they make a case for revising logic (
    fundamental rules of reasoning)
  • 2. But can we rationally revise logic
    (fundamental rules of reasoning)?
  • 3. The nature of logic. How the right account of
    this helps with (but doesnt by itself fully
    answer) the puzzles about rational revision of

The Liar paradox
  • What Im saying is false.
  • Seems that
  • (1) what he says (S) is true if and only if
    its false.
  • (2) its false if and only if its not false.
  • (1) is surprising it seems to imply that S is
    either both true and false, or else neither true
    nor false.
  • (2) is more than surprising, it seems
  • If S is false, its not false, so both false and
    not false.
  • If S is not false, its false, so again both
    false and not false.
  • So either way, S is both false and not false!

Not take it seriously?
  • This is the Liar paradox. Its been around for
    2000 years, with no agreement as to how best to
    deal with it.
  • One might not be inclined to take it seriously,
    on one of two grounds
  • that it only arises for artificial examples that
    could never arise in practice
  • that it can never affect anything were really
    interested in.
  • Both grounds are mistaken.

(a) Non-artificial examples
  • Two candidates for the same office, on election
  • Polls have closed. Initial returns strongly
    support Candidate A.
  • Candidate B is on TV, denouncing Candidate A.
  • Candidate A, watching the TV, says What the
    idiot who lost the election is now saying is
  • The initial returns were wrong Candidate B won.
  • And of course both candidates are idiots.
  • So Candidate As remark is equivalent (given the
    facts) to the claim that it itself is false.
  • So again, its false if and only if its not

Why its a paradox
  • This is a paradox elementary assumptions about
    truth and falsity, together with very simple
    principles of standard logic, have led to
  • The point isnt that the politician was being
    inconsistent. That wouldnt be paradoxical at
    all then what hed be saying is false.
  • Rather, the point is that whatever we say to
    describe the politicians utterance inevitably
    leads us into inconsistency. If we call it
    false, we seem committed to also calling it not
    false, and conversely.
  • The politician story is an illustration of how
    paradox can arise out of normal conversation in
    which people dont intend to be speaking

(b) Do such paradoxes matter?
  • Dismiss the paradoxes on the ground that they
    never affect anything were really interested in?
  • That would be mistaken. There are infinitely
    many other paradoxes that turn on the same
    principles that the Liar paradox turns on.
  • Even very good mathematicians and logicians are
    sometimes led to serious errors by using
    reasoning which on closer inspection turns on
    some paradox or other.
  • We need a notion of truth, and will be led to
    error if we dont get its principles consistent,
    and indeed correct.

Dangers of inadvertent paradoxical reasoning
  • People sometimes are led to serious errors by
    using reasoning which on closer inspection turns
    on paradoxes.
  • Examples
  • Königs purported disproof of the Axiom of
  • Soundness arguments in logic arguments that
    certain systems of derivation can never lead from
    truth to non-truth.
  • More on (1)

  • Axiom of Choice a once-controversial
    mathematical axiom, now a cornerstone of
  • König (prominent early 20th century set theorist)
    thought hed disproved it, by arguing that it
    implies that there are real numbers that both are
    and are not definable in a given language.
  • The argument is extremely persuasive indeed,
    there is no agreement as to where it goes wrong!
  • People came to agree that its wrong only when
    Berry came up with a similar argument for
    contradiction not relying on controversial
    assumptions like AC.

Other examples where were fooled
  • Königs paradox, like the Liar, is a paradox of
    truth. (Reason definability is explained in
    terms of an expression being true of an object.)
  • It is just one of many examples where its easy
    to be taken in by proofs that, on closer
    analysis, turn on principles about truth that
    jointly lead to paradox.
  • Soundness arguments in logic---arguments that
    certain systems of derivation can never lead from
    truth to non-truth---fool many philosophers today.

REPRISE Do such paradoxes matter?
  • Dismiss the paradoxes on the ground that they
    never affect anything were really interested in?
  • Mistaken.
  • Even very good mathematicians and logicians are
    sometimes led to serious errors by using
    reasoning which on closer inspection turns on
  • We need a notion of truth, and will be led to
    error if we dont get its principles consistent
    and indeed correct.

Need of truth (1)
  • We need a notion of truth, in daily life and in
  • Within the standard framework of mathematics
    (Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory) we can define
    restricted notions of truth, but not the full
  • This limits natural reasoning within ZF set
    theory in many ways many informal mathematical
    arguments that everyone wants to make simply
    cant be formalized within the official ZF.

Need of truth (2)
  • We get a much more flexible system if we add a
    notion of truth to the set theoretic framework.
  • But different assumptions about truth yield
    different expansions of the framework.
  • Some mathematical sentences not settled in ZF set
    theory are settled in such expansions.
  • But we want the right expansion, to settle the
    questions in the right way. For this, we need to
    know the right morals of the Liar and similar
    paradoxes. ///

  • 1. Paradoxes of truth, definability,
  • Why they arent idle puzzles
  • How they make a case for revising logic (
    fundamental rules of reasoning)
  • 2. But can we rationally revise logic
    (fundamental rules of reasoning)?
  • 3. Understanding the nature of logic, and how it
    helps with (though doesnt by itself fully
    answer) the puzzles about rational revision of

Back to Liar paradox (1)
  • Simpler version a sentence L that says of itself
    that it is not true (rather than false).
  • (Such sentences can arise naturally in
  • Its puzzling what to say about L
  • If we declare L not true, then that declaration
    is equivalent to L itself so were asserting L
    while in the same breath declaring it not true.
    Very odd!
  • And if we declare L true, then our declaration is
    equivalent to a denial of L itself so were
    denying L while in the same breath declaring it
    true. Also very odd!

Back to Liar paradox (2)
  • What if we neither declare it not true nor
    declare it true?
  • If we accept standard logic, we must at least
    declare that its one or the other.
  • But if its absurd to declare it true, and absurd
    to declare it not true, isnt it equally absurd
    to say that its either true or not true, even if
    I dont say which?
  • (If I say Either there are square circles or
    triangular squares,
  • Ive said something absurd, even if I dont
    say which one.)

Yogi Berra
  • There are people who think its OK to assert that
    either the Liar sentence is true or its not
    true, even while holding that each is absurd.
  • Yogi Berra once offered the following advice
  • If you come to a fork in the road, take it.
  • These people reject that advice.

Incoherence Principles
  • Upshot If we dont restrict classical logic, we
    must violate at least one of the following
    Incoherence Principles
  • First Incoherence Principle it is incoherent to
    accept A while accepting A isnt true.
  • Second Incoherence Principle it is incoherent to
    accept A is true while accepting not-A.
  • Third Incoherence Principle If accepting either
    of two claims (B, C) would be incoherent, then it
    is incoherent to accept that either B or C.
  • Each of these principles seems compelling.
  • For this and other reasons, my preferred approach
    is to weaken classical logic slightly, in such a
    way that the problem doesnt arise.

My approach
  • The law of excluded middle is the principle
  • p or not-p (for any p you like).
  • The idea is to reject that it holds generally.
    In particular, we reject
  • () Either L is true or it isnt true.
  • Without (), we can accept that its absurd to
    call the Liar sentence true and that its absurd
    to call it not true, as the first two Incoherence
    Principles require, without violating the Third
    Incoherence Principle.
  • We can restrict excluded middle here in a way
    that allows for unrestricted classical logic
    within mathematics etc.

Contrast to intuitionism
  • LEM (Law of excluded middle) p or not-p (for
    any p you like).
  • Famously criticized by the Dutch intuitionists
    (Brouwer, Heyting), who proposed doing math
    without it.
  • Hilbert Depriving the mathematician of LEM would
    be like depriving the boxer the use of his fists.
  • I have a way of restricting logic thats immune
    to the critique it leaves logic unaffected in
    math, physics, etc.
  • Also intuitionist logic doesnt ultimately help
    with the paradoxes.

Results of my approach
  • An adequate treatment of the Liar must deal also
    with far more complicated paradoxes (infinitely
  • One of my main areas of research over the last
    few years was to work out such an account.
  • I showed how one can get a logic that
  • is in some sense close to classical logic,
  • reduces to classical logic in contexts where
    paradoxes dont threaten, e.g. math and physics,
  • where even in paradoxical contexts, the claim
    that a given sentence is true is equivalent to
    that sentence.
  • allows for all three incoherence principles.

Costs and benefits
  • Is restricting LEM to handle the paradoxes worth
    the cost? Requires detailed cost/benefit
    analysis of this and competing approaches.
    (Given in my recent book Saving Truth From
  • Some people think a cost/benefit analysis
    inappropriate they think it intrinsically wrong
    to suggest an alteration of the laws of classical
  • Similar arguments have been given in the case of
    other cases of radical change in view
  • Gauss/Riemann on weakening Euclidean views of
    geometric structure
  • Einstein on weakening Newtonian views of

Physics as precedent (1)
  • Before Einstein, it was hard to see how Newtonian
    views of simultaneity could fail. (Similarly for
    Gauss and Riemann re Euclidean geometry.)
  • It seemed part of our conceptual scheme that
    there is an objective simultaneity relation
    satisfying Newtonian assumptions.
  • No one even made these assumptions explicit until
    Einstein questioned them. (Similarly
    Gauss/Riemann, with variable-curvature geometry.)

Physics as precedent (2)
  • Gauss/Riemann and Einstein developed generalized
    theories that
  • accommodated the successes of the earlier
  • while allowing exceptions to handle contrary
  • Even after their work, some conservatives argued
    that theres something intrinsically wrong with
    trying to change such basic conceptual apparatus.
  • Generally agreed to be disreputable there. But
    if there, why not equally so in the case of logic?

Summary so far
  • Logical change shouldnt be made lightly.
  • Perhaps it shouldnt be made at all.
  • But if a way is proposed to
  • avoid serious anomalies by an alteration of logic
  • that will
  • accommodate ordinary reasoning in most
    circumstances, and
  • allow for something close to ordinary reasoning
  • then it should not be dismissed out of hand.

  • 1. Paradoxes of truth, definability,
  • Why they arent idle puzzles
  • How they make a case for revising logic (
    fundamental rules of reasoning)
  • 2. But can we rationally revise logic
    (fundamental rules of reasoning)?
  • 3. Understanding the nature of logic, and how it
    helps with (though doesnt by itself fully
    answer) the puzzles about rational revision of

Can we change logic rationally?
  • Revision of logic does raise some special
    epistemological problems. We need an account of
    how rational change in logic is possible.
  • Ive said its rational to change our logic when
    we have an alternative that
  • is enough like the old logic to serve ordinary
    purposes just as well,
  • but is just different enough to avoid certain
    anomalies that arise only in special
  • But this is too vague to answer all worries.

An apparent obstacle
  • A precise account would be something like a
    computer (or probabilistic automaton) model of an
    agent rationally changing her logic. Or anyway,
    a sketch of one.
  • An apparent obstacle to providing one you need
    logic in arguing for the change in logic. This
    may seem to raise a threat of some kind of
    vicious circularity.
  • To elaborate

Fundamental rules
  • It is natural (inevitable?) to think of rational
    thought in terms of the employment of fundamental
  • To ascertain whats true we rely on a set of
    epistemic rules, or norms, that tell us in some
    general way what it would be most rational to
    believe under different epistemic circumstances.
    (Boghossian 2008)
  • The idea isnt just of rules, but of fundamental
    ones general rules under which all our rational
    practices can be subsumed, and which in
    particular dictate all rational revision.

Rational change of fundamental rules?
  • Fundamental rules that dictate all rational
  • If so, its hard to see how these fundamental
    rules can rationally change.
  • Do the rules say dont follow me, follow some
    rules that conflict with me? Then following them
    would require not following them!
  • But if the (alleged) fundamental rules include
    rules of logic (as apparently they must), then
    its hard to see how the logic could rationally

Representative quotes
  • Not everything can be revised, because something
    must be used to determine whether a revision is
    warranted. Tom Nagel 1997, p. 65
  • There is no intellectual position we can occupy
    from which it is possible to scrutinize our
    logical beliefs without presupposing them.
    That is why they are exempt from skepticism. They
    cannot be put into question by an imaginative
    process that essentially relies on them. Ibid.
    p 64
  • The only way to revise ones logic is by brain
    surgery (Louise Anthony)

Core vs. peripheral?
  • Solution? Distinguish between
  • core principles of logic, built into the
    fundamental epistemic rules, and
  • peripheral principles not part of the rules.
  • Allow for rational change only in the peripheral
  • But I doubt that this is adequate.

Not just after-the-fact account
  • I concede that given any serious proposal for a
    change of logic,
  • one could find, after the proposal is made,
  • a common core between that and the old logic
    sufficient to reconstruct some epistemic
    principles that would have licensed the change.
  • But the fundamental rule picture requires more a
    single set of rules that could be used to
    evaluate any proposal for an altered logic (and
    handle ordinary reasoning tasks too).
  • It should be possible to give the rules for
    handling all possible reasonable proposals for
    altering our logic, in advance of any particular
    proposed alteration.

Alternative to rules? Mental models (1)
  • A standard alternative to rules in the psychology
    of logic Johnson-Laird on mental models in place
    of rules of deduction.
  • This doesnt help much one seems to need rules
    for the construction and interpretation of the
  • If so, those rules need to be revised to
    accommodate new logics.
  • More explicitly

Mental models (2)
  • The generation of models for classical reasoning
    seems to go by rules, according to which
  • in any describable circumstances, a given
    sentence is either true or not true.
  • Only by giving this up and constructing a more
    general conception of model could the paradoxes
    be adequately accommodated.
  • The rules of model-generation arent rules of
    deduction, but present the same difficulty it
    isnt clear how to model their change.
  • Ive put this in terms of rules for generating
    models. Maybe theres an alternative to the use
    of rules. But talk of models doesnt provide one.

Default program
  • A better approach is to take logic to be part of
    a default program, rewritable under exceptional
  • The procedure for rewriting it is assumed
    unrevisable (a non-rewritable program or part of
    basic architecture).
  • Its unrevisability doesnt raise the same
    problems, because it doesnt need to carry out
    the burden of ordinary reasoning---thats in the
    default logic.

A Direction
  • But we need a version of this that is detailed
    enough to make substantive and correct
    predictions about the circumstances under which
    one might rationally change ones logic.
  • I think that recent work by others on how we
    handle inconsistent information provides a clue.
  • Our frequent need to handle inconsistent
    information and our occasional need to revise
    logic are both aspects of our logical
    imperfection, something that philosophers
    unfortunately tend to idealize away.
  • But to see how to implement this, we need to
    become clearer about the nature of logic itself.

  • 1. Paradoxes of truth, definability,
  • Why they arent idle puzzles
  • How they make a case for revising logic (
    fundamental rules of reasoning)
  • 2. But can we rationally revise logic
    (fundamental rules of reasoning)?
  • 3. Understanding the nature of logic, and how it
    helps with (though doesnt by itself fully
    answer) the puzzles about rational revision of

The nature of logic (1)
  • A common view is that logic is the science of
    which forms of inference necessarily preserve
  • The usual alternative explains logical validity
    in normative terms in terms of what we ought to
    believe and not believe.
  • Both views seriously misconceive the nature of
  • The paradoxes can be shown to decisively refute
    the first.
  • The second would sully the precision of logic by
    bringing in imprecise normative notions.

The nature of logic (2)
  • Theres a more subtle normative view of logic.
  • On it, a logic is a description of a component of
    a possible set of norms for believing.
  • A good logic is a description of a component of a
    good set of norms. (Purpose-relative, but
    truth-oriented purposes are especially
  • We can theorize about which possible norms are
    good, relative to the purposes we have. For
    this, we use our current logic.
  • If we come to think an alternative better, we can
    try to train ourselves to employ it.

Connection to rational change (1)
  • This doesnt by itself give the sort of account
    of rational change of logic Id like a (sketch
    of) a computer or probabilistic automaton model
    of an agent rationally changing her logic.
  • But I think it gives the proper framework for
    that. It divides the problem into
  • a theoretical investigation (using currently
    accepted logic) into (i) what possible systems of
    logic there are and (ii) what life would be like
    if we employed them
  • a practical problem of training ourselves to
    alter our inferential practices.

Connection to rational change (2)
  • This split lessens the worries about using logic
    to revise logic
  • the use of logic is mostly confined to the
    theoretical task at stage 1, of figuring out
    which logic is best
  • The revision comes at the practical level of
    retraining ourselves, in stage 2.

Disallow Question Begging. (How?)
  • This doesnt completely remove all circularity
    worries, since there are arguments available at
    stage 1, using the old logic, that would
    undermine any change.
  • But such arguments would seem question-begging.
  • When change of logic and other change of central
    practices (e.g. observational practices) is at
    issue, we need a way to block the use of
    question-begging reasoning.
  • I think we can adapt models of our use of
    inconsistent information to do this.

Summary of this part
  • So my claim is
  • Logic is not the science of what preserves truth.
    (I think the paradoxes decisively refute that
    view, though I didnt argue that today.)
  • It is not the science of what one ought to
    believe. (One shouldnt bring normativity into
    the subject matter of logic.)
  • The normativity is external a logic is a partial
    description of norms for believing, and the
    normativity comes into the question of what makes
    a logic good.
  • This helps clear the ground for a proper approach
    to the subject of the rational revision of logic,
    and gives some clues as to the direction of a

  • 1. Paradoxes of truth, definability,
  • Why they arent idle puzzles
  • How they make a case for revising logic (
    fundamental rules of reasoning)
  • 2. But can we rationally revise logic
    (fundamental rules of reasoning)?
  • 3. Understanding the nature of logic, and how it
    helps with (though doesnt by itself fully
    answer) the puzzles about rational revision of
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