Title: Diapositiva 1
1PVs in BLOOM Photovoltaic Solar Energy in
Slovakia Status of the Sector and Marginal
areas 7-8 September 2010 Dasa
Nosekova, H-Control Sro Giorgio Dovigi, C.C.I.S.
2Status of the Sector
PV Power Installed and Connected December 2007
200kW December 2009 1,5 MW June 2010
5 MW PV Power Approved March 2010 - 575
MW approved
3Status of the Sector
Proposal from the Government to decrease solar
tariffs of more than 10 (URSO). Banks are
stopping to finance PV projects or are asking
more than 30 of equity from investors.
4Marginal Areas
More than 90 of the
projects approved in Slovakia have been developed
on Marginal Areas - lands with low level of
quality for agricultural activities - landfills
5Marginal Areas
This result has been achieved due to -
Investors search for cheap lands - Law
220/2004 on the protection an use of agricultural
6Thank you for your attention www.pvsinbloom.eu