2Table of contents
- 1 What is the passive voice?
- 2. The passive endings
- 3. First conjugation
- 4. Second conjugation
- 5. Third conjugation
- 6. Fourth conjugation
3In the active voice, the subjectPERFORMS THE
ACTION of the verb.
4Mures placentam portant.
5(The mice carry the cake.)
6In the passive voice, the subject is ACTED UPON
by the verb.
7Placenta a muribus portatur.
8(The cake is carried by the mice.)
9In Latin, there are special endings to show that
the verbs are in the passive voice!
10First, lets review the ACTIVE endings.
11Present Active is verbing
1st 2nd 3rd 3rd -io 4th
1 porto moneo ago capio audio
2 portas mones agis capis audis
3 portat monet agit capit audit
1 portamus monemus agimus capimus audimus
2 portatis monetis agitis capitis auditis
3 portant monent agunt capiunt audiunt
12Imperfect Active was verbing
1st 2nd 3rd 4th
1 mandabam tenebam ducebam feriebam
2 mandabas tenebas ducebas feriebas
3 mandabat tenebat ducebat feriebat
1 mandabamus tenebamus ducebamus feriebamus
2 mandabatis tenebatis ducebatis feriebatis
3 mandabant tenebant ducebant feriebant
13Now well look at the passive voice endings
14First conjugation
15portare--passive voice
- portamur
- portamini
- portantur
16Second conjugation
17tenere--passive voice
- tenemur
- tenemini
- tenentur
18Third Conjugation
19ducere--passive voice
- ducimur
- ducimini
- ducuntur
20Third Conjugation
21capere--passive voice
- capimur
- capimini
- capiuntur
22Fourth Conjugation
23audire--passive voice
- audimur
- audimini
- audiuntur
24Present Passive is being verbed
1st 2nd 3rd 3rd -io 4th
1 portor moneor agor capior audior
2 portaris moneris ageris caperis audiris
3 portatur monetur agitur capitur auditur
1 portamur monemur agimur capimur audimur
2 portamini monemini agimini capimini audimini
3 portantur monentur aguntur capiuntur audiuntur
25Imperfect Passivewas being verbed
1st 2nd 3rd 4th
1 mandabar tenebar ducebar feriebar
2 mandabaris tenebaris ducebaris feriebaris
3 mandabatur tenebatur ducebatur feriebatur
1 mandabamur tenebamur ducebamur feriebamur
2 mandabamini tenebamini ducebamini feriebamini
3 mandabantur tenebantur ducebantur feriebantur
26Now, lets look at some active and passive verb
27Puella aquam potat.
28Aqua a puella potatur.
29Viri carmen cantant.
30Carmen a viribus cantatur.
31Vir panem vendit.
32Panis a viro venditur