Title: EndNote: The Basics
1EndNote The Basics
- In todays session you will learn to
- Create and open EndNote libraries
- Create, edit and delete references in EndNote
Libraries - Import references/citations to Endnote from
PubMed and EBSCOhost - Use EndNotes Cite While You Write Feature with
Microsoft Word
3What is EndNote?
- A database used to organize bibliographies for
research papers, dissertations, or books.
4The EndNote library
- What is a library?
- An EndNote library is like a file cabinet. Just
as a file cabinet holds many files, Endnote holds
many references.
5The EndNote Process
Manual Input
EndNote Library
6The EndNote Process
Manual Input
EndNote Library
7Creating a library
- When you open EndNote the following box appears
You may choose to create a new library or open an
existing library.
8Manually adding references to a new Library
References can be entered into EndNote manually.
Simply click on References and select New
9Manually adding references (continued)
Enter the following sample book citation into
EndNote First, choose the appropriate REFERENCE
TYPE, in this case BOOK. Callen, J. P.
(2000). Color atlas of dermatology (2nd
ed.). Philadelphia W.B. Saunders.
Note You must use a comma between an authors
last name and first initials for correct
10The EndNote Process
Manual Input
EndNote Library
11Exporting References from PubMed into EndNote
From the search results page, select desired
citations (or click no citations to transfer
entire result).
Change the Display to MEDLINE, then the Send to
option to File. Save as a text file to your
12Exporting References from PubMed (continued)
In EndNote, under File choose Import. Click
Choose File and locate the results file. Change
the Import Option to PubMed(NLM) and click Import.
NOTE Only the most recently added references
will display in EndNote. To see the complete
library, select Show All References in the
References menu.
13Exporting References from EBSCOhost into EndNote
Click the Add folder at each individual citation
or at the top of the results display to add the
entire page.
To export from the EBSCOhost databases (e.g.
CINAHL), you must save your results to your
14Exporting References from EBSCOhost into EndNote
To access saved citations, click Folder has Items.
15Exporting References from EBSCOhost into EndNote
To send your folder to EndNote, click Save to
Then, choose the Bibliographic Manager tab.
16Exporting References from EBSCOhost into EndNote
In EBSCOhost, choose Citations in Direct Export
format and click Save.
In EndNote, choose your library and click Open.
NOTE Only the most recently added references
will display in EndNote. To see the complete
library, select Show All References in the
References menu.
17More info on exporting citations to your Endnote
- Instructions on how to export citations from
additional databases and information on the
latest EndNote filters can be found on the Hardin
Library web page at - http//www.lib.uiowa.edu/hardin/endnote.html
18The EndNote Process
Manual Input
EndNote Library
19Citation Styles EndNote
To view the current style of your references,
select a citation and click on Show Preview in
the lower right hand corner of the screen.
20Viewing the Current Citation Style
After clicking on Show Preview we can view the
citation in the APA style format.
21Annotated Style
The Annotated style includes an abstract in
Preview mode.
22Choosing a citation style
To select a citation style not in the drop down
menu Select Edit ? Output Styles ? Open Style
23Choosing a citation style (continued)
In the style manager, click on the Find button
and select the subject Medicine (or
subject/discipline of choice).
24Choosing a citation style (continued)
After selecting a subject/discipline, scroll down
the list and choose the appropriate journal
To learn more about the style, click on More Info
if necessary (below the Find button).
Once the citation style is selected, close this
dialog box and return to the library.
25Choosing a citation style (continued)
Now the new citation style appears in the style
drop down menu AND after selecting it, we can
see the citation change in the Preview Box below.
26The EndNote Process
Manual Input
EndNote Library
27EndNote MS Word
- There are two ways that Endnote can help you
create bibliographies in MS Word - By using the EndNote Copy Formatted option.
- 2. By using EndNotes Cite While You Write
(CWYW). -
28Creating a Word bibliography with EndNotes Copy
Formatted feature
In an EndNote library, select citations (use the
control key to select more than one reference).
Go to Edit select Copy Formatted.
The references are now saved to a clipboard and
ready to be pasted in a Word document. Go to the
Word document. At the end of the document, click
on Edit and Paste.
29Copy Formatted Bibliography in MS Word
30Creating a Bibliography Using Cite While You
Write (CWYW)
- In Word, EndNotes Cite While You Write feature
can be accessed two ways - Via the EndNote toolbar
- (to view the toolbar View ? Toolbars ? EndNote
9) - Via the EndNote 9 Menu
- (Tools ? EndNote 9)
31CWYW Finding and Inserting a Citation
Then, click on the Find Citation icon. This will
open a separate search box.
First, place the cursor EXACTLY where the
citation should be inserted.
32Finding and Inserting a Citation (continued)
Perform a keyword search or scroll to find a
reference, then insert a citation by
double-clicking on it.
33Finding and Inserting a Citation (continued)
The reference will be inserted in the designated
place and the full citation will appear at the
end of the document.
34Finding and Inserting a Citation (continued)
Alternatively, citations can selected directly
within the EndNote library, then inserted into
the Word document using the Insert Selected
Citation(s) icon.
35CWYW Formatting the Bibliography
To change the format or style of your
bibliography, click the Format Bibliography
Choose the Layout tab to adjust the font, title,
numbering or indentation.
36Formatting the Bibliography (continued)
Use the Format Bibliography tab to select a new
style. Click on the drop down menu next to With
Output Style to choose. Click OK.
The citations and bibliography are then
reformatted in the new style.
37CWYW Editing a Citation
To edit a citation in Word, Click on the Edit
Citation button in the EndNote Toolbar,
The Edit Citation feature can delete/remove
citations, exclude an author or year, or add page
numbers. NOTE Using MS Word to edit formatted
citations could endanger the structure of the
entire bibliography.
38Disabling Instant Formatting
To prevent a bibliography from displaying on an
in-process document, Instant Formatting can be
disabled. In this case, citations can also be
removed without using the Edit Citation feature.
In the Format Bibliography box, choose the tab
Instant Formatting and click Disable. Add
citations to the document as needed.
When the document is finished, click Format
Bibliography and OK to finalize the citation
format and generate the bibliography.
39The End
- Questions?
- Please contact the Hardin Library
- Check the EndNote page at http//www.lib.uiowa.edu
/hardin/endnote.html - Call 335-9151
- E-mail lib-hardin_at_uiowa.edu
- Instant Message us at HardinLHS
- Thank you for attending the EndNote Workshop!