European Imperialism - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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European Imperialism


European Imperialism European Interest in India Europeans need and have a high demand for spices, cotton, and other goods Europeans trade by land over what route? – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: European Imperialism

European Imperialism
War on Iraq
  • The government of Iraq, and the future of your
    country, will soon belong to you. ... We will end
    a brutal regime ... so that Iraqis can live in
    security. We will respect your great religious
    traditions, whose principles of equality and
    compassion are essential to Iraq's future. We
    will help you build a peaceful and representative
    government that protects the rights of all
    citizens. And then our military forces will
    leave. Iraq will go forward as a unified,
    independent, and sovereign nation that has
    regained a respected place in the world. You are
    a good and gifted people -- the heirs of a great
    civilization that contributes to all humanity.
  • -- President George W. Bush to the people of
    Iraq, April 4, 2003
  • Our armies do not come into your cities and lands
    as conquerors or enemies, but as liberators. ...
    It is not the wish of our government to
    impose upon you alien institutions. ... It is
    our wish that you should prosper even as in the
    past, when your lands were fertile, when your
    ancestors gave to the world literature, science,
    and art, and when Baghdad city was one of the
    wonders of the world. ... It is our hope that
    the aspirations of your philosophers and writers
    shall be realized and that once again the people
    of Baghdad shall flourish, enjoying their wealth
    and substance under institutions which are in
    consonance with their sacred laws and their
    racial ideals.
  • -- General F. S. Maude to the people of
    Mesopotamia, March 19, 1917

  • Imperialism process through which a state
    attempts to control the economic and/or political
    and cultural makeup of another state.
  • Between 1815-1914 the West (Europe and America)
    increased their control of the worlds land mass
    from 35-85.

Do something no one has done
Source for Raw Materials
Spread Christianity
Reasons for European Imperialism
Markets forFinishedGoods
End Slavery
Gain Territory
Gain Power
Causes of Imperialism
  • Economic
  • Industrialization gave the West the ability to
    conquer other parts of the world, but more
    reasons to do so, too.
  • Large-scale industrial production made Western
    factories demand more raw materials, which could
    be seized from less powerful nations.
  • Also, Western nations needed markets for goods
  • Colonies would serve as potential markets.
  • Immense wealth allowed Western world to conquer
    far-flung places.

Causes of Imperialism
  • Political
  • Power- What better way to show the world that you
    are a power than by taking over other countries.
  • Nationalism- If my country has a huge empire, we
    must be powerful.
  • Territory- The more territory we have the more
    powerful we are and the more resources we control

Causes of Imperialism
  • Religion
  • Christians feel it is their duty to convert
    others and show them the way to heaven.
  • By this time most European countries had outlawed
    slavery on the belief than men were equal under
  • Slavery still existed in other parts of the world
    and in Africa.
  • The only way to enforce the ban was to control

Causes of Imperialism
  • Ideological
  • Social Darwinism- Application of Charles Darwins
    Theory of Survival of the Fittest to humans.
  • The Lion eats the Gazelle. Lion lives to pass on
    its fast genes. Gazelle dies, doesnt pass on
  • This was natures way of improving the species.
  • Therefore, the stronger humans (Whites) should
    take over the weaker ones (Natives).
  • This was natures way of improving the species.

Causes of Imperialism
  • Ideological
  • White Mans Burden
  • Named after a poem by Rudyard Kipling.
  • It was the duty of the superior race (Whites) to
    help bring culture and civilization to the lesser
  • Get rid of your ways and do it like us.
  • Well meaning, but racist at the same time.
  • A lot of good was done, but at the same time many
    natives lost their culture and heritage.

Causes of Imperialism
  • Ideological
  • Racism
  • Created a sense that Western nations were
    entitled to conquer colonize areas that
    appeared backwards or primitive.
  • White European culture is best and should be
    spread throughout the world.
  • Wear clothes, speak language, act like the
  • Cecil Rhodes, British imperialist, I contend
    that we are the finest race in the world, and the
    more of it we inhabit, the better.

Causes of Imperialism
  • Exploration
  • Since the beginning of time humans have wanted to
    do something that no one else has done before and
    explore their world.
  • Follow in the footsteps of Columbus.
  • Dr. Livingstone goes to Africa. No one hears from
  • Newspaperman Henry Stanley finds him and writes
    about it.
  • Creates interest in Africa.

Western advantages
  • Strong economies
  • Well-organized governments
  • Powerful armed forces
  • Superior technology and medicine
  • Maxim gun
  • Quinine

  • 1880, Europeans controlled 10 of Africa
  • 1914 Europeans controlled all except Liberia

Africa Berlin Congress 1884-85
  • Established the "rules" for conquest of Africa
  • sought to prevent conflict over imperialism
  • Congress coincided with Germany's rise as an
    imperial power
  • Agreed to stop slavery and slave trade in Africa
  • Germany took control of Cameroon, Togo, southwest
    Africa, East Africa
  • France took control Tunisia, Algeria, French
    West Africa (including Morocco, Sahara, Sudan,
    Congo basin)
  • Italy took control of Libya
  • Belgium Took control of the Congo

The Congo "I do not want to risk...losing a fine
chance to secure for ourselves a slice of this
magnificent African cake.--Leopold II
King Leopold II of Belgium
  • King Leopold II of Belgium was a figurehead
    without any actual say in the governement from
  • He had great ambition to make Belgium, a
    relatively new and small nation, one of the great
    imperial powers of Europe.
  • He thought that colonization was the best way to
    do this.
  • Since history teaches that colonies are useful,
    that they play a great part in that which makes
    up the power and prosperity of states, let us
    strive to get one in our turn."

Leopolds Attempts at Acquiring Colonies
  • He launched several unsuccesful schemes to buy
    colonies, but all of his attempts at aquiring
    territory were blocked by the Belgian government,
    which viewed colonization as a bad investment.
  • Leopold decided that if the Belgian government
    would not support him, then he would do it
  • He set his sights on the Congo, a piece of land
    in the heart of Africa that had remained
    uncolonized by civilized society.

The African International Association
  • In 1876 Leopold, using his own vast wealth, and
    acting completely independent of the Belgian
    state, sponsored a humanitarian conference as a
    front for his ambition to colonize, which
    resulted in the formation of the African
    International Association, of which he was the
    sole shareholder.
  • The Association was given internation support in
    its quest to civilize the natives, through
    promises to end slavery in the Congo, protect the
    rights of the natives, and guarantee free trade,
    none of which he actually intended to do.

Stanleys Takeover of the Congo
  • Leopold hired Henry Morton Stanley, a famous
    explorer who understood the customs and politics
    of the tribes and peoples of the Congo, to
    organize the takeover
  • Stanley used guns and other modern weapons, cheap
    European goods to win over 450 local chiefs and
    their people and take over their land.

Cheating the Natives
Chiefs of Ngombi Mafela, in return for "one
piece of cloth per month to each of the
undersigned chiefs, besides present of cloth in
hand," they promised to "freely of their own
accord, for themselves and their heirs and
successors for ever...give up to the said
Association the sovereignty and all sovereign and
governing rights to all their territories...and
to assist by labour or otherwise, any works,
improvements or expeditions which the said
Association shall cause at any time to be carried
out in any part of these territories....All roads
and waterways running through this country, the
right of collecting tolls on the same, and all
game, fishing, mining and forest rights, are to
be the absolute property of the said
Association. --Treaty handing over land to
Leopold II
Henry Morton Stanley in his Stanley Cap which
he designed for exploring the tropics
The Congo Free State
  • Through deceit and diplomacy, international
    conferences, and false promises to various
    nations, Leopold, who still did not formally own
    the land, was able to convince the international
    community in 1885 to allow him absolute control
    over a 90,000 square mile piece of land at the
    heart of the Congo, which was named the Congo
    Free State.
  • He now officially owned 30 million people,
    without constitution, without international
    supervision, without ever having been to the
    Congo, and without more than a tiny handful of
    his citizens having heard of him. (Wikipedia)

Women kept hostage to force their husbands to go
and gather rubber. Rubber was harvested by
climbing the rubber tree, tapping into it and
letting the sap run all over the slaves body,
where it would congeal. Later he would peel the
rubber off his body, taking any body hair with
it. Rubber harvesters were given impossible
quotas to fill each month.
Two victims (l.) who lost their hands, one
because his wrists were tied too tightly, the
other because company militia cut it off to claim
him as killed and get a reward. Below, a father
looks at the severed hand and foot of his
5-8 Million Victims! (50 of Popul.)
It is blood-curdling to see them (the soldiers)
returning with the hands of the slain, and to
find the hands of young children amongst the
bigger ones evidencing their bravery...The rubber
from this district has cost hundreds of lives,
and the scenes I have witnessed, while unable to
help the oppressed, have been almost enough to
make me wish I were dead... This rubber traffic
is steeped in blood, and if the natives were to
rise and sweep every white person on the Upper
Congo into eternity, there would still be left a
fearful balance to their credit. --
Belgian Official
Punishing Lazy Workers
Hands collected if rubber quotas not met
  • In practice, soldiers sometimes "cheated" by
    simply cutting off the hand and leaving the
    victim to live or die. More than a few survivors
    later said that they had lived through a massacre
    by acting dead, not moving even when their hand
    was severed, and waiting till the soldiers left
    before seeking help.

Leopold Tries to Maintain His Image
  • Despite his cruelty as a leader, ironically much
    of Leopolds success rested on his international
    image as a philanthropist, who was dedicated to
    improving the lives of the African people.
  • In order to maintain this image, Leopold bribed
    many journalists and outlawed his employees from
    leaving the country

Belgiums Stranglehold on the Congo
(No Transcript)
The Reign of Terror Ends
  • Leopold was ultimately unsuccessful in dispelling
    rumors about the awful conditions of life in the
    Congo Free State. By 1908 criticism of his rule
    and lobbying by the American Congo Reform
    Association forced his withdrawal as sovereign
    and the region was annexed to Belgium. Its name
    was later changed to Zaire and is now known as
    the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Europes Overseas Empire
  • Western Approaches
  • Britains was the largest and most powerful
    colonial establishment.
  • France, Belgium, and the Netherlands also had
    sizable colonies.
  • Various approaches to governing
  • British considered to have most enlightened
    approach to colonization.
  • Did take their colonies by force exploited them
    economically-and were prone to the same sense of
    racial superiority as the others

Europes Overseas Empires
  • Egypt
  • Perhaps most important territory was Egypt.
  • Became a British protectorate in 1880s.
  • France Britain both vied for Egypt, mainly b/c
    of the financing of the Suez Canal (1869).
  • Control over the canal-a vital link between Med.
    And Red Sea/ Indian Ocean-was crucial
  • British used eco. pressure to gain more
    political control over Egypt.

British Imperialism
European Interest in India
  • Europeans need and have a high demand for spices,
    cotton, and other goods
  • Europeans trade by land over what route?

India was a major supplier of raw materials
Indians must buy finished goods from Britain
Indians must produce raw materials for Britain
Jewel in the Crown
Tea, indigo, coffee, cotton, and jute, opium
British in India
  • Set up trade in India
  • Corrupt Mogul Empire in India
  • ignores British gains
  • British soon control India
  • Export cotton from India to Britain
  • Machine cotton spinning in Britain
  • starts industrial revolution
  • British empire expands
  • Africa, Asia, Australia

British Rule in India
  • The East India Company, a British owned company,
    established trading post in India.
  • Establish colonies
  • Make laws and collect taxes
  • Have an army
  • They fought with France as well as India over
    control of the sub-continent. Britain won.
  • By 1857 the British were hiring Indian allies to
    protect British interest.

Problems of British Rule
  • 1- Indians bought cheaper cloth from Britain
    which destroyed Indian textiles.
  • 2-The British collected taxes from the Indians to
    keep the army in India. This caused some farmers
    to lose their farms.
  • 3-Britain convinced many farmer to grow cotton
    instead of food which led to starvation.
  • Educated Indians, predominantly Hindu, demanded
    increasing equality self-gov't
  • India became independent in 1946 (just after

Why were the Indians so angry??
  • Brits had changed traditional practices
  • Indians Forced to buy British stuff
  • Indians were treated as second class
  • Not allowed to have best jobs
  • Paid less for the same jobs as British
  • Even educated people discriminated against
  • Indian economy became dependent on Brits!
  • How do you think some Indians feel about this??

I object to violence because when it appears to
do good, the good is only temporary the evil
it does is permanent. -Gandhi
An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind. -
British EmpireAt its peak controlled one sixth
of humanity
  • Other European countries scramble to set up
    colonies all over world
  • France
  • Belgium
  • Germany
  • Denmark
  • Great Britain- Opium Wars

Impact of Imperialism
  • Positive Results
  • Spread of Western thought, government, and ideas
    (end to slavery)
  • Improved infastructure (Roads, Dams, etc)
  • Improved Sanitation and public health
  • Improved Education and Literacy
  • End to local warfare
  • Negative Results
  • Became dependent on parent country
  • Cash crops led to famine
  • Racism
  • Indians treated like second class citizens
  • -Loss of traditional languages and cultures
  • - of dead??????
  • Problems with independence when colonial powers
    leave (Mid-East, Africa, SE Asia)

(No Transcript)
When India achieved independence in 1947, it was
separated from East and West Pakistan.
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