The Lymphatic System Roles of the Lymphatics system Functions of the lymphatic system Fat absorption Intestinal lipid absorption places chylomicrons (intestinal lipid ...
Cells red cells (erythrocytes) and white (granular and agranular) Platelets and chylomicrons ... elephant (9.4 ); Musk Deer (2.5 ) 5. Largest erythrocytes ...
Lipids in the body Functions Membrane component Thermal insulation and mechanical protection Metabolic regulator Energy store - 90% of an adipocyte is lipid
Les triglyc rides alimentaires ne sont pas absorbables. Les substances absorbables sont: ... Certains lipides alimentaires sont naturellement mulsionn s (lait) ...
Adipose Tissue II FWS EDDIE SMITH LEAH WAGNER LEAH SANDERS JONATHAN GRIMWOOD How is adipose stored? Energy ingested as fat beyond what is needed by the body is stored ...
4. DIGESTION AND ABSORPTION OF LIPIDS INTRODUCTION Foods are enzymatically digested to prepare them for absorption. During digestion in the gastrointestinal tract of ...
Title: PowerPoint Presentation Last modified by: ksupy Created Date: 1/1/1601 12:00:00 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3) Other titles
METABOLISM OF LIPIDS ... bond between fatty acid and other molecules can be hydrolysed using lipases enzyme Phosphoacylglycerols membrane component ...
The Lipids: Triglycerides, Phospholipids, and Sterols Chapter 5 * Figure 5.13: A Bile Acid. This is one of several bile acids the liver makes from cholesterol.
Fat catabolism: generation of energy by fatty acid oxidation Fat (triacylglycerol) and Fatty Acids: 90% of dietary lipids are tryacylglycerol, a hydrophobic, neutral ...
To learn the major classes of lipids found in the diet. ... Gangliosides Sialic Acid-containing. sugars. SO3. NANA. High levels in myelin and nerve tissue but ...
Forage needed to minimize fat effects on milk fat percentage ... Caused more by increase milk production rather than a decrease in protein synthesis ...
Pancreas. Location. Lies deep to the greater curvature of the stomach ... the duodenal wall to release. secretin, whereas fatty, protein-rich chyme induces ...
The mesenteric arteries. Name the first branch off the aorta below the diaphragm ... Mesenteric artery. Name this yellow stained blood vessel. Mesenteric vein. ...
Precursor of bile acids and bile salts. Precursor of steroid ... Cholic Acid (~31%) Liver. bile. Composed of: Phosphatidyl choline (phospholipid) Bile salts ...
Cholesterol. By. SUHA AL THUBAITI. Supervisor by: Dr. Wadiah Backer. Cholesterol sources: ... Cholesterol is a member of steroid family, Acetyl CoA is the ...
Title: Drug Treatment of Hyperlipidemia Author: Philip Marcus, MD Last modified by: Elizabeth Doran Created Date: 3/8/2000 2:40:45 AM Document presentation format
Lipid is repackaged in the liver to VLDL or very low density lipoprotein ... High energy density tissue, low water content. Major producers of fatty acids. Liver ...
... vitamins are absorbed along with food. a. most water soluble vitamins (B, ... b. the fat soluble vitamins (A, D, E, K) are absorbed along with lipids from food ...
Overview of Carbohydrate Metabolism: The importance of regulating blood glucose levels. ... Stimulates lipoprotein lipase resulting in uptake of fatty acids ...
Digestion and absorption of dietary fats in non-ruminants ... Medium chain: caproic (C6), caprylic (C8), capric (C10) and lauric acid (C12) Long chain: C14. ...
Title: 8. Triterpenes and Sterols Author: Rene Last modified by: Rene Document presentation format: On-screen Show (4:3) Other titles: Times New Roman Arial Unicode ...
Diets containing nuts reduce coronary heart disease risk predominantly through ... absorbed in the ileum. reform the triglyceride molecule. WHAT HAPPENS NEXT? ...