... Land Radiolarians Bacterial S-Layers On the sphere Geodesic Domes (by Buckminster) Defect Scars Summary Empirical guide for parameters to use in algorithm.
There are 2 types: helizoans (freshwater) and radiolarians (colonial) Forams They are marine animals, living in sands, with multi-chambered shells. Most are fossils.
You looked at a similar to this. What was it a of? Zooplankton What is the organism that the arrow is pointing to? A copepod Identify this organism ...
Dinoflagellates Dinoflagellates Possess 2 flagella Cell wall composed of cellulose Autotrophic and heterotrophic abilities Some ability to migrate vertically in ...
Marine Environment Organisms Distribution Environment Life in the Ocean Plankton: floaters Nekton: swimmers Benthos: bottom dwellers Phytoplankton Carry on ...
Animal Like-Protista (Protozoa) All are unicellular heterotrophs. Nutrition by ingesting other organisms or dead organic material. Some organisms are parasitic, since ...
Marine Environment Organisms Distribution Environment Life in the Ocean Plankton: floaters Nekton: swimmers Benthos: bottom dwellers Phytoplankton Carry on ...
Chapter 20 - Protists Characteristics: Eukaryotic Unicellular - may be colonial or filamentous (Spirogyra and Volvox) Animal-like, Plant-like, or Fungus-like ...
Algae Algae diverse simple mostly aquatic mostly photosynthetic Belong to the kingdom Protista Eukaryotic So they have a nucleus and membrane bound organelles ...
Protists simple eukaryotic organisms that are not fungi, plants, or animals include many lineages of mostly single-celled eukaryotes, some distantly related to one ...
Protists Life begins like amoeba Group together for food & reproduction Phylum: Myxomycota Acellular Slime Molds Plasmodia (not to be confused with plasmodium ...
INTRODUCTION TO MARINE ... to jellyfish Feed with stinging tentacles Live attached to the sea floor in large colonies Construct hard calcium carbonate structures ...
Marine Microfossils Dr. J Bret Bennington Department of Geology What are marine microfossils? Fossilized remains of small organisms or tiny hardparts of larger organisms.
Question #20 Algae are helpful to humans and other animals in many ways. Explain 2 of them: ... They decompose dead things and absorb their food like fungi do.
Aeolian deposition = 7% Dissolution of seafloor basalts = 7% Hydrothermal vents = 6 ... Diatoms play a key role in the biogeochemical cycle of silicon in the ocean ...
... combining photosynthesis and heterotrophic nutrition Characteristics Protists are ... Giardia Trypanosomes Malaria Cute Paramecium Amoeba Mistaken as other ...
Sharpei Puppy The Nature of Science Science may be described as the attempt to give good accounts of the patterns in nature. The result of scientific investigation is ...
Foraminifera (zooplankton) 2. Silica (SiO2) a) Diatoms (phytoplankton) b) Radiolarian (zooplankton) Sediment Distribution - Biogenous. Calcareous and Siliceous Oozes ...
The Protozoans Ciliates Amoeboid Protozoans Flagellated Protozoans Kingdom Protozoa Defining Characteristics All are unicellular eukaryotes What is a prokaryote?
... 4000 6000 11,000 Epipelagic Zone Photic Zone Enough sunlight for photosynthesis Primary area of food production From surface ... Mollusks Nekton (swimmers ...
Title: Wonderful world of Fungi! Author: Department of Life Sciences Last modified by: Burchett, Greg Created Date: 4/6/2002 7:38:01 PM Document presentation format
Cells that are much more complex than normal animal cells. Characterized by the way they move ... often comprised of interwoven cells. Protozoans. 10/31/09. 48 ...
Title: PowerPoint Presentation - Aquatic proxies Author: Ian Hutchinson Last modified by: ian hutchinson Created Date: 1/25/2002 9:06:09 PM Document presentation format
Geology of the Oceans. Week 2. Geology of the Oceans. Structure of the Earth. LITHOSPHERE ... Divergent: where plates form, such as at mid-ocean ridges ...
Title: Plankton Author: Nancy Black Last modified by: Nancy Created Date: 10/10/2006 2:32:22 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show Other titles
Subclass Acantharia (shell made of SrSO4 ... Bilaterally symmetrical with 'sagittal' ring and more of a basket shape. All forms are open marine and planktonic. ...