Kentrosaurus. 20 cm. Stegosaurus Plates. Stegosaurus Restoration. 1 m. 1 m ... Nodosaurus - Nodosaurid. 50 cm. Polacanthus - Nodosauridae. 10 cm. Tail Club of ...
... into the Archosauromorpha (Crocs, birds, pterosaurs, and ... differently than crocs. move nares to top of skull. Saurischia. Palaeopoda (4-legged gait) ...
Introduction to Birds. Acorn Woodpecker. Bald Eagle. Peregrine Falcon. American White Pelican ... ...
EMBRYOLOGICAL FEATURES: amnion, chorion, ... Costal breathing (inhaling using movement of the ribs) ... Some pterodactyloids had wildly developed skulls. ...
Suchomimus had an elongate skull, probably indicative of being a fish eater (piscivore) ... Tyrannosaur skulls are extremely robust compared to other theropods. ...
A survey of dinosaur diversity by clade, age, country and year of description. Michael P. Taylor Introduction Understanding dinosaur diversity ...
Water moves heat around the planet; tectonics determines how ... Seafloor spreading causes bulges in ocean basins. Big enough bulges and/or lots of them ...
Dinosaur Evolution How do we know when dinosaurs lived? Layers of sedimentary rock & absolute dating Late Triassic (during Mesozoic) through end of the Cretaceous ...
They are names that are used for convenience in discussing vertebrate evolution. ... Salientia (Anura) 'Frogs' Urodela (Caudata) 'Salamanders' Tetrapoda: Amniota ...
Triassic - North America and Gondwanaland rift apart; ... Africa and Antarctica/Australia rift apart. End of Jurassic - Eurasia rotates, closing off Tethys, ...
characterized chiefly by a vertebral column. Earliest known was the conodont ... sharing a more recent common ancestor with Allosaurus than with modern birds) ...
Class Chondrichthyes Herpetology is study of: Class Osteichthyes Class Mammalia Dinosauria Crocodilia Testudines Class Amphibia Class Agnatha Class Aves
Lots of claws and teeth, including huge talon on one digit of forelimbs ... Dinosaurs were huge - could have been effectively homeothermic w/o endothermy ...
LECTURE 7: Mesozoic Era 248 mya 65 mya Periods of the Mesozoic Era Triassic 248 mya-206 mya Jurassic 206 mya-146 mya Cretaceous 146 mya-65 mya What Significant ...
Life of the Mesozoic Era main points .. 1.marine invertebrates that survived end Permian extinction diversified and repopulated the seas 2. flowering plants evolve ...
All About The Velociraptor By Ariana, Eli, Jimmy, Liam and Trinity The Velociraptor lived in Russia, China, and Mongolia. They were in Asia. The Velociraptor s ...
This 147-million-year-old Archaeopteryx fossil, owned by London's Natural History Museum, ... the world, Archaeopteryx is usually kept in environmentally ...
Characterized by 3 part hip structure similar to that of lizards. Who were the Theropods ... Where are Archaeopteryx found? Mostly in Germany. Cretaceous Coelurosaurs ...
Name means 'sauropod form'; Sauropoda means 'lizard feet', even though their ... Extremely large size: all sauropods were at least elephant-sized as adults, and ...
The only places on Earth where most reptiles cannot live are very hot areas. cold areas. dry areas. wet areas. 5 4 3 2 1 Suppose you know that vertebrate X has lungs ...
The Origin and Early Evolution of Amniotes Amniotes diverged from anthracosaurs in the Carboniferous period (late Paleozoic) The Amniotic Egg (shelled egg ...
if dinosaurs were dumb and slow, why were they the dominant life form for 150my? ( No non-dinosaur larger than a turkey walked the land during the age of dinosaurs) ...
A. film show. B. dance programs. Tapescript for this part: Museums have changed. ... Today, millions of African Americans celebrate Kwanzaa during the month of ...
Filtering Which news articles are interesting to a particular ... Relevance feedback methods have suffered from the unwillingness of users to provide feedback. ...