Serratus Anterior Innervation and Action C 5 Long thoracic nerve innervate Serratus anterior muscle Injury to long thoracic nerve causes inability to raise arm past ...
Injuries Injuries of brachial plexus Long thoracic nerve Damage to serratus anterior Wining of scapula ...
Deltoid. Infraspinatus. Teres minor. Teres major. Serratus. anterior. Levator scapulae ... Make shallow incision along nape of neck while pulling on skin ...
MUSCLES OF THE TORSO Upload 8.21 Muscles of the Torso Worksheet to eBackpack Muscles of the torso The functions of the torso muscles include: support/posture ...
Classification of muscles of the trunk Classification of muscles of the trunk Pectoralis Major: Clavicular Head: Origin: inferior margin of clavicle Insertion ...
Unit 3, Lesson 4: The Muscular System Function of the muscular system Provides movement in conjunction with the skeletal system Important in life support Used by ...
Unit 3, Lesson 2: The Muscular System Ione Community School Animal Science Function of the muscular system Provides movement in conjunction with the skeletal system ...
Muscle Kinesiology Anatomy & Physiology Who came up with those LONG names? Many of the names come from Latin and the regional skeletal bones How many skeletal muscles ...
Ex. 15 Types of Muscles Agonists (Prime Movers ) muscles that are primarily responsible for producing a particular movement Antagonist muscles that oppose or ...
Name the muscle and two of its actions. Shoulder Girdle Exercises and Review Exercises www.bodybuilding ... Scapula muscle(s) = ? Adduction Rhomboid Upper and Mid ...
Scapula muscle(s) = ? Adduction Rhomboid Lower and Mid. Trap. Name the muscle. Pectoralis minor Name the action Depression of the scapula . Title: PowerPoint Presentation
Thoracic wall-Skin-Superficial fascia-deep fascia Muscles of respiration: It includes muscles which are used in ordinary respiratiratory effort This group includes 3 ...
Upper Extremity Shoulder Girdle Shoulder Girdle Made of clavicle and scapula 3 joints: sternoclavicular, acromioclavicular, and coracoclavicular Articulations ...
2005 - Brown Muscle Torso Model. Identify the Muscle ... Brown Muscle Torso Models. Congratulations!! That's all for the brown torso model! ...
7 = acromion process. Anterior. Posterior. Name the muscle and two of its actions. ... Acromion process. Spine. Superior angle. Inferior angle. Medial ...
Title: PowerPoint Presentation - Quiz on Shoulder and Spine Author: Texas State User Last modified by: Texas State User Created Date: 10/11/2004 9:50:59 PM
Head Chest Abdomen Superficial upper back Deeper muscles upper back Arm Anterior thigh Anterior lower leg Posterior lower leg Posterior Thigh Head Chest Abdomen ...
Principle Skeletal Muscles 2 Muscles that act on the abdominal wall, muscles used in breathing and muscles that move the pectoral girdle MUSCLES THAT ACT ON THE ...
'There's only one way to skin a cat' Mr. Nollen. Class Topics. Title: Anat & Phys 1/5/07 ... being careful to cut just the skin, not the underlying tissue ...
The Shoulder Girdle Anatomy and Kinesiology 420:024 Objectives Bones, bony landmarks and joints Muscles Movements The Shoulder Girdle The scapula and clavicle Two ...
Shoulder Girdle. Exercises. and. Review. Exercises. ... Name the muscle and two of its actions. PECTORALIS MINOR. Downward ...
Biceps Becomes More Important Anterior Stabilizer as Capsuloligamentous Stability Decreases ... Long head of biceps. Superior capsule. Supraspinatus tendon ...
Dr. Ahmed Fathalla Ibrahim & Dr. Zeenat Zaidi OBJECTIVES At the end of the lecture, students should be able to: Distinguish between the different groups of back muscles.
THORAX SURFACE ANATOMY Student who cheated in anatomy lab: counted own ribs Males and Females have same number of ribs (no, Eve wasn t formed from one of Adam s)
Orthopedic Examination of the Spine, Pelvis, and Extremities DX 611 Postural Assessment James J. Lehman, DC, MBA, FACO University of Bridgeport College of Chiropractic
Levator Scapulae. Rhomboids. Teres Major. Muscle attachments at blue, purple, yellow and green? ... LEVATOR SCAPULAE. Elevation. Name the muscle and two of its ...
'Only those who dare to fail greatly can ever achieve greatly. ... From: 4/8/09. Page: 11. Triceps brachii ...
There are many exercises that can be done easily and do not need to exert a huge effort to perform them, while there are other exercises that are known for being tough and tiring.
Prox: Supraspinous fossa. Runs under the AC joint. Dist: Superior Facet of ... Prox: Infraspinous Fossa of Scapula. Dist: Post aspect of Greater Tub of Humerus ...
Principle Skeletal Muscles 1 Muscles of Facial Expression, Muscles that Move the Mandible and Muscles that Move the Eyeballs Flexors Origins Humerus or Humerus ...
One for each muscle identified in the cat. The muscle must be labeled. Either by an ... From: 12/3/09. Page: ...