Slideshow with my own photos taken during the trips to Mexico. Teotihuacan is an enormous archaeological site in the Basin of Mexico, containing some of the largest pyramidal structures built in the pre-Columbian Americas. Apart from the pyramidal structures, Teotihuacan is also known for its large residential complexes, the Avenue of the Dead, and numerous colorful, well-preserved murals.
Collection of artworks. Sunflowers have famously been depicted by impressionist and post-impressionist artists Vincent van Gogh and Paul Gauguin. While these two giants in the art world were European, the flower has a distinctly American origin. The sunflower was introduced to Europe by the Spanish around 1500. Before that, sunflowers were considered an important food crop and may have been one of the first plants domesticated in the Americas.
Title: Subproduse din industria uleiurilor vegetale Last modified by: pc Created Date: 8/16/2006 12:00:00 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show
Collection of artworks (Part 7). Sunflowers represent different things to different people groups around the world. It is fascinating how so many cultures have adopted the sunflower and ascribed it meaning, even though the plant is not native to their area. For example, the Chinese associate the sunflower with longevity. In Ukraine and Russia, sunflowers represent peace and optimism, and Ukraine adopted the flower as its national flower. Sunflowers were also sacred to the ancient Incan people as a representation of their sun god, Inti. In England, sunflowers represent gratitude, while they represent loyalty and devotion in Greece. Though sunflowers have been assigned a variety of meanings, everything the sunflower represents is positive
Mareele maree i valuri mareice Influen a Lunii Gravita ia Lunii ac ioneaz asupra Terrei For a gravita ional scade ca 1/r2 Asupra apei mai apropiate de ...
Collection of artworks. Native to North America, sunflowers are one of the most recognizable flowers in the world. With its sturdy stalk, the massive sunflower can grow to over six feet tall. And sunflower blossoms follow the sun throughout the day, turning their golden heads to drink in the sunshine.
Collection of artworks (Part 8). Native to North America, sunflowers are one of the most recognizable flowers in the world. With its sturdy stalk, the massive sunflower can grow to over six feet tall. And sunflower blossoms follow the sun throughout the day, turning their golden heads to drink in the sunshine. But beyond their unique beauty, sunflowers also help clean up environmental disasters. Fields of sunflowers have successfully removed toxins like lead, arsenic, and uranium from contaminated soil in places like Chernobyl, Ukraine, and Fukushima, Japan.
GRAVITATIA Ilie Denise Nedelcu Stefan Pene Lavinia-Cristina Ce este gravitatia?!! Chiar si in cadrul unei galaxii, stelele si sistemele stelare sunt mentinute ...
Title: gravitatia Author: e Last modified by: e Created Date: 11/2/2000 8:40:51 PM Document presentation format: On-screen Show Other titles: Times New Roman Tahoma ...
FENOMENE OPTICE Mirajul Ce este un miraj? Mirajele sunt fenomene reale ale atmosferei optice, produse de curbarea puternic a razelor n straturi cu gradiente ...
Collection of artworks. Native to North America, sunflowers are one of the most recognizable flowers in the world. With its sturdy stalk, the massive sunflower can grow to over six feet tall. And sunflower blossoms follow the sun throughout the day, turning their golden heads to drink in the sunshine. Sunflowers represent different things to different people groups around the world. It is fascinating how so many cultures have adopted the sunflower and ascribed it meaning, even though the plant is not native to their area.
Dispersia Luminii si Prisma optica Lumina de diverse culori se refract n mod diferit.Acest fenomen se nume te dispersie In general, lumina ro ie se refract ...
I. Principii generale. Balan ele resurselor alimentare. i utiliz rii lor reprezint o sintez de indicatori, care caracterizeaz sursele de intr ri ale ...
... cu c mpul magnetic terestru. De asemenea, variabilitatea unor anumi i factori poate determina formarea de linii aurore de tonalit i i culori diferite.[1]
Title: Slide 1 Author: killer Last modified by: user Created Date: 4/9/2005 7:40:23 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show Company: Home Other titles
Alte afectiuni care apar mai des la Fecioare sunt diabetul, apendicita si pancreatita. De asemenea, sisntemul nervos al Fecioarelor este foarte sensibil, ...
Poz de Familie 2 Viziuni despre lume Mormoni Fra ii mai mari Buddumber Legea 1 TermoDin. Big Bang Carusel Legea 2 TermoDin. Scoli Publice Manuale-grafice
Resursele naturale - un ansamblu de mijloace naturale de care dispune sau poate dispune o colectivitate. (Dictionarul Robert ) Criterii de clasificare a ...
Relieful Litoral Prezentare : Definitie Agenti si procese Formele reliefului litorar Tipuri de tarmuri 1.Definitie Litoralul este o zon ngust , la contactul ...
REGNUL PLANTAE-Sunt organisme autotrofe fotosintetizatoare Sunt adaptate mediului terestru Ocupa toate continentele Sunt mai mult de 270 000 de specii Se clasifica in ...
CIOCOLATA 1. Dozarea, amestecarea componen ilor la prepararea masei de ciocolat . Rafinarea masei de ciocolata Se execut cu diferite ma ini, cele des nt lnite ...
MINUNI ALE CIVILIZA IEI I ALE NATURII (America de Nord) Profesor Cornelia Cucu Liceul cu Program Sportiv Bac u Hawaii, inutul vulcanilor Din avion ,lan ul de 2 ...
AQUAPROIECT S.A. INVESTI II CONEXE Amenajarea sistemelor de iriga ii: 510.772.500 INVESTI II CONEXE Amenajarea sistemelor de iriga ii: 510.772.500 Km 3 ...
Cuprins TEMA: CHIMIA SISTEMATIC A ELEMENTELOR ELEMENTELE BLOCULUI s Hidrogenul:Caracterizare general ; ntrebuin ri i importan biologic ; Propriet i ...
A r mas legend cadoul f cut de Aristoteles Onasis lui Mona ... a desfraului i senzualit ii era prea mult prea vie in mintea discipolilor unei credin e ...
RELIGIA N ANTICHITATE N GRECIA I LA ROMA DIVINIT ILE ZEUS Romanii il numeau JUPPITER. Era divinitatea suprema, stapanul Universului si personifica cerul ...
Tradition says that the Christmas tree must be adorned on the night of December ... The carols are way of bringing cheer, health and fulfillment of all wishes. ...