WWI and WWII African Canadian Roles Brainpops WWI Harlem Renaissance Causes of the Great Depression The Great Depression Causes of WWII World War II What was WWI?
WWI and WWII Propaganda Various Themes Portrayal of the Enemy Portrayal of Women Encouraging Actions Discouraging Actions Playing on Emotion Encouraging Actions ...
... European dictators take advantage of the Great Depression to gain power? ... Question: What was the main accomplishment of Catherine the Great? Check Your Answer ...
Vietnam and The First Half of the 20th Century WWI, WWII, and Ho Chi Minh Ho Chi Minh Mandarin, but no room for a non-puppet Mandarin in French-controlled Vietnam ...
WWI Chapter 27 ... because they could fire much faster than a rifle could Although lighter machine guns came out towards the ... by the Germans and used to patrol, ...
WWI-- What were the causes of WWI?-- What were American interests in getting involved?-- Why do you think the American public did not support getting involved until ...
Britain blockades Germany for its contraband. Later Britain took all of the goods that were supposed to go into Germany. (Food, cotton, medicine, gasoline) German ...
Major Causes of WWI Imperialism ... The space between was known as no-man s land More Trench Warfare Arial View of Trench Network Modern Weapons Machine ...
Selective Service Act. May 1917. Required registration of all men from 18 to 45. No substitution aloud! Yet exemptions took place from key industries (ex: shipbuilding)
WWI The Short Version: Who, What, When, Where, Why Factors that caused WWI WWI was caused by the combination of 4 major factors. 1.Imperialism, 2.Militarism, 3 ...
Post WWI & the Roaring Twenties Chapters 19 & 20 1930 1920 1911 Harlem Renaissance Source of pride for African Americans New respect for black theater Celebration of ...
WWI Weapons Machine Gun Invented by US 1862 for Civil War Took 4-6 men to operate Very Heavy Fired 400-600 rounds Most devastating weapon WWI Tank Invented by British ...
July 1916 - Battle of the Somme. 20,000 British die in . one day. 500,000 on both sides by November. ... Battle on the Eastern Front. Central Powers gain the advantage.
... .com/watch?v=TDvz_53bjP4 Great Depression p.942-946 WPA Mass Unemployment Stock Market Crash New Deal Responses to Great Depression: ... German economy begins ...
Fighting WWI The End. Enduring Understandings. 1. Nationalism, imperialism, militarism, and alliances propelled the industrialized nations into a devastating ...
2nd Battle of Marne. Battle of Somme. Battle of Verdun. American entrance to war. Sinking of Lusitania. Zimmerman Letter uncovered. German military mutiny.
Aftermath of WWI Essential Question How did Europe change after WWI? Russian Revolution In 1917, Russia went through a revolution. A revolution is a big change of ...
COURSE OF WWI Course of WWI short war illusion Schlieffen Plan: avoid 2-front war western front vs. eastern front trench warfare = stalemate Schlieffen Plan ...
Weapons of WWI 1914 to 1918 British Soldier German Soldier French Soldier US soldier Machine Gun Artillery Tanks Planes Submarines Battleships Zeppelins Weapons of ...
WWI Review Goes with WWI Review Questions Italy and Germany Formed Nations Italy formed a united kingdom under their leader named Cavour Under the leadership of Otto ...
The events that followed Because of the assignation of Archduke Franz Ferdinand in June of 1914 by a member of a nationalistic secret Serbian society, the emperor ...
End of WWI & Victory Parade WWI ends November, 1918 US Celebrates the victory with parades in NYC. 4+ million soldiers return home from being mobilized in the war
Causes of WWI Causes of WWI - MANIA Militarism Alliances Nationalism Imperialism Assassination Militarism When a nation s armed forces come to dominate a country ...
Causes of WWI Nationalism Intense pride led to rivalries Economic competition (trade, colonies) Political competition Military competition; arms buildup Feelings of ...
Causes of WWI Imperialism and ... Portugal and others At this time, these countries had many colonies in Africa and Asia ... N Britain s sea power gave it command ...
WWI and Propaganda An Introduction Propaganda: Formal Definitions Information, ideas, or rumors deliberately spread widely to help or harm a person, group, movement ...
Innovations of WWI An Industrialized War Weapons were produced with the same efficient methods of mass production that industrialists had applied to other products ...
WWI: TOTAL WAR The Schlieffen Plan Fails: Trench warfare & technology Schlieffen Plan: Avoiding a Two Front War European war - Germany would face France in the west ...
Weapons of WWI The main weapon used by the British soldiers in the trenches was the bolt-action rifle 15 rounds could be fired in a minute and a person 1,400 meters ...
Weapon technology had improved, the tactics did not The horrors of this war will make many people afraid to get involved in another quick and easy war again ...
Title: PowerPoint Presentation Last modified by: Willoughby-Eastlake Schools Created Date: 1/1/1601 12:00:00 AM Document presentation format: On-screen Show
After effects U.S. President Woodrow Wilson Italian Prime Minister Vittorio Orlando French Premier George Clemenceau British Prime Minister David Lloyd George ...
End of WWI Key notes Allies Win the War When the US joined the war on April 6th, 1917, the Allies gained a key advantage. Nov. 1917 Russian Revolution lead to ...
Can take the form of books, posters, pamphlets, songs, movies, newspaper ... Propaganda was used to recruit troops, vilify enemies, and create support for the economy ...
Do-Now The marathon is named for a town in Greece; the site of the battle of Marathon in 490 BC. This battle was won by the Athenian army which defeated the Persians.
Alliances and the First World War: Essential Background - Fact 1 ... Alliances and the First World War: Webs of Alliances. There were many more alliances. ...
Technological Changes in WWI How does the nature of warfare change as a result of new technology? Objective: SWBAT determine how technological advancements affected ...
20 minutes ago - DOWNLOAD HERE : .softebook.net/show/0028810228 get [PDF] Download Crossed Currents: Navy Women from Wwi to Tailhook | Crossed Currents is the first history of women in the U.S. Navy. Since the World War I service of Yeoman (F) Loretta Perfectus Walsh - the first U.S. servicewoman not a nurse - through the Gulf War and the recent Tailhook scandal, women have struggled for acceptance within the U.S. Navy. This book tells a fascinating story of two c