Title: mm7 1
1Product Management
1. Differentiation 2. Product Mix
Issues 3. Product Development
2Differentiation through Brands
Value based on the stature of the brand or the
assurance of a well known company
Become distinctive
Are free from poor foreign language meanings
Suggest product qualities
Suggest product benefits
Are easy to pronounce, recognize, remember
3Differentiation by Low-Price Position or Lower
Transaction Costs
Low-Price PositionCompetitive advantage based on
consistently offering a lower list price
Lower Transaction CostsCompetitive advantage
based on consistently lower exchange costs
4Product Differentiation
Quality Killers
Reliability Conformance
Performance Durability
Quality Drivers
Quality Enhancers
Features Serviceability
Appearance Reputation
Quality Aesthetics
5Service Differentiation
Ability to perform the promised service
dependably and accurately
Willingness to help customers and provide prompt
service and readiness to provide prompt service
Employee knowledge, courtesy, and ability to
convey trust and confidence
Caring, individualized attention the business
offers its customers
Facilities that enhance service quality
6Product Mix Strategies
Product Mix is the Total Set of all Products a
Firm Offers for Sale
Beauty Products
Health Care Products
Laundry Cleaning Products
- Line
- Extensions
- Branding
- Bundling
7Product Line Strategies
A Product Line is a Firms Total Product Offering
Designed to Satisfy a Single Solution
Special Care
Length of Product Line
8Product Line Strategies
Product Line Extensions
Contracting a Product Line Dropping items
9Branding Strategies
- Branding Strategies are a Major Part of
- Product Decision Making
Family/ Umbrella Brand Multiple Items Under the
Same Brand Name Solving Different Cust. Problems
Individual Brand Separate Unique Brand for Each
Product Item
10Product BundlingCreating a complete customer
solution that has the potential to create a
superior customer value and attract customers
Pure two or more products usually at an overall
price lower than the total price Mixed offers
the opportunity to purchase each items separately
or bundled with an additional level of savings
11Product Development
- Types of Innovations
- Adoption Factors
- Product Life Cycle
12Types of Innovations
Discontinuous Innovations Totally New
Product Requires Much Learning Airplane, Car, TV
Dynamically Continuous Innovations Significant
Change to an Existing Product Requires Some
Learning Tapes - CD - DVD
Continuous Innovations Modification to an
Existing Product Knockoffs Honey Nut Cheerios
13Product Factors Affecting the Rate of Adoption
Product Characteristics
Compatibility Does the new product fit the
existing values, customs practices?
14Product Life Cycle
15Levels of Product Knowledge
Folgers Maxwell House
Ground Instant
1-pound can 8-ounce jar
Sedan Sports Car Sports Sedan
Ford Taurus Mazda Miata BMW
Station wagon, Air power steering Leather
seats, Air 5 speeds Model 325e, Air Automatic
16Product Life Cycle
17Product Life Cycle
18Product Life Cycle
19Product Life Cycle Activity
Get with your group. For the following electronic
good, list as many specific product forms as you
think presently fit into the PLC
categories. Still Cameras
20Product Life Cycle Characteristics
Introduction Growth Maturity Decline Sales Low Ra
pidly Peak Decline Rising
Cash Flow
21Product Life Cycle Characteristics
Introduction Growth Maturity Decline
Strategic Focus
Marketing Expenditures
Advertising Emphasis
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