Title: Aucun titre de diapositive
1Disorder, Superconducting fluctuations and
Metal-Insulator crossover in high Tc cuprates
F. Rullier-Albenque1, H. Alloul2, 1 Service de
Physique de lEtat Condensé, CEA, Saclay, France
. 2 Physique des Solides, Université Paris-Sud ,
Orsay, France F. Balakirev3, C. Proust4 3 NHMFL,
Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico, USA 4
Laboratoire National des Champs Magnétiques
Pulsés, Toulouse, France
- Single crystals of YBCO P. Lejay (Grenoble), D.
Colson, A. Forget (SPEC)
- Electron irradiation
- Laboratoire des Solides Irradiés
- (Ecole Polytechnique)
2Disorder, Superconducting fluctuations and
Metal-Insulator crossover in high Tc cuprates
- Introduction
- Generic phase diagram of the cuprates
- Presence of incipient disorder?
- Influence of controlled disorder on Tc, T and
the MIC of YBCO - Zn substitution
- Electron irradiation
- Superconducting fluctuations, Nernst effect and
magnetoresistance - SC fluctuations in  pure YBCO
- Influence of disorder
- Conclusion
- Phase diagram including disorder
3 Generic phase diagram of the cuprates?
This shape of phase diagram is apparently
generic But only established in the particular
case of La2-xSrxCuO4 x hole doping
4Some questions about High Tc cuprates
Magnetic fluctuations
Pseudogap Phase transition? Crossover? Link
with superconductivity?
Strange metal
Pseudogap joins Tc curve or QCP ??
Transition to a Fermi liquid?
c max
Number of holes/ CuO2 plane
Metal-Insulator transition
Importance of magnetic correlations at least for
underdoped materials
5Anomalous Nernst effect in the normal state of
La2-x Srx Cu O4
Effect more pronounced in underdoped samples
Significant Nernst signal at TgtTc
Signature of superconducting fluctuations in
the normal state Tc loss of long range phase
Possible implications for the physics of the
pseudogap regime preformed pairs?
Wang et al, PRB 64 (2001)
6Metal Insulator crossover in low Tc cuprates?
low Tc cuprates LaSrCuO La-Bi2201
Low T upturns in r(T)
High magnetic field to suppress superconductivity
Ono et al, PRL 2000
- Role of intrinsic disorder?
7Native disorder in the pure cuprate families
The optimum Tc and the residual resistivity r0
depend on the family
Disorder is detrimental to superconductivity Some
uncontrolled disorder is present in LSCO and
8Comparison of the one layer cuprate families
YBCO7 20 of Ks
9Disorder, Superconducting fluctuations and
Metal-Insulator crossover in high Tc cuprates
- Introduction
- Generic phase diagram of the cuprates
- Presence of incipient disorder?
- Influence of controlled disorder on Tc, T and
the MIC - Zn substitution
- Electron irradiation
- Superconducting fluctuations, Nernst effect and
magnetoresistance - SC fluctuations in  pure YBCO
- Influence of disorder
- Conclusion
- Phase diagram including disorder
10Influence of defects on the phase diagram
H. Alloul et al, PRL (1991)
No change of hole doping No change of T
Tc decreases more rapidly in underdoped samples
Increase of the disordered magnetism range
11Low T electron irradiation
Electron irradiation
Point defects homogeneously distributed Elastic
collisions between electrons and target nuclei
Cryostat coupled to a Hydrogen
cryogenerator Irradiation at 20K
No diffusion of defects
12Influence of irradiation defects on the transport
Optimally doped
Same single crystals
F. Rullier Albenque et al, Europhysics Letters
50, 81 (2000), PRL (2003)
13Resistivity upturns MIC?
F. Rullier-Albenque et al , Europhysics Letters
14Resistivity upturns MIC?
15Resistivity upturns vs defect contents in YBCO6.6
In-situ measurements
16In overdoped samples 2D weak localization
effects induced by disorder
Underdoped YBCO6.6 compared to overdoped Tl2201
For kFlegtgt1 (R2Dltlt26kW)
rin(T) T p
Overdoped Tl2201
Rullier-Albenque et al, PRL 87 (2001)
Purely elastic scattering by the defects
17Spin glass phase and MIC in the Phase Diagram
SG and MIC are determined by disorder
18Irradiated YBCO compared to  pure low Tc
The upturns are quantitatively similar Driven by
Controlled disorder Introduced in a pure system
Specific disorder reduces Tc
F. Rullier-Albenque et al , Europhysics Letters
81, 37008 (2008).
19The various cuprate families in the phase diagram
20Disorder, Superconducting fluctuations and
Metal-Insulator crossover in high Tc cuprates
- Introduction
- Generic phase diagram of the cuprates
- Presence of incipient disorder?
- Influence of controlled disorder on Tc, T and
the MIC - Zn substitution
- Electron irradiation
- Superconducting fluctuations, Nernst effect and
magnetoresistance - SC fluctuations in  pure YBCO
- Influence of disorder
- Conclusion
- Phase diagram including disorder
21Nernst effect in pure YBCO6.6
Rapid drop of the Nernst signal at Tc
22Temperature extension of the Nernst signal in
pure YBCO
Optimally doped YBCO
Underdoped YBCO
The temperature range of the Nernst signal
increases with decreasing doping BUT Tonset is
higher in optimally doped than in underdoped YBCO
In pure YBCO6.6, the Nernst signal extends up to
85K much lower that the pseudogap temperature
T 300K
23Transverse magnetoresistivity in YBCO7 High field
Magnetoresistance in the normal state
Harris et al. PRL (1995)
In YBCO7 Onset of SC fluctuations around 140K
24Phase diagram of pure YBCO
How the range of superconducting fluctuations is
altered by disorder ?
25Nernst effect in irradiated YBCO
F. Rullier-Albenque et al, PRL (2006)
26Disorder and superconducting fluctuations in
Magnetoresistance data for the Tc6K sample
F. Rullier-Albenque et al, PRL (2007)
27Disorder and superconducting fluctuations in
Comparison with Nernst results
With decreasing Tc
BUT remain quite large
28Comparison between La-Bi2201 and irradiated
 Pure underdoped Bi2 Sr2-y Lay Cu O6 y0.5 -
Tc 28.9K
Wang et al, PRB 64 (2001)
Tonset 75K
Electron irradiated YBCO6.6 Tc 24.6K (onset of
29Disorder, Superconducting fluctuations and
Metal-Insulator crossover in high Tc cuprates
Low T upturns of resistivity Not necessarily a MIC
Increase of the regime of superconducting
Spin glass, MIC , Tc The different cuprate
Pseudogap and fluctuation regime