- Please read book to review major brain structures
and their functions - Please read book to review brain imaging
techniques - See also additional slides available on class
3Cognitive Neuroscience
- the study of the relation between cognitive
processes and brain activities - Potential to measure some hidden processes that
are part of cognitive theories (e.g. memory
activation, attention, insight) - Measuring when and where activity is happening.
Different techniques have different strengths
tradeoff between spatial and temporal resolution
4Techniques for Studying Brain Functioning
- Single unit recordings
- Hubel and Wiesel (1962, 1979)
- Event-related potentials (ERPs)
- Positron emission tomography (PET)
- Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI and fMRI)
- Magneto-encephalography (MEG)
- Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS)
5The spatial and temporal ranges of some
techniques used to study brain functioning.
6Single Cell Recording(usually in animal studies)
Measure neural activity with probes. E.g.,
research byHubel and Wiesel
7Hubel and Wiesel (1962)
- Studied LGN and primary visual cortex in the cat.
Found cells with different receptive fields
different ways of responding to light in certain
LGN On cell (shown on left)
LGN Off cell
Directional cell
Action potential frequency of a cell associated
with a specific receptive field in a monkey's
field of vision. The frequency increases as a
light stimulus is brought closer to the receptive
9Computer Models
- Artificial intelligence
- Constructing computer systems that produce
intelligent outcomes - Computational modeling
- Programming computers to model or mimic some
aspects of human cognitive functioning. Modeling
natural intelligence. - ? Simulations of behavior
10Why do we need computational models?
- Provides precision need to specify complex
theories. Makes vague verbal terms specific - Provides explanations
- Obtain quantitative predictions
- just as meteorologists use computer models to
predict tomorrows weather, the goal of modeling
human behavior is to predict performance in novel
11Neural Networks
- Alternative to traditional information processing
models - Also known as PDP (parallel distributed
processing approach) and Connectionist models - Neural networks are networks of simple processors
that operate simultaneously - Some biological plausibility
12Idealized neurons (units)
Abstract, simplified description of a neuron
13Different ways to represent information with
neural networks localist representation
Unit 6
Unit 5
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 1
Unit 2
concept 1
concept 2
concept 3
(activations of units 0off 1on)
Each unit represents just one item ?
grandmother cells
14Coarse Coding/ Distributed Representations
Unit 6
Unit 5
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 1
Unit 2
concept 1
concept 2
concept 3
(activations of units 0off 1on)
Each unit is involved in the representation of
multiple items
15Advantage of Distributed Representations
- Efficiency
- Solve the combinatorial explosion problem With n
binary units, 2n different representations
possible. (e.g.) How many English words from a
combination of 26 alphabet letters? - Damage resistance
- Even if some units do not work, information is
still preserved because information is
distributed across a network, performance
degrades gradually as function of damage - (aka robustness, fault-tolerance, graceful
16Suppose we lost unit 6
Unit 6
Unit 5
Unit 3
Unit 4
Unit 1
Unit 2
concept 1
concept 2
concept 3
(activations of units 0off 1on)
Can the three concepts still be discriminated?
17An example calculation for a single neuron
- Diagram showing how the inputs from a number of
units are combined to determine the overall input
to unit-i. Unit-i has a threshold of 1 so if its
net input exceeds 1 then it will respond with 1,
but if the net input is less than 1 then it will
respond with 1
18Neural-Network Models
The simplest models include three layers of
units(1) The input layer is a set of units
that receives stimulation from the external
environment. (2) The units in the input layer
are connected to units in a hidden layer, so
named because these units have no direct contact
with the environment. (3) The units in the
hidden layer in turn are connected to those in
the output layer.
19Multi-layered Networks
- Activation flows from a layer of input units
through a set of hidden units to output units - Weights determine how input patterns are mapped
to output patterns - Network can learn to associate output patterns
with input patterns by adjusting weights - Hidden units tend to develop internal
representations of the input-output associations - Backpropagation is a common weight-adjustment
output units
hidden units
input units
20Example of Learning Networks
- http//www.cs.ubc.ca/labs/lci/CIspace/Version3/neu
21Another example NETtalk
Connectionist network learns to pronounce English
words i.e., learns spelling to sound
relationships. Listen to this audio demo.
(after Hinton, 1989)
22Other demos
- Hopfield network
- http//www.cbu.edu/pong/ai/hopfield/hopfieldapple
t.html - Backpropagation algorithm and competitive
learning - http//www.cs.ubc.ca/labs/lci/CIspace/Version4/neu
ral/ - http//www.psychology.mcmaster.ca/4i03/demos/demos
.html - Competitive learning
- http//www.neuroinformatik.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/ini/
VDM/research/gsn/DemoGNG/GNG.html - Various networks
- http//diwww.epfl.ch/mantra/tutorial/english/
- Optical character recognition
- http//sund.de/netze/applets/BPN/bpn2/ochre.html
- Brain-wave simulator
- http//www.itee.uq.edu.au/7Ecogs2010/cmc/home.htm
23Neural Network Models
- Inspired by real neurons and brain organization
but are highly idealized - Can spontaneously generalize beyond information
explicitly given to network - Retrieve information even when network is damaged
(graceful degradation) - Networks can be taught learning is possible by
changing weighted connections between nodes