Title: Diapositiva 1
110 Th Convegno New findings in equine practice
Druento (TO), 31 Ottobre/1 Novembre 2008
Department of Animal, Vegetables and
Enviromental Sciences
Effects of two tame systems on physiological
parameters of Arab horses subjected to load in
the trailer
D. Casamassima, M.Palazzo, T. Presutti, R. Pizzo,
M. Cinone
many people observe,but few people see.
Monty Roberts
Evaluate some blood and physiological parameters
in Arab horses tested to load in the trailer and
subjected to training techniques of traditional
type and natural type of Pat Parelli with
horseman programs method.
The main methods of tame are the traditional
tame the natural tame Natural tame represents a
new method of not violent communication with the
horse that recognizes how to it must be granted
the freedom of joining up or not.
3The different learning methods include the use of
Positive reinforcement
Negative reinforcement
Lateral hypothalamus Septum and medial bundle
of anterior brain
Reticular formation of the trunk of
encephalousPeriventricular area of mid-brain
Periduttale area of mid-brain
4Medial bundle of the proencephalous (recompence)
Positive reinforcement
Periventricular system (punishment)
Negative reinforcement
5In natural tame fundamental concept is to create
a relation based on the confidence. Between
different type of natural tame we report
6 Join up ( Monty Roberts)
1 - Phase of preliminary knowledge
2 - Phase of predatory stimulus with flight
(negative reinforcement)
3 - Phase of submission with docility
(positive reinforcement)
7Materials and methods
The text, of the duration of 7 days, has been
lead near the Horse Center of Montaratro, Lucera
(FG), on 15 horses of Arabic race of the age of
4-6 years and 40020 Kg b.w. subdivided in 2
homogenous groups.
The constituted groups have been therefore
characterize to you Control group
9 subjects trains with tecniques of
traditional type Experimental group
6 subjects trains with the method of horsemans
Every horse of every group has been made to go up
on a trailer in order to estimate the effect of 2
methods of dome on the income difficulty on means
through the answer of some consequent
physiological and metabolic parameters to the
treatment to which the animals came subordinates.
8Materials and methods
To such aim the horses of every group have been
subordinates, for three consecutive days, to
blood abstractions and to relief of rectal
temperature, respiratory actions and heart-rate
with the brought back cadence a) Blood
abstractions P1 relief in the early morning
with animals at rest P2 relief 15 min before
going on the trailer P3 just after going on the
trailer P4 and P5 relief 45 and 90 min,
respectively, after the end of performance To
the aim to cancel the influence of the circadian
rhythm of some parameters, first of all the
cortisol that shows variable levels of secretion
during the day, has been carried out the rotation
of the horses as far as the order of beginning of
blood abstractions second experimental scheme of
Latin square.
9Materials and methods
The blood, captured from jugular external vein
with method Vacutainer, has been centrifuged for
15 min to 3000 rpm and on the serum have been
determined the following parameters glucose,
triglycerides, total cholesterol, HDL
cholesterol, NEFA, total proteins, albumin, urea,
creatinine, CK, AST, ALT, sodium, potassium,
ROMs, b-endorphin and cortisol it has been also
executed, on entire blood, hemocytometric
examination with counts of red globules, white
globules, Plt and determination of Hct value.
b) Physiological parameters
It has been moreover with the same carried out
cadence the relief of respiratory actions, of the
rectal temperature and of heart-rate antecedent
to every blood abstraction.
Statistical analysis
Data were analyzed using ANOVA for repeated
measures of SPSS (SPSS, 2006 Inc. Chicago,
IL). Differences among means were evaluated using
the Scheffe s test.
10Table 1. Some statistically significant
physiological and blood parameters for every type
of tame
In the same raw, means followed by different
letters are significantly different at Plt0.05
11Table 2. Some physiological parameters between
tames in Arab horses
In the same raw, means followed by different
letters are significantly different at Plt0.05
(a,b) TT traditional tame NT natural tame
RF respiratory frequency
In the subjects of traditional tame significant
differences have been in glucose, NEFA, ROMs,
cortisol, RBC, HGB, HCT and respiratory frequency
In the horses of natural tame, instead,
significant changes have been only in glucose and
From our results we can conclude that in loading
operations on trailer its more convenient to use
the natural tame than traditional as, minimizing
the physical stress, also positively influence
the welfare of horses.
13Thank you for attention
MOTTI E PROVERBI Al cavallo sazio sembra amara
l'erba.Cavallo montato,moglie da montare. Doma
presto ed usa tardi.Misero il cavallo che non ha
padrone.Caval che si duole,il maniscalco
vuole.Dodici galline ed un gallo, mangian quanto
un cavallo.Cavallo che inciampa e non cade,è
buon segnale.Cavallo che mangia,paga.A cavalier
novizio, cavallo senza vizio.Quando i cavalli
ruzzano, il padrone stenta.Non è sì melanconico
cavallo che al veder la biada non si rallegri.Si
frusta sempre il cavallo che tira.Il caval che
dura la pena, mangiar deve l'avena.