Title: Aucun titre de diapositive
1Laurent Kergoat CESBIO (CNRS/CNES/IRD) Toulouse
France People from CESBIO involved in AMMA
(African Monsoon Multi-Disciplinary Analyses)
Eric Mougin, Patricia de Rosnay, Valerie Le
Dantec Josiane Seghieri, François Lavenu, Franck
Timouk, Bernard Mougenot, Pierre
Hiernaux. Remote sensing (active, passive mwave,
optic), biogeochemistry, ecophysiology,
surface-atmosphere interactions) AMMA UE
french UK German projects.
Dynamics of African monsoon LOP 2000-2010,
EOP 2005-2007, including SOP 2006
2Gourma mesoscale Site (300 x 100 km)
Bamba local Site (17.1N, 1.3W)
50 mm
100 mm
Hombori Supersite (15.4N, 1.6W)
Raingauge AMMA Raingauge Mali Met stationrad.
Bal. LE Flux station H flux station Long term
vegetation surve sitey
Agoufou local Site (15.3N, 1.5W)
350 mm
450 mm
3Agoufou radiative balance 2002, 2003, 2004 -
... seasonal and interannual effects grasses,
litter surface soil moisture effects Bamba
2004- higher albedo, no or very weak
vegetation effect in 2004 (dry)
Sites homogeneous at 3 km scale biomass
monitoring (1 km line, sampling scheme) soil
moisture sampling sun photometer (Agoufou)
4Our interest in having the best albedo products
! with expert opinions. No dedicated albedo
up-scaling exercise done so far or scheduled but
high resolution RS data have been and are being
aquired, up-scaling has been or will be done for
grasses biomass, LAI, soil moisture. If albedo
validation approach successful, possibility to
generalize to forthcoming AMMA sites (to be
discussed with PIs).