Title: Kein Folientitel
1Innovation, change and decision-making in
international organisations
Innovation in Europe
Daniela Fritzen, Simone Gerdesmeier
2Innovation in Europe
1. Introduction to recent EU investment
programmes in RD - Green Paper on innovation -
European Councils in Lisbon, Barcelona and
Brussels - Sixth Framework Programme - European
Action Plan 2. Innovation focus of the EU -
innovation policy - supported project 3.
Candidate Countries/new members - CC6 and CC7
4. Europes position in the world of innovation
3Innovation in Europe
1. Introduction to recent EU investment
programmes in RD - Green Paper on Innovation -
European Councils in Lisbon, Barcelona and
Brussels - Sixth Framework Programme - European
Action Plan 2. Innovation focus of the EU -
innovation policy - supported project 3.
Candidate Countries/ new members - CC6 and
CC7 4. Europes position in the world of
4Innovation in Europe
1995 Green Paper on innovation - EU definition
of innovation 2000 Lisbon European Council - EU
should become the most competitive and dynamic
knowledge-based economy in the world by
2010 2002 Barcelona European Council - raising
investment in RD to 3 of GDP until 2010 2003
Brussels European Council - reviewing progress
towards Lisbon goal
5Innovation in Europe
Sixth Framework Programme on Innovation (FP6) -
FP1 in 1984 - FP6 development of a European
scientific community supporting scientific and
technical work of high quality EU plans to
distribute 17.5 billion Euro in RTD 3rd largest
operational budget 3.9 of EUs overall 2001
budget creation of the European Research Area
6Innovation in Europe
Sixth Framework Programme on Innovation (FP6)
7Innovation in Europe
European Action Plan -raise investment from 1.9
to 3 of GDP -2/3 out private investment -addition
al GDP growth and 400.000 additional jobs -gap in
research investment between USA and Europe 120
billion Euro p.a.
8Innovation in Europe
European Action Plan Strategies (I) 1.
Progressing jointly EU technical platforms
mutual learning coherent mix of policy
instruments 2. Improving public support to
research and innovation making excellent
researchers available designing a favourable
regulatory environment co-operation between
public research and industries improving mix of
public financing instruments
9Innovation in Europe
European Action Plan Strategies (II) 3.
Redirecting public spending towards research and
innovation Stability Growth Pact and broad
economic guidelines 2003-2006 public
procurement 4. Improving framework conditions for
private investment IPR market regulations,
competition rules, financial markets, tax
conditions, co-operation management, reporting
of research
10Innovation in Europe
European Action Plan
11Innovation in Europe
1. Introduction to recent EU investment
programmes in RD - Green Paper on Innovation -
European Councils in Lisbon, Barcelona and
Brussels - Sixth Framework Programme - European
Action Plan 2. Innovation focus of the EU -
innovation policy - supported project 3.
Candidate Countries/ new members - CC6 and
CC7 4. Europes position in the world of
12Innovation in Europe
Innovation policy (I) Five objectives 1.
Ensure the coherence of innovation policies 2.
Set up a regulatory framework conducive to
innovation 3. Encourage the creation and growth
of innovative enterprises 4. Improve the key
interfaces in the innovation system 5. Move
towards a society which is open to innovation
13Innovation in Europe
Innovation policy (II) Impact of industrial
relations (IR) on innovation Effects of employee
participation on innovation processes
14Innovation in Europe
Innovation policy (III) Five different styles
of industrial relations systems 1. Market
predominance of values exalting individual
freedom IR are developed on a voluntaristic
basis no strong involvement of IR in innovation
strategy 2. Conflict antagonistic conflict of
interest between IR parties low involvement in
innovation strategies and policies 3. State
regulation depends on public governance IR play
only a secondary role in the innovation
strategy 4. Co-ordination social partners
discuss non-market arrangements complex rules
govern the linkages between IR settings and
innovation issues 5. Co-operation long-term
positive-sum conceptions of the common
interest between all organised actors strong
involvement of IR system in the field of
15Innovation in Europe
16Innovation in Europe
Question Which projects concerning innovation
and RD does the EU support? Which sectors does
it concentrate on?
17Innovation in Europe
Supported Projects (I) eight specialised
institutes in the Unions Joint Research Centre
(JRC), operate in five countries, with top level
scientific facilities 1. IAM Petten
/Netherlands 2. IRMM, Geel/Belgium 3.-6. ISIS,
ISPC, ISA, Environment Institute, Ispra/Italy 7.
IPTS, Seville/Spain 8. ITE, Karlsruhe/Germany
18Innovation in Europe
Supported Projects (II) EU focus on investment
in 1. Bioscience and biotechnology/medical
research - ISPC (Institute for Consumer Health
and Protection) - IRMM (Institute for Reference
Materials and Measurements) - EORTC (European
Organisation for Research and Treatment of
Cancer) - Fufose (Functional Foods Science in
Europe) - SENS
19Innovation in Europe
Supported Projects (III) 2. Information and
Communication - Esprit, pioneer programme in
1980s - Semper - SET (Secure electronic
transaction) 3. Defence and military
research 4. Space research - ISA (Institute for
Space Applications) - MARS-project (monitoring
agriculture with remote sensing, 1988-1998)
20Innovation in Europe
Supported Projects (IV) 5. Research in
environmental protection/renewable energies -
ERLAP (European Reference Laboratory on
Atmospheric Pollution) - IFREMER - HOFIM -
Waste Water Cluster network 6. Transport -
ISIS (Institute for Systems, Informatics and
Safety) - FEVER project from Renault
21Innovation in Europe
1. Introduction to recent EU investment
programmes in RD - Green Paper on Innovation -
European Councils in Lisbon, Barcelona and
Brussels - Sixth Framework Programme - European
Action Plan 2. Innovation focus of the EU -
innovation policy - supported project 3.
Candidate Countries/ new members - CC6 and CC7
4. Europes position in the world of innovation
22Innovation in Europe
23Innovation in Europe
Studies on the Candidate Countries (I) two
studies from 2001 concerning the CC6 and
CC7 CC6 Poland, Hungary, Czech
Republic, Slovenia, Estonia,
Cyprus CC7 Malta, Turkey, Latvia,
Romania, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Slovakia
24Innovation in Europe
Studies on the Candidate Countries
(II) CC6 dual economy profitable foreign
investment enterprises and domestic
companies Potential for catching up restricted
by weak demand for RD by business
sectors Compared to EU fewer innovative small
companies Low governmental support
25Innovation in Europe
Studies on the Candidate Countries
(II) CC7 Generally score lower than EU15 on
innovation-related indicators Main problem low
manufacturing productivity Improvement needed
concerning human resources Low governmental
26Innovation in Europe
1. Introduction to recent EU investment
programmes in RD - Green Paper on Innovation -
European Councils in Lisbon, Barcelona and
Brussels - Sixth Framework Programme - European
Action Plan 2. Innovation focus of the EU -
innovation policy - supported project 3.
Candidate Countries/ new members - CC6 and
CC7 4. Europes position in the world of
27Innovation in Europe
28Innovation in Europe
EU is leading in following sectors - Training
young graduates - public RD financing - ICT
expenditure EU lags behind USA - level of
higher education - business RD
expenditure - high-tech patent
applications Japan - business RD
expenditure - science and engineering
graduates EUs main weakness patenting
29Innovation in Europe
30Innovation in Europe
Questions/Discussion 1. Can the EU possibly
fulfil the Lisbon strategy? 2. What are the
obstacles of innovation in Europe? 3. Do you
think that the European Action Plan can encourage
innovation and investment in the RD sector? Why?
Why not?
31Innovation in Europe
Thank you for your attention!!!