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The Quality of Life Research Center
Forskningscenter for Livskvalitet
Teglgårdstræde 4 1452 Copenhagen K Denmark
Phone (45) 33 14 11 13 Telefax (45) 33 14 11

The Quality of Life Research Center
Forskningscenter for Livskvalitet
Zachau-Christiansen and Aage L.
(RIGSHOSPITALET) Dorte Loldrup Poulsen, Jørgen
Hilden, Bengt Zachau-Christiansen, and Søren
Ventegodt. The presented books and papers are
from the QOLRC and Danish Quality of Life
Population Survey, the planning and execution of
which would not have been possible without
them.   Director since 1994 Søren Ventegodt, MD
The Quality of Life Research Center
Forskningscenter for Livskvalitet
Formål Livskvalitet som medicin Mission
statement Quality of life as medicine   To
create scientific knowledge on the global quality
of life from theory to practice and bring
this knowledge into use quality of life as
medicine  ---  Forskningscenteret tjener det
almennyttige formål at skabe ny viden om
livskvalitet og stille den i offentlighedens
tjeneste i form af offentligt tilgængelige
forskningsresultater. Forskningscenteret
udvikler teorier om - og metoder til forbedring
af livskvalitet, og stiller dem til rådighed for
The Quality of Life Research Center
Forskningscenter for Livskvalitet
approved by the Copenhagen Ethical Committee
under numbers (KF) V 100.1762/90 and (KF)
01-502/93.   ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS  During the last 13
years we have collected 7 million USD/EUROs.
Siden 1990 har Forskningscentret indsamlet
omkring 40 mio. kr. Funds were received from
nine Danish FoundationsThe 1991 Pharmacy, the
Goodwill, the JL, E. Danielsens Wifes,
Emmerick Meyers, the Frimodt-Heineken, the Hede
Nielsen Familys, Petrus Andersens, C.P.
Frederiksens and the Wedell-Wedellsborgs
Foundations, and IMK Almene Fond.  300
The Quality of Life Research Center
Forskningscenter for Livskvalitet
MOTTO   Health and ability through QOL and
personal growth   Sundhed og funktionsevne gennem
livskvalitet og personlig vækst YDELSER
SERVICES Forskning QOL Research Holistisk
medicin Holistic medicine Kurser Courses Foredr
ag Lectures Spørgeskemaer Validated QOL
questionnaires Analyser Consulting Bøger Books
The Quality of Life Research Center
Forskningscenter for Livskvalitet
ansatte 200 employees 50 læger 50
doctors 50 sygeplejersker 50 nurses 50
terapeuter 50 therapists 20 forsker 20
researchers 30 teknikere og administratorer 30
technicians and administrators 6000 patients a
year 30.000 ongoing customer relationships Prise
for a cure/ Behandlingspris 20.000 kr. Turn
over/ Omsætning 120.000.000 mio. Overskud
0? Needed from sponsor(s) 210 mio. DKR / 30-35
mil. USD/EURO Year of establishment 2005
The Quality of Life Research Center
Forskningscenter for Livskvalitet
Book I Research in the global QOL Scientific
papers 2003-08-27 (p published, aaccepted,
ssubmitted, ipin preparation) Series (number
of papers status) QOL methodology (editorial,
I-VII) (8 1p, 6a, 1s) QOL philosophy
(I-V) (5 5ip) QOL theory (I-III) (3 3a) QOL
questionnaires (SEQOL, QOL5, QOL-Health-Ability)
(3 2p, 1ip.) QOL results (10 6p,
4ip) Theories of existence (8 1p, 1s, 6ip) QOL
as medicine (6 1p, 1s, 4ip) Holistic
medicine (3 2s, 1ip) In total (47 11p,
9a, 6s, 21 ip)
The Quality of Life Research Center
Forskningscenter for Livskvalitet
QOL methodology (editorial, I-VII) (8 7 papers
accepted) Ventegodt, S., Merrick, J., Andersen,
N.J. Editorial -- A new method for generic
measuring of the global quality of
life Ventegodt, S., Hilden, J., Merrick, J.
Measuring the quality of life A methodological
framework Ventegodt, S., Merrick, J., Andersen,
N.J. Measuring the quality of life II From the
Philosophy of Life to Science Ventegodt, S.,
Merrick, J., Andersen, N.J. Measuring the
quality of life III From the integrative IQOL
theory to the global, generic SEQOL
questionnaire Ventegodt, S., Merrick, J.,
Andersen, N.J. Measuring the quality of life
IV Nine uses for the SEQOL, QOL5, QOL1 and other
global and generic QOL questionnaires
The Quality of Life Research Center
Forskningscenter for Livskvalitet
Fortsat Continued Ventegodt, S., Merrick, J.,
Andersen, N.J. Measuring the quality of life V
How to use the SEQOL, QOL5, and QOL1 and other
global and generic QOL questionnaires for
research Ventegodt, S., Merrick, J., Andersen,
N.J. Measuring the quality of life VI
Quality-adjusted life-years (QALY) an
unfortunate use of the quality-of-life concept.
Ventegodt, S., Merrick, J., Andersen, N.J.
Measurement of quality of life VII Statistical
co-variation and global quality of life data
The method of weight-modified linear regression
The Quality of Life Research Center
Forskningscenter for Livskvalitet
QOL philosophy (I-V) (5 5 papers in
prep.) Ventegodt, S., Merrick, J., Andersen,
N.J. QOL philosophy IHappiness, satisfaction,
meaning of life Ventegodt, S., Merrick, J.,
Andersen, N.J. QOL philosophy II What is a
human being? Ventegodt, S., Merrick, J.,
Andersen, N.J. QOL philosophy III Towards a
new biology Ventegodt, S., Merrick, J.,
Andersen, N.J. QOL philosophy IIII
Consciousness and the brain Ventegodt, S.,
Merrick, J., Andersen, N.J. QOL philosophy V
Seizing the meaning of life and getting well
The Quality of Life Research Center
Forskningscenter for Livskvalitet
QOL theory (I-III) (3 3 papers
accepted) Ventegodt S, Merrick J, Andersen NJ.
2003.Quality of life theory I. The IQOL theory
an integrative theory of the global quality of
life concept. The ScientificWorld Journal
(accepted). Ventegodt, S., Merrick, J.,
Andersen, N.J. QOL Theory II Realization of
life potential theory Ventegodt, S., Merrick,
J., Andersen, N.J. QOL Theory II Maslow
The Quality of Life Research Center
Forskningscenter for Livskvalitet
QOL questionnaires (SEQOL, QOL5,
QOL-Health-Ability) (3 2 publ., 1 in
prep) Ventegodt S., Henneberg E.W., Merrick J.,
Lindholt J.S. (2003) Validation of Two Global
and Generic Quality of Life Questionnaires for
Population Screening SCREENQOL SEQOL.
TheScientificWorldJOURNAL (2003) 3,
412-421 Lindholt, J.S., Ventegodt, S.,
Henneberg, E.W. (2002) Development and
Validation of QoL5 for Clinical Databases. A
Short, Globaland Generic Questionnaire Based on
an Integrated Theory of the Quality of Life. Eur
J Surg 168 107-103 Ventegodt, S., Merrick,
J., Andersen, N.J. The QOL-Health-Ability
The Quality of Life Research Center
Forskningscenter for Livskvalitet
QOL results (10 6 publ., 4 in
prep.) Ventegodt, S. 1998. Sex and the Quality of
Life in Denmark. Archives of Sexual Behaviour,
Vol. 27 3 295-307. Ventegodt, S. 1998. A
prospective study on quality of life and
traumatic eventsin early life 30 year
follow-up. Child, Care, Health and Development.
Volume 25 3 213-221. Ventegodt, S. Merrick, J
(2003). Long-Term Effects of Maternal Smoking on
Quality of Life. Results from the Copenhagen
Perinatal Birth Cohort 1959-61 The
ScientificWorld Journal, 3 714-720 Ventegodt,
S. Merrick, J (2003). Long-Term Effects of
Maternal Medication on Global Quality of Life
Measured with SEQOL. Results from the Copenhagen
Perinatal Birth Cohort 1959-61. The
ScientificWorld Journal, 3 707-713. Ventegodt,
S. Merrick, J (2003). Psychoactive drugs and
Quality of Life. The ScientificWorld Journal, 3
694-706 Ventegodt, S. Merrick, J (2003).
Lifestyle, Quality of Life, and Health. The
ScientificWorld Journal, 3 811-825
The Quality of Life Research Center
Forskningscenter for Livskvalitet
Seven theories of Existence (Life mission theory
I-VII) (8 1p, 1s, 6ip) Ventegodt, S. Merrick,
J, Andersen, N.J. Editorial Seven theories of
human existence Ventegodt S. 2003. The life
mission theory A theory for a consciousness-based
medicine. Int J Adolesc Med Health
200315(1)89-91. Ventegodt, S. Merrick, J,
Andersen, N.J. The life mission theory II. A
theory of the ego Ventegodt, S. Merrick, J,
Andersen, N.J. The life mission theory III. The
talent theory Ventegodt, S. Merrick, J,
Andersen, N.J. The life mission theory IV. A
theory of child development Ventegodt, S.
Merrick, J, Andersen, N.J. The life mission
theory V. A theory of theanti-self explaining
the evil side of man Ventegodt, S. Merrick, J,
Andersen, N.J. The life mission theory VI. The
holistic process theory Ventegodt, S. Merrick,
J, Andersen, N.J. The life mission theory
VII.Principles of existential group therapy
The Quality of Life Research Center
Forskningscenter for Livskvalitet
QOL as medicine (6 1 publ., 1 accepted, 4 in
prep.) Ventegodt S, Merrick J, Andersen NJ.
2003. Quality of life as medicine. A pilot study
of patients with chronic illness and pain. The
ScientificWorld Journal 3, 320-332 Ventegodt S,
Merrick J, Andersen NJ. 2003. Quality of life as
medicine II. A pilot study of alcoholics. The
ScientificWorld Journal 3, 320-332. Ventegodt S,
Merrick J, Andersen NJ. Quality of life as
medicine III A five day QOL coarse as a modern
rite du passage Ventegodt S, Merrick J, Andersen
NJ. Quality of life as medicine IV WAD Ventegodt
S, Merrick J, Andersen NJ. Quality of life as
medicine V A cure for pain and
depression Ventegodt S, Merrick J, Andersen NJ.
Quality of life as medicine VI. Improvements of
QOL and health with existential group therapy
The Quality of Life Research Center
Forskningscenter for Livskvalitet
Holistic medicine (3, 2 papers
submitted) Ventegodt, S. Merrick, J, Andersen,
N.J. Editorial Holistic medicine 2.0
Ventegodt, S. Merrick, J, Andersen, N.J. The
square-curve paradigm for holistic
medicine Ventegodt, S. Merrick, J, Andersen,
N.J. Kvalitetssikring
The Quality of Life Research Center
Forskningscenter for Livskvalitet
Ventegodt S. 2003. The life mission theory A
theory for a consciousness-based medicine. Int J
Adolesc Med Health 200315(1)89-91. I. Life
Mission. The moment of conception all the joy,
energy and wisdom that our lives are capable of
are expressed in a decision as to the purpose
of our lives. This mission is the meaning of life
for that individual. It is always constructive
and sides with life itself. II. Life pain. The
greatest and most fundamental pain in our lives
derives from the frustrations encountered, when
we try to achieve our personal mission. III.
Denial. When the pain becomes intolerable we can
deny our life mission by making a
counter-decision, which is then lodged in the
body and the mind, partially or entirely
cancelling the life mission. IV. Repair. V.
Repression and loss of responsibility. VI. Loss
of physical health. VII. Loss of quality of life
and mental health. IIX. Loss of functionality.
The Quality of Life Research Center
Forskningscenter for Livskvalitet
Ventegodt, S. Merrick, J,Andersen,N.J. The
life mission theory II. A theory of the ego
The Quality of Life Research Center
Forskningscenter for Livskvalitet
The egos relationship to the life mission, or
purpose in life. The talents supporting ones
true purpose in life relate to ones true self,
depicted here as the big flower, while the ego
is the small flower that centres on a secondary
or (as seen here) a tertiary purpose in life and
the associated talents. The drawing is made of a
tinnitus patient, a female artist who could not
work because of her disease. In the therapy she
came to a sudden realization of her personal
life mission, and shortly after this break
though her tinnitus disappeared.
The Quality of Life Research Center
Forskningscenter for Livskvalitet
The Quality of Life Research Center
Forskningscenter for Livskvalitet

Ventegodt, S. Merrick, J, Andersen, N.J. The
life mission theory III. The talent theory
The Quality of Life Research Center
Forskningscenter for Livskvalitet
Figure 1 A human being exists in three
dimensions, and all of them must be in their
natural state, to allow the full expression of
talent. The saggital axis is called purpose or
love or me-you, the vertical axis is called
power or consciousness (light) or heaven-earth,
and the horizontal axis is called gender or joy
or male-female.
The Quality of Life Research Center
Forskningscenter for Livskvalitet
Ventegodt, S. Merrick, J, Andersen, N.J. The
life mission theory V. A theory of the
anti-self explaining the evil side of
man Støtteformål gtlt
Anti-støtteformål Selv Livsformål
gtlt Anti-livsformål Anti-selv
Støtteformål gtlt
Anti-støtteformål Figur 1
Livsformålet såvel som alle støtteformålene er
fortrængt, og mennesket kender ikke sig selv.
Fortrængningen er sket ved hjælp af negative
modbeslutninger, der udbalancere de positive
formål. Alle anti-selv intentioner findes i os,
selv om de er fortrængt de summer op til en
samlet selvdestruktiv intentionel struktur i os,
der her kaldes anti-selv eller skyggen.
The Quality of Life Research Center
Forskningscenter for Livskvalitet

Ventegodt, S. Merrick, J, Andersen, N.J. The
life mission theory VI. The holistic process
Figure 2 In our natural condition our existence
can be compared with an energy-filled and dancing
The Quality of Life Research Center
Forskningscenter for Livskvalitet
Figure 3 Low quality of life poor health and
poor functional ability in relation to social
life, work life and sexuality are deriving from
locking up your existence with negative
decisions. The condition is rigid and stiff and
can be illustrated by a stretched spring that
lost its ability to dance and vibrate freely.
The Quality of Life Research Center
Forskningscenter for Livskvalitet
Ventegodt, S. Merrick, J, Andersen, N.J. The
life mission theory VII.Principles of
existential group therapy FCLKs kurser i
personlig udvikling Introduktion til personlig
udvikling Personlig forvandling Find din
livsformål Lev dit livsformål. Den personlige
udviklings faser Filosofisk fase Proces
fase Gennembruds fase Livs-revisons fase
The Quality of Life Research Center
Forskningscenter for Livskvalitet
Følgende trin betragtes pt. som afgørende for et
vellykket kursus Præcis information Effektiv
visitation God forberedelse Positiv
modtagelse Contracting Partnervalg Træning af
opmærksomhed, respekt, omsorg, anerkendelse,
accept Personlig målsætning for kurset Holistiske
helingsprocesser Midvejsevaluering Forankring af
resultater Klar slutstatus hvor er du nu og
hvor går du hen? Godt ud af kurset Networking
og vækstsgrupper Deltagelse i procesdage
The Quality of Life Research Center
Forskningscenter for Livskvalitet
Nogle terapeutiske værktøjer At give
gaver Perspektivsætning Hyperventilation Fysisk
bevægelse. Tidslinieterapi Encounter og spejling
The Quality of Life Research Center
Forskningscenter for Livskvalitet
  • A methodological framework for quantitative
    research in the global QOL
  • The following concept for measuring global,
    generic quality of life was used
  • 1) A clear definition of the quality of life
  • 2) A philosophy of life on which the definition
    of QOL was based
  • 3) A theory that makes this philosophy
    operational by deducing questions that are
    unambiguous, mutually exclusive and comprehensive
    as a whole and establishing the relative weights
    of each question
  • 4) A number of response options that can be
    quantitatively interpreted on a fraction scale
  • 5) Technical quality in terms of reproducibility,
    sensitivity and well-
  • scaledness (appropriate scale characteristics)
  • The survey must be meaningful to researchers,
    respondents and those who use the results
    (including criterion validity)
  • 7) An appreciation of the aesthetic dimension
  • Slide Maslows Hierarchy of needs
  • Maslows Hierarchy of needs

The Quality of Life Research Center
Forskningscenter for Livskvalitet
The Quality of Life Research Center
Forskningscenter for Livskvalitet
The Integrated QOL theory (IQOL theory)

The Quality of Life Research Center
Forskningscenter for Livskvalitet
QOL as medicine Chronic pain (Abstract) The
pilot study demonstrated that in the course of
only one week, patients had time to revise
essential, life-denying views, to integrate
important, unfinished life-events involving
negative feelings. Consequently the patients
became more present in the bodys blocked-off
areas and subjectively healthier. Nineteen
persons with chronic illness and pain
(fibromyalgia, chronic tiredness, whiplash, mild
depression and problems involving pain in arms
and legs incl. osteo-arthritis) and unemployed
for 5-7 years attended the course. The study
showed an 11.2 improvement in quality of life,
a 6.3 improvement in working-life quality, a
17.3 improvement in self-perceived mental
health, and satisfaction with health in general
improved by 21.4. Symptoms like pain were
almost halved and several of the participants
were free of pain for the first time in years.
In conclusion it seemed that the combination of
training in philosophy of life, psychotherapy and
body therapy can give patients a large, fast and
efficient improvement in QOL, QWL and health. It
is not known if these changes will be permanent
and if all kinds of patients with different
health problems will gain from this cure. Further
research should be conducted.
The Quality of Life Research Center
Forskningscenter for Livskvalitet
QOL as medicine Chronic pain
QOL as medicine II Alcoholics. Green Immediate
subjective well-being Yellow Total QOL, Red
Self-assessed health (Physical and mental)
The Quality of Life Research Center
Forskningscenter for Livskvalitet
Søren Ventegodt, MD, is the director of the the
Quality of Life Research Center in Copenhagen,
Denmark. He is also responsible for a Research
Clinic for Holistic Medicine in Copenhagen and
used as a popular speaker throughout
Scandinavia. He has published numerous
scientific or popular articles and a number of
books on holistic medicine, quality of life and
quality of working life. His most important
scientific contributions are the comprehensive
SEQOL questionnaire, the very short QoL5
questionnaire, the integrated QoL theory, the
holistic proces theory, the life mission theory,
and the Danish Quality of Life Research Study at
the University Hospital of Copenhagen with the
late pediatric professor Bengt Zachau-Christiansen
. -
The Quality of Life Research Center
Forskningscenter for Livskvalitet
Joav Merrick, MD, DMSc, is professor of child
health and human development affiliated with the
Zusman Child Development Center and Division of
Community Health at the Ben Gurion University,
Beer-Sheva, Israel and presently the medical
director of the Division for Mental Retardation,
Ministry of Social Affairs, Jerusalem and the
director of the National Institute of Child
Health and Human Development. Numerous
publications in the field of child and human
development, rehabilitation, intellectual
disability, disability, health, welfare, abuse,
advocacy and prevention. Received the Peter
Sabroe Child Award for outstanding work on behalf
of Danish Children in 1985 and the International
LEGO-Prize (The Childrens Nobel Prize) for
an extraordinary contribution towards improvement
in child welfare and well-being in 1987.
E-mail Website
The Quality of Life Research Center
Forskningscenter for Livskvalitet
Niels Jørgen Andersen, MSc, professor, Department
of Innovation and Economic Organization,
Norwegian School of Management. This department
conducts research and provides teaching in
central topics related to innovation, business
development, management of global companies,
business history and economic organization.
Research activities within the Department are
related to four core subjects within the
discipline business history, co-operative
organizations, business development and
entrepreneurship, and finally studies of
industries with a special focus on the
electricity industry.E-mail niels.j.andersen_at_bi
.no Website
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