Diapositiva 1 - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Diapositiva 1


DISSEMINATION AND VALORISATION PLAN. Dissemination ... Description: in order to valorise the project outcomes and outputs and, in ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Diapositiva 1

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F-M U. S. EU. M. (Form Multimedia System for a
European Museum) LLP-LDV/TOI/07/IT/016 First
Transnational Workshop Sibiu, 9-10 January
2008 Venue Lucian Blaga University Sibiu- IPCTE
Dissemination implies all actions, tools and
channels aimed at providing updated information
on the project work in progress to a large sample
of organisations and individuals that work
within the sector target Valorisation implies
the direct involvement of project target groups
in the realisation of specific activities and
tools planned, in order that project final
outcomes and outputs addressed to them, are
co- produced with them and validated by
them. To achieve dissemination and valorisation
objectives have been planned a range of
diversifies activities, tools and channels to be
realised all along the two years of project
  • The dissemination of interim and final project
  • will be under the responsibility of all members
    involved in the partnership, since all partners
    will have to collaborate to it
  • represents a transversal action, since it will be
    realised all along the project life-cycle
  • will be implemented through a few specific
    channels and tools.
  • In particular they are
  • the project website
  • the project portal
  • the material produced to update targets on
    project work in progress (newsletter, brochure,
  • the publication of all documents produced during
    the two years of project implementation (on line,
    on CD Rom, on paper).

  • Project Graphic design
  • Project website public area
  • Newsletters
  • Mailing lists
  • F-museum Portal (website public area)
  • Dissemination Seminars (RO- BG-IT)
  • 1 Final Conference (IT)
  • Final CD Rom (1200 copies)
  • Brochure (3000 copies)

  • Project Graphic design
  • There have been already realised graphic
    proposals for
  • Project Logo
  • Project website graphic structure
  • Project Slide show Format
  • Project Headed Paper

  • Project website public area

Start from the beginning of the 2nd month has
started the planning and realisation of the
website (EN). It will be updated during the 24
months of project implementation
All partners must link their official website to
project website using the Logo of the project and
a short presentation of the project in national
language. More details are provided in the ppt
show concerning the Project website Public and
Reserved Areas
? Project Brochure
Availability 6th month Target groups All
Museum as project partner and as beneficiaries/
Museum operators/Universities and training
Institutions/Young trainees/all actors operating
in the training system interested to e-learning
on the job/the Commission for Art and Virtual
Museums (Italian Ministry for Art and
Culture)/all European actors involved in Museum
policies/LLP National Agency and European
Commission. Language English all partnership
national languages Medium on line (pdf format)
and on paper N. Copies
3000 Description The Brochure will
include a general presentation of the project,
as a tool to provide target groups with
preliminary information. It will be realised
first in english and then translated in all
partnership languages, since it will answer to
two main goals - dissemination at
local-national level (national language) -
dissemination at transnational level (english)
? Project Newsletter
Availability every 6 months. Target
groups All Museum as project partner and as
beneficiaries/Museum operators/Universities and
training Institutions/Young trainees all actors
operating in the training system interested to
e-learning on the job/the Commission for Art
and Virtual Museums (Italian Ministry for Art
and Culture)/all European actors involved in
Museum policies/LLP National Agency and UE
Commission. Language English Medium on line
(pdf format) N. Copies 4 numbers (n.1 6 th
month/n.2 12 th month/n.3 18 th month n.4
24 th month). Description The newsletter will be
the main tool to disseminate updated
information on the project work in progress.
It will be delivered on line through direct
mailing actions (mailing lists) or it will be
printed in occasion of meetings or seminar open
to the public. It will be in English also to
provide the opportunity to all partners to
include additional reviews and contributions on
specific themes, with the involvement of
external experts or professionals.
? Mailing lists
  • Each partner should
  • provide a mailing list (local, national and
    European level)
  • constantly update the mailing list
  • use the mailing list to disseminate information,
    news and project products

?Subjects should not be regarded merely as
beneficiaries of informationstimulate them to
play an active role in the project!
? Mailing lists
  • The updating of the mailing list (all along the
    project) will be useful to
  • the progressive realisation of 2 databases
  • including information on culture and museum
    Institutions, public and private, interested to
    the project topics and related outputs and
    outcomes achieved
  • concerning companies and information/communicatio
    n channels and media (reviews, newspapers, on
    line and on paper).

? Dissemination Seminars
Period all along the 24 months (WP
8) Description in order to valorise the project
outcomes and outputs and, in particular, the
Portal as a Model and all its contents (e.g. the
training and informative ones) will be
realised door to door marketing actions.
They will be mainly one-day meetings, realised
in at least 5 Museums for each country involved
in the partnership.
? Project Final Conference
Period during the 24 th month
Description The Final Conference will be held
in Italy with the aim of presenting the final
outcomes and outputs achieved and realised
during the project. Among the materials that
will be presented and given to participants are
some specific project products - F-Museum
Portal - Final CD Rom - Printed Documents
? F- Museum Portal
Availability 6th month. Target groups all
project partners and all direct and indirect
beneficiaries interested. Language English
all partnership languages. Medium on line and
on Cd Rom (e-learning contents databases of
images, videos and related descriptions). Descri
ption This will be the main project outcome and
product. It will represent a virtual network
of European Museums and will include also -
a database of images and videos and related
descriptions - 3 e-learning coursewares (EN,
IT, BG, RO) for virtual reality products
manager, virtual reality products web master
archaeologist provider of virtual museum
contents - information on places where Museum
are located, etc.
More details are provided in the ppt show
concerning the Project website Public and
Reserved Areas and in the project approved
? CD Rom
Availability 24 th month. Target groups All
Museum as project partner and as beneficiaries/
Museum operators/Universities and training
Institutions/Young trainees/all actors
operating in the training system interested to
e-learning on the job/the Commission for Art
and Virtual Museums (Italian Ministry for Art
and Culture)/all European actors involved in
Museum policies/LLP National Agency and UE
Commission. Language English all partnership
languages Medium Cd Rom N. Copies 1200
? CD Rom
Description The CD Rom will represent the main
final output of the project (jointly with the
Portal) and will be presented and disseminated
during the final Conference. For this reason,
it will include all main products realised and
published during the 2-years of project
implementation, in their definite version.
Among those - the comparative study on the
transferability of the training model (in
terms of technology required, organizational and
cultural assett) (ref. WP2) - training Model
(e-learning) ref. (WP5) - database of images,
videos, data and information (included in the
portal), supporting the training model
(WP5) - External Evaluation report (WP7)
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