Title: Welcome to the TC Rainbow Show
1European YOUTH Programme
- Welcome to the TC Rainbow Show
- Brasov, 20 October 2005
- Stimulate the mobility of young people
- Active participation in the development of Europe
and of society - Create European partnerships between
organisations - Fight against racism and xenophobia
- Young people (individual or in group)
- In their free time non-formal education
- Intercultural learning as red line
- Gain knowledge, skills and competencies
- Inclusion as priority open to ALL young people
- Young people 15/18 25 years old
- Youth workers / youth leaders
- Youth organisations
- Project managers in the field of youth and
non-formal education - Other non-profit organisations, associations or
- 31 Programme countries
- 25 EU Member States
- 3 EFTA countries (Iceland, Liechtenstein and
Norway) - 3 Accession countries Bulgaria, Romania, Turkey
62005 Priorities
- Inclusion of young people with fewer
opportunities - Promoting diversity and in particular reducing
all forms of racism and xenophobia - Follow-up of the European political cooperation
in the youth field
- Action 1 Youth for Europe
- Action 2 European Voluntary Service
- Action 3 Youth initiatives
- Action 5 Support Measures
8European YOUTH Programme
- TC Rainbow Show
- Brasov, 20 October 2005
9ACTION 1 Youth Exchanges Youth for Europe
- Bring groups of young people together
- Intercultural learning learn about other
cultures and how young people live - Active involvement of the young people on a
specific theme chosen by the young people
10ACTION 1Youth for Europe
- Formal criteria
- Age 15 - 25 years
- Number of participants 16 - 60
- Duration exchange 6 till 21 days
- Bilateral trilateral - multilateral
11ACTION 1 Youth for Europe
- Content criteria
- Active involvement of the young people
- Red line or theme
- Co-operation between the partner groups
- Intercultural and local dimension
- Programme and methods Active dimension
- Preparation and follow-up
12European YOUTH Programme
- TC Rainbow Show
- Brasov, 20 October 2005
13ACTION 2 European Voluntary Service
- Voluntary service in a non-profit project
- Strong learning experience for the volunteer
- New European partnerships between organisations
- Formal criteria
- Age volunteer 18-25 years
- Long term projects 6 till 12 months
- Short term 3 weeks till 6 months for youngsters
with fewer opportunities
- Formal criteria
- Triangle volunteer - sending organisation
host organisation
- Content criteria
- Good preparation, evaluation and follow-up
- Training and supervision for the volunteer
- Balanced tasks between learning and service
- Strong partnership
- Involvement of the volunteer
17European YOUTH Programme
- TC Rainbow Show
- Brasov, 20 October 2005
18ACTION 3 Youth Initiatives
- Aims
- to support young peoples initiative, creativity
and active participation - To chance to try out ideas through initiatives
run by themselves in the local community
19ACTION 3Youth initiatives
- Action 3.1. Group Initiatives
- Action 3.2 Future Capital
20ACTION 3.1.Group initiatives
- Small scale and innovative projects
- Projects created and run by a group of young
people - Contribution to their local community
- With a European dimension
21ACTION 3.1.Group initiatives
- Formal criteria
- Age participants15 till 25 years
- Number of participants min. 4
- Duration 3 till 12 months
22ACTION 3.1.Group initiatives
- Content criteria
- Innovative in their context
- Run by young people
- Coming from a local need
- With a European dimension
23ACTION 3.1.Group initiatives
- Priority 1 run by young people with fewer
opportunities and which benefit to the local
community max. 10.000 - Priority 2 run by any young people and which
benefit young people with fewer opportunities
max. 7.500 - Priority 3 run by any young people and which
benefit mainly the members of the group max.
24Action 3 Networking projects
- aims at identifying good practices and
transferring the outcomes resulting - Usually after a Group Initiative
- Cooperate with similar projects in other
countries - added value
25European YOUTH Programme
- TC Rainbow Show
- Brasov, 20 October 2005
26ACTION 5 Support Measures
- Aims
- To develop the other YOUTH actions through
training, co-operation and information projects - To contribute achieving the objectives of the
YOUTH programme and strengthening European youth
policy - To support the capacity building and innovation
with regard to international training and
co-operation in the field of youth work
27ACTION 5 Support Measures
- Target group
- Youth workers on local, regional, national and
international level - trainers
- Groups of young people who want to set up an
international project - Mentors of EVS projects
- ...
28ACTION 5 Support Measures
- Key terms of action 5
- Co-operation and partnerships
- Training measures
- Youth information
29The nine types of activity eligible for support
- 1. Practical training experience (job shadowing)
- 2. Feasibility visits
- 3. Contact-making seminars
- 4. Study visits
- 5. Seminars
- 6. Training courses
- 7. Youth information
- 8. Transnational partnerships and networks
- 9. Support for capacity building and innovation
30European YOUTH Programme
- TC Rainbow Show
- Brasov, 20 October 2005
- 1 FEBRUARY Start project from 1st May
- 1 APRIL Start project from 1st July
- 1 JUNE Start project from 1 st September
- 1 SEPTEMBER Start project from 1st December
- 1 NOVEMBER Start project from 1st February
- Information and promotion
- Advice and counselling
- Training and quality support
- Assessment and granting
- Good luck with all your national and
international plans and project ideas - Dont hesitate to contact your National Agency!
European Youth Portal http//europa.eu.int/youth