Title: Folie 1
1The Eurosystem Challenges and
Perspectives Warwick Economic Summit University
of Warwick 14 February 2009 Ewald Nowotny
Governor of the Oesterreichische Nationalbank
(Austrian central bank) www.oenb.at
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4Forecasts for EU and Euro Area Countries
5Challenges for Monetary Policy I
- In contrast to the last few years No trade-off
between short-run developments in inflation and
output. - In the current crisis, inflation and output are
behaving like after a demand shock. Both are
dropping significantly. - Thus, the policy response is straightforward
decrease policy rates.
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7Challenges for Monetary Policy II
- Policy interest rates have decreased worldwide.
However - slow effect on the real economy
- the pass-through to bank lending rates might be
hampered because of the financial crisis - a too-swift decrease of policy rates might signal
panic - what happens when the zero lower bound is reached
- difficulties in the implementation of monetary
8Challenges for Monetary Policy Implementation
- Persisting tensions in global money markets
- Counterparty risks
- Liquidity risks
- led to
- volatile overnight rates
- high term interest rate spreads
- declining volumes, signs of rationing
- Money markets crucial for the
- implementation of monetary policy
- derivative markets, interest rates for households
and firms
9ECB Liquidity Management Stability within the
- Key challenge Distribution of liquidity in the
system when interbank lending is impaired - Pre-crisis ECB framework
- Large group of banks admitted to regular tender
operations and standing facilities - Broad range of collateral
- Weekly and three-month open market operations
- No need for special facilities.
- Alleviate strains in term funding markets by
increasing term funding.
10After the Collapse of Lehman Brothers
- Unprecedented level of stress in financial and in
particular interbank markets. - Flexible reaction
- Full allotment in tender operations
- Wider range of eligible collateral
- Temporarily significant involvement in
intermediation - Alleviate stress in global markets
- Stepped-up cooperation between central banks
- Unlimited access to US dollars for euro area
banks - Overall Operational framework has passed the
test well, has provided a maximum of
11- 51 years after the signature of the Treaty of
Rome, the euro remains one of the most tangible
signs of Europes determination to forge a common
future and work together to secure peace and
prosperity for our continent. - José Manuel Barroso June 2008
- Moreover, the crisis shows that there is more to
the euro than its role as a means of transaction
12The Euro Has Indeed Become a Global Player
13The Benefits of the Euro in the Financial Crisis
- The euro protects Europe
- EMU shows that in turbulent financial waters, it
is better to be on a large, solid and steady ship
rather than on a small vessel. - Businesses were sheltered from exchange rate
volatility. No competitive devaluations. - With the single currency, Europe has been able to
act swiftly, decisively and coherently - Would it have been possible to protect separate
currencies fromthe fallout without the euro? - European authorities, parliaments, and central
banks reacted immediately - Europe has shown that it is capable of taking
decisions - The crisis has improved popularity of the EU.
People are more convinced of the achievements and
institutions of EU and EMU.
14Future Challenges for EMU and the Euro
- In the short run
- Maintain price stability
- Return to the path of growth and stability in
Europe, stimulate employment and create jobs - Overcome the financial crisis maintain
financial stability - Redesign regulatory and institutional frameworks
- In the medium to long run
- Cope with globalisation
- EU implement the Stability and Growth Pact
firmly and credibly, render economies more
productive, innovative, avoid competitive
divergences, stimulate scientific and
technological progress - Address ageing population
- Handle euro area enlargement optimally increase
from 11 members in 1999 to 16 members in 2009 - Strengthen the euro areas international role and
the euros image
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