Title: Diapozitiv 1
Objective 3 European territorial
cooperation Slovenia-Austria Operational
Programme 2007 - 2013 No. of partners
10 Duration 1st June 2009 30th March 2012
3KBB Partner consortium
- Slovenia
- Public Agency for Technology of the Republic of
Slovenia (lead partner) - Chamber of Commerce and Industry of tajerska
- Pomurje Technology Park
- Faculty of Mechanical engineering (University of
Maribor) - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
(University of Maribor) - Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer
Science (University of Maribor)
- Austria
- SFG Innofinanz
- FH Kapfenberg
- ACstyria Autocluster GmbH
- Institut für Systemwissenschaften, Innovations-
und Nachhaltigkeitsforschung Karl-Franzens-Univers
ität Graz (ISIS)
4Main objectives of KBB
- Training of consultant officers / facilitators
for technology transfer. They will be experts in
particular field and will provide selected
(innovative) companies their services aiming at
putting knowledge to market. - Bilateral connections between the regions and
know-how transfer among RD and industry will be
enhanced (science to business). - Development of B2B contacts in selected fields of
operation (sectors), being - ICT, materials, biotechnology, chemistry, food
technology and horizontal aspects such as
energy, environment creative industries. - Development of business networking
5BENEFITS for involved actors (1)
- Involved companies
- . Specifically
- be supported by Technology Transfer
services - to be involved in the process of Technology
Transfer - constant information on Technology Transfer
for RD for the company - in General
- networking
- access to technical development of the sector
(match-making - meetings, workshops)
- strengthening of contacts with research
institutions (RD and/or - commercialization of applicative results)
6BENEFITS for involved actors (2)
- Individuals
- become Technology and Knowledge Transfer Expert
- opportunity to implement Technology/Knowledge
Transfer in practice - opportunity to cooperate with RR institutions in
Technology/Knowledge - Transfer
- become a Member of the Business Network for
further activities
7BENEFITS for involved actors (3)
- Partners Organization
- new services for Members and other public
(business, RD, education) - setting up a strong network of stakeholders
- Education providers will be supported by
effective link to the market and execution of
knowledge and applicable solutions - Long term partnership through practical cases for
institutions and education providers
8BENEFITS for involved actors (4)
- National/regional policy makers of innovative
policy - better exploitation of public infrastructure
- stimulation of development concept for opened
innovativeness in companies - increase RD in companies
9Projects Phases
future policy recommendations and actions
10Phases I, II
Phase I Establishment of a pool of facilitators
- Selected and trained minimum 20 facilitators for
technology transfer facilitator
Phase II Establishment of a business network
- Networking of partners to include the widest
selection of members of a partner network - Events for companies
- 5 events (sectoral)
- match making (significant presence of
companies, RD organisations, organisations) - Technology transfer day presentation of
innovative approaches in technology transfer
11Phase III, IV
Phase III Pilot phase preparation and
implementation (technology transfer activities in
- Technology hunting in order to find adequate
connections between technology/know-how demand
and supply in the regions - Technology pilot projects implementation of
pilots (technology transfer facilitators will
start their work with the company (according to
the plan), motivate it into RD, and support the
company with their services - Phase IV Future policy implications
- Policy recommendations
12KBB Outputs
- Group of trained technology transfer facilitators
(min. 20 ) - Establishment of a business network
- 6 events for companies
- Min. 20 cases of Technology Transfer in
companies concluded - Future policy implications and recommandations
13KBB Member?