Title: The Arab Israeli conflict since 1988
1The Arab Israeli conflict since 1988
2The Yom Kippur war in 1973 was when the ARAB
nations attacked the new state of ISRAEL during a
Jewish religious festival
ISRAEL fought back, won the war and OCCUPIED more
land that used to belong to the Arabs
So the Arab world responded by stopping oil from
getting to West.
31979 The USA become involved and a Peace Treaty
is signed at Camp David between Egypt and Israel
Egypt recognises Israels right to exist and the
Israelis agree to withdraw its forces from the
Sinai Desert (Egyptian Land)
The OIL flowed again
4But the Palestinians continue their raids into
They begin an Intifada (uprising) 1987-1991
They build barricades and throw STONES at the
Israeli troops who retaliate with BULLETS.
December 1988 - Yasser Arafat renounces
terrorism and also recognises Israels right to
exist to try and stop the violence
5Todays lesson The Arab Israeli Conflict 1988 to
the present day
Why has the conflict continued if in 1988 the
Arabs and the Palestinians were prepared to
recognise Israels right to exist?
Has any good come about from International
Involvement in the conflict?
Yasser Arafat had said he was prepared to
recognise Israels right to exist Arafat agrees
there should be a Jewish State
ISRAEL refused to negotiate with the Palestinian
Liberation Organisation. Why? Israel regard the
Q 1 It is it difficult to keep the peace talks
going because
Israel regard the PLO as terrorists The PLO use
terrorism to try to force Israel to give up the
occupied territories
71993 A new Prime Minister in Israel brings hope
of a peace settlement
Yitzhak Rabin becomes the new Israeli Prime
There is a renewed hope around the world that
there will be peace
Yitzhak Rabin of Israel
The USA become involved again. The Israelis and
Palestinians agree to meet in America because
this will be on neutral territory
81993 International Involvement the USA (again)
The American President, Bill Clinton persuades
Yasser Arafat of the PLO and Yitzhak Rabin of
Israel to come to the White house
Sept 13th 1993. The leader of the PLO and the PM
of Israel sign a Peace Agreement
9What did they shake hands to?
Israel agreed to Withdraw their troops from the
Gaza strip and the West Bank Talk about the
establishment of a Palestinian state Talk about
what to do with the Palestinian refugees
Q 3. International Involvement has done some GOOD
It has brought both sides together to talk
through the problems AND has brought some
101994 - Yasser Arafat returns to Gaza
Gaza was land the Palestinians lost to the
The Israeli troops leave Gaza
In 1996 Arafat becomes the President of the new
Palestinian National Authority which rules
Gaza. The Palestinians have some land of their
All is going well
11Trouble begins again in Gaza..
Rebel Palestinians in Gaza, still angry with
Israel, bomb dozens of Israeli citizens
Israel fight back and kill rebel Palestinians
Meanwhile. Peace talks are still going on and
another agreement is made
Divide the West Bank (occupied by the Israelis)
between the two sides
121995 The West Bank is divided up between the
Israelis and the Palestinians
Zone B 21 under JOINT ownership
ZONE A 7 goes to the Palestinians
Zone C All of it goes to the Israelis
The Palestinians are really happy! They have some
land of their own in Palestine They move back to
the West Bank
Some very religious Israelis are really angry.
They see this as the surrender of Jewish Land
13Nov 1995 - Israels Prime Minister is assassinated
Israels land should not be given away!
by a very religious Jew
141996 -1999 New Israeli PMs
Shimon PERES 1995 - 1996
Benjamin NETANYAHU 1996 - 1999
Ehud BARAK 1999 - 2000
Israel agrees to more withdrawals from the West
But the conflict between the two sides continues
151996 1999 All out conflict returns
Suicide bombings in Israel by the Arab Islamic
group HAMAS
The Israelis bomb Lebanon for three weeks
Why? The problem of what to do with JERUSALEM is
still not solved The problem of what to do about
the Palestinian refugees is still not solved
162000 - The Peace agreement is not working out
- Neither side can come to an agreement over how to
sort out - Who should have what in the West Bank and Gaza
- What to do with the refugees
- What to do about the holy city of Jerusalem
Q 2 The conflict is also about land because
. The conflict is about religion because .
The Jews want their own Jewish homeland so do
the Palestinians Both sides regard Palestine as
17The Palestinians are frustrated they have
little to show for 5 years of negotiation with
the Israelis
18Another Intifada (uprising) begins
Suicide bomb attacks inside Israel by the
New Palestinian organisation formed HAMAS
they do not recognise Israels right to exist.
They want their own ARAB ISLAMIC STATE
192000 - Barak resigns
A new Prime Minister for Israel - Ariel Sharon
Sharon had no intention of giving up any Israeli
land to the Palestinians unless the Palestinian
terrorists stop their attacks His aim is to
make sure Israel is secure and free from these
attacks The Palestinian terrorist acts must be
20So the Palestinians step up their suicide bomb
attacks in Israeli cities
The Israelis assassinate Palestinian rebels They
bomb Palestinian areas
21By 2002-2003 the Israelis re-occupy the West Bank
They build a wall around the West Bank 420 miles
long to keep Palestinian terrorists out of Israel
22International Involvement the US (again)
George Bush comes up with a new plan for peace
the roadmap for peace in the Middle East
23What was the road map?
A two state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian
conflict will only be achieved through an end to
violence and terrorism. The Palestinian people
must have a leadership that acts against
terror. The Israelis must do what is necessary
for a Palestinian state to be set up The USA will
help both sides in these negotiations.
Q 3 International Involvement has done some GOOD
24Conflict since 1988 continued
2003 - The USA have just become involved again
they came up with a ROAD MAP for peace.
252003 Palestinians agree to a Ceasefire!
Israel agrees to move out of the Gaza Strip!
International involvement has done some good and
the peace process had moved forward!
262003 Israeli settlers leave Gaza
7,500 Jewish settlers living among 1.3 million
resentful Palestinians are forced to leave Gaza
27Many Israeli people support Gaza withdrawal!
An end to violence?
28Nov 2004 Yasser Arafat dies
The Israeli government, who regarded him as a
terrorist, suggest his death could be a turning
point for peace in the Middle East
Our father is dead
292004 New leader for Palestinians
He is against violence and is seen by the rest of
the world as a man of reason
Mahmoud Abbas
30But the suicide bomb attacks by HAMAS on Israel
The PLO have no control over HAMAS
HAMAS are funded by Saudi Arabia and Jordan
HAMAS want their own Arab ISLAMIC state in
31HAMAS are a group of Palestinians fighting for a
separate Palestinian state (just like the PLO
are) BUT unlike the PLO they do not recognise
Israels right to exist
32Hezbollah party of God
There is more than one group demanding that
Palestine should be a MUSLIM state so ITS
Hezbollah are a Lebanese ISLAMIC movement who are
determined to drive Israelis troops from LEBANON
They consider the whole of Palestine as occupied
Muslim land. They say ISRAEL has no right to
They are funded by IRAN
33Today Israelis are still seeking out terrorists
in the West Bank
34Israel continues to build a wall around the West
Why? They say it is to keep out the Palestinian
terrorists from Israel
35Israel remain more powerful
Even though ISRAEL has withdrawn from some areas
of GAZA and the WEST BANK, Israel still has
control of the AIRSPACE, the BORDERS, the WATER
and the PORTS on the coast in these areas
So the PALESTINIANS regard the withdrawals from
GAZA and the WEST BANK to be incomplete
The USA provides Israel with the latest WEAPONS
and does its best to make sure that countries
that might be opposed to Israel dont get good
369. 11. 2001
Since 9.11 the conflict between the Arabs and the
Israelis has become like a war between the Middle
EAST and the WEST The USA support ISRAEL The Arab
nations dont like it
The World Trade Centre or Twin Towers blown up
by al-Qaeda
379.11 - Muslims versus the USA?
Osama Bin Laden has accused the United States of
plotting to carve up other Muslim countries in
the Middle East to benefit Israel. He has urged
Muslims to "fight the enemy that sabotages the
world," describing jihad, or holy war, as "a
38Is the conflict only about religion?
Try and write down another THREE factors that the
conflict is about
39Writing up Q 2.
About 450 words Draft in on Monday finished if
possible! Find a recent example of conflict and
include it
Mondays lesson International Involvement
Bring your notes!
40Why has the conflict continued?
Q 1 Why is it difficult to keep the peace talks
Neither side trusts the other The Israelis
.(terrorists, land, religion, the
withdrawal) The Palestinians (Land, HAMAS,
HEZBOLLAH religion, refugees)
41Next lesson
BRING ALL YOUR NOTES We will begin writing up Q