Title: Gateway 1 Steering Committee
1Gateway 1 Steering Committee
- March 4, 2009
- 4-8 pm
- Rockland City Hall Chambers
- Plan/Entity Timeline
- Prioritize remaining Study Team Time and Tasks
- Plan Comment Review
- General Discussion Topics
- Pick SC Meeting Dates
3Plan/Entity Timeline
June 2009 Deliver Plan to municipalities
4June 2009 Plan must contain checked items
- Target Goals
- Local Actions
- State Actions
- AIA Function (subcommittees)
- AIA Structure
- Start Up Community Agreement
- Working Transportation Action Plan (inc. transit
- Working Core Area Maps
- TTR/TDR Framework
- Job Description for new Technical
Advisor-Adminstrator - Draft Bylaws
- Refined Transit Plan
- Refined Visual Assessment Actions
- Suggested Project Prioritization Criteria
5Study Team
- Study Team Current Timeframe/Task List
- Now through June
- Current schedule 3 SC meetings and 20 community
meetings - Study Team Product SC-approved Plan and Start-up
Agreement - Schedule can change based on SC feedback
- Amount of hours available cannot change
- Still need an approved Plan Document by June
- MaineDOT willing to fund Technical Advisor as of
July 1 prior to sign-up of 12 communities
6Starting July 1
- Hire Technical Advisor/Administrator-to-be (TAA)
- TAA can work with existing SC to present Plan to
communities and support outreach - Goal have 12 or more communities sign Start Up
Community Agreement within 90/- days - TAA funded and under contract to MaineDOT for
18-24 months (200K)
7Plan/Entity Timeline
June 2009 Deliver Plan to municipalities
October 2009 12 Start-up Agreement -
Communities can now apply for Technical
Assistance (500k)
8Next 12 to 15 months
- Technical assistance grants anticipated to be
used for supporting and implementing Plan basic
actions, outreach, ordinances, core area master
plans, official plans, etc. - Utilize RPCs to greatest extent possible
- TAA leads effort
- Help MaineDOT and communities continue Plan
development - Help communities write technical assistance
grants (500k) - Support amendment process for Comp Plans
- Work with communities to develop final
Interjurisdictional Agreement
9Plan/Entity Timeline
End of 2010 12 sign Interjurisdictional
Agreement 1.3 M in Funds become available
June 2009 Deliver Plan to municipalities
Oct. 2009 12 Start-up Agreement Communities
apply for Technical Assistance (500K)
Dec.. 2010 Start-up Agreement Expires
10By end of 2010
- Required at least 12 sign interjurisdictional
agreement (by Town or City Council vote) - If so, MaineDOT provides 200k funding for TAA
(now Administrator) for next 2 years to Entity - If so, MaineDOT provides extra 1.3 M in funds
from 2010/2011 Capital work plan to Entity for
projects above already allocated funds
11Entity Role
MaineDOT/Other Funding
Maintenance and Non-Capacity Proposals (Bridges/
Safety Proposals
Mobility based Capital Improvement Proposals (TAP)
Sewer Water Infrastructure Proposals (DEP)
TransitCapitol Proposals (TAP)
Quality Community Proposals (Sidewalks, Street
Trees, etc.)
TAP funding plus other Municipal Project
Proposals all now prioritized by Entity
122011 and beyond
- Administrator meets regularly with
Board/communities to work on/update Plan - Administrator works with/for Entity Board
- Entity prioritizes TAP, grants, applications and
municipal projects for 2012-2013 work plan - Entity has dedicated allocation for corridor in
2014-2015 work plan, in addition to prioritizing
TAP, grants, applications and other municipal
13Study Team Tasks Reprise
- Study Team Current Timeframe/Task List
- Current schedule 3 SC meetings and 20 community
meetings - Product is SC-approved Plan and Start-up
Agreement - Schedule can change based on SC feedback
- Amount of hours available cannot change
- Still need an approved Plan Document by June
- New Technical Advisor/Administrator could begin
in July - NEW schedule could add three more SC meeting
instead of community meetings
14What does SC want to accomplish with remaining
time and budget??
15Plan Comment Review
- Implementation of Entity Approval Process
- Is a two-step process a good idea?
- Are we giving communities too much time or too
little time - What is the best way to handle this?
16Plan Comment Review
- State Incentives/AIA Powers
- How exactly will the transfer of power or
sharing of power for prioritization of DOT
projects work? - Is it shared or is it transferred?
- Can we define the amount of money that will be in
question? - What happens after a project is approved?
17Plan Comment Review
- Enforcement
- - Should the land use requirements of the
municipalities be enforced and if so how and by
18Plan Comment Review
- Towns that Opt Out
- - What we do if there are holes in the corridor
from Towns that do not sign on? - - This will be an issue since if we take action
on the corridor, they are de-facto participants.Â
- - How will that be handled relative to "perks"
and "penalties?
19Plan Comment Review
- Transportation Action Package
- Issue with Plan sentence These improvements are
not intended to be the full list of improvements
that will be implemented over the next 25 years,
but a starting point. - Comment This sentence lessens the ability to
create a vision for the corridor. - Questions
- Where is the vision of the corridor spelled out?
- What is the current purpose of the TAC as part of
the Plan? - Is this the only dollars that the DOT will spend
in the corridor? - How will it evolve over time?
- How will communities have input in those changes?
20Plan Comment Review
- Capacity and Need
- Should communities with less capacity yet high
need be asked to do more?
21Plan Comment Review
- Access Rule Changes
- How would proposed new access management fee
system work?
22Plan Comment Review
- Transit Planning
- - What are the underlying principles in making
decisions as to which transit opportunities are
available to the Corridor?
23Plan Comment Review Targets
- Reduce Pressure On Municipal Budgets And Property
Taxpayers - - Reducing sprawl, containing Fire, EMS and
Policing services costs and focusing growth in
core areas will allow municipalities to
efficiently deliver services and reduce the
pressure on municipal budgets and taxpayers
24Plan Comment Review Targets
- Mobility and Safety Target
- Preserve and Improve Mobility and Safety
- Travel will be safely maintained at currently
posted speed limits along Routes 1 and 90 outside
of downtowns and village centers - A majority of local trips will be able to be made
on a local road network, without need to turn
onto Routes 1 and 90 - Routes 1 and 90 will efficiently serve through
traffic and thus avoid the diversion of through
traffic onto the local road network - Travel will be safely maintained at currently
posted speed limits along Routes 1 and 90 outside
of downtowns and village centers except in
situations that warrant adjustments to posted
speeds. In those instances the towns input must
be included in the decision making process.
Please note there have been pending recommended
changes to speed limits on Route 1, that have
been in place since well before the Gateway
study. This is good as a general principal, but
there must be language that allows some tweaking.
25Plan Comment Review Targets
- Jobs-Housing Balance Target
- Reduce the corridors annual per household
Vehicle Miles Traveled in 2030 by 20 compared
with 2005 I believe this is number is still on
the table to be further discussed. Its very
26Plan Comment Review Targets
- Conserve Rural Lands and Wildlife Habitat Target
- From the time of Plan adoption to 2030, convert
no more than 10,000 acres in the 20 Gateway 1
municipalities from undeveloped rural land into
house lots. Has there been any discussion of how
to deal with property tax issues eg communities
sharing revenues from shared commercial zone so
dont end up with towns competing with one
another for development the perceived need of
every town to max out development along Route 1
to grab tax revenue needs to be addressed.
27Plan Comment Review Targets
- Support Alternative Modes Target
- Assure that at least 50 RECONSIDER IS THIS
REALISTIC? of households in corridor towns have
a meaningful transit option available to them for
work and other necessary trips OR Assure that at
least 50 of households live in corridor towns
that have a meaningful transit option available
to them for work and other necessary trips. - 50 does seem too high. We must have current data
regarding population in high density towns as
well as more rural towns. Use that figure to
determine the goal. - No its too low and un-ambitious. It should be
at least 80 of households in corridor towns Core
Growth Areas have a meaningful transit option
available to them for work and other necessary
trips OR Assure that at least 50 of households
live in corridor towns that have a meaningful
transit option available to them for work and
other necessary trips
28Plan Comment Review Targets
- Support Alternative Modes Target
- - Reduce single-occupant auto journeys-to-work
from 76 (2000) to 65 (2030) Again too low and
un-ambitious. - Preserve Visual and Community Character Target
- - In each subregion, retain at least 80 of
visually distinctive and noteworthy segments and
viewsheds along or as seen from Routes 1 and 90.
How can we try to be so ambitious with this point
and so lacking in ambition above?
29 Proposed SC Meeting Dates(Pick 5)
- April 8
- May 13
- May 27
- June 10
- June 24