Title: Francois question I
1Francois question I
2Francois question II
Why does the lapse-rate increase in the
stratosphere? Lapse-rate in stratosphere is due
to UV absorption due to Ozone Lapse rate in
troposphere is partly due to water vapor
3Concepts of Climate modeling
4(No Transcript)
5(No Transcript)
6(No Transcript)
7(No Transcript)
8(No Transcript)
10Flux adjustments
11Model uncertainties
12Model uncertainties
13Model uncertainties
14Numerical techniques
15Introduction into spectral and grid-point methods
- Eulerian/Lagrangian grid point methods
- Spectral methods
- Derivatives are formed using differences over
finite space and time -gt finite difference
methods-gt algebraic equations - -gtsolvable on computer
16Solving a 1st order ODE
Taylor (EQ1)
Euler scheme
Taylor (EQ2)
Centered Diff (EQ1-EQ2)/(2dt).
17Solving a 1st order ODE
Discretization with Euler forward
Dt -gt 0, a-gt 8
Discretized solution converges to
analytical solution
18Solving a 1st order ODE
For dt1/A and dt2/A wrong results
The Euler scheme is the simplest and most
inaccurate 1st order scheme. dy/dx f(x,y(x))
is evaluated only for t, t?t Through evaluation
of f(x,y) for further points with t,t?t, we
can achieve a higher order accuracy gt Runge
Kutta scheme of 4th order
19Solving a 1st order ODE
20Classification of partial differential equations
2nd order PDEs
a,b,c,d,e,f are functions of x,y
21Classification of partial differential equations
Parabolic source
Elliptic source
Hyperbolic source
Laplace equation
Wave equation
Heat, diff. Equation
22Stability analysis
Final goal Convergence
The solution of the approximate difference
equation (ADE_ approaches that of the PDE for ?t,
?x gt 0 difficult because analytical solution
often unknown
1st step Consistency
The equation (not the solution) of an ADE
approaches PDE, as ?t, ?x gt 0
2nd step Stability
The ADE gas an upper linit as tgt 8, to the
growth of the solution or the truncation of the
errors inroduced by roundoff etc
23Stability analysis
Lax equvalence theorem Convergence ltgt
Consistency Stability
Methods for stability analysis - Matrix
method - Von Neumann Method - Energy
method We will only discuss the Von Neumann
method, because it is most convenient
24Analytical solution of linear partial
differential equations
25Analytical solution of linear partial
differential equations
26Analytical solution of linear partial
differential equations
Homework I, produce movie of the solution in
matlab for fdelta-function for Laplacian friction
Homework II, find analytical solution for
biharmonic friction produce movie of the
solution in matlab for fdelta-function for
biharmonic friction
28Solving PDEs
As the dynamic system becomes more complicated,
analytical solutions will be no longer
available. We have two options 1. Reduce the
complexity of the dynamics, such that the
simplified equations can be solved
analytically 2. Keep the original complicated
dynamics and find its approximate solution using
numerical techniques There are two ways to solve
PDEs A Galerkin Method B Finite Difference
29Galerkin Method
Main Idea Represent the solution in terms of
basis functions, coefficients
will be function of time PDE-gt ODE for
time-evolution coefficients (solvable e.g. with
Runge Kutta)
L is differential operator, u is dependent
variable and f is specified forcing function, BC
at xa and altxltb
30Galerkin Method
Choose an(t) such that eN is orthogonal to each
basis function
31Galerkin Method
The above N algebraic equations can be used to
solve the N unknown coefficients a(t)
Spectral method
Finite element method
32Galerkin Method Example again diffusion equation
33Galerkin Method Example again diffusion equation
Example K1, n10, ?t0.1
Sign alternating solution Rubbish
Numerical instability has to be avoided but
34Von Neumann stability
A solution to a linear equation can be expressed
in terms of a Fourier series, where each harmonic
solution is also a solution We can test the
stability of a single harmonic solution
stability of all harmonics can then be a
necessary conditions for stability of the
scheme assume at some time (t0) that 1.) A
Fourier expansition of the initial field f(x) can
be made 2.) A serparation of time and space
variables can be made, such that at time t a
simple term in the Fourier series is
35Von Neumann stability
Ensures numerical stability
4. Requiring
Is required physically
5. Oftentimes
Example 1-d diffusion equation, again and again
and again
Assume forward differencing in time and finite
differencing in space
36Von Neumann stability
37Solving partial differential equations
Hyperbolic wave equation Initial value (Cauchy)
parabolic diffusion equation Initial value
elliptic Poisson equation Boundary value problem
From a numerical point of this distinction is not
too important
38Solving PDEs
Initial value problem, defined by the anwers to
the following questions - What are the dependent
variables to be propagated in time? - What is the
time-evolution equation for each variable? - What
is the highest time derivative for each
variable? - What boundary conditions govern the
evolution in time? (e.g. Dirichlet Bcs
boundary values as function of time, Neumann
conditions specify normal gradient at the
boundary - Most crucial aspect is the stability
of the numerical scheme!!!
Boundary value problem, defined by the anwers to
the following questions - What are the
variables? - What equations are satisfied in the
interior of the domain? - What equations are
satisfied by points on the boundary region of
interest? - Most schemes are pretty stable - BC
must be satisifed simultanously -gt linear matrix
39Example 1-d wave equation
Dispersion-free movement of initial
wave-package Initial value problem, perturbation
moving to the left
40Example 1-d wave equation
Search for equation whose solution can propagate
both to the left and right
Classical wave equation
Solution of
41Example 1-d wave equation
Traveling wave moving to positive x (to the
right) Characteristics tx/c
Discretization xm?x, m0,1,2,.....
tn?t, m0,1,2,..... u(x,t)
u(m?x,n?t)umn Using forward differences in
time and centered in space (FTCS)
42Example 1-d wave equation Stability
Unconditionally unstable scheme
43Example 1-d wave equation Stability
44Example 1-d wave equation
Discretization xm?x, m0,1,2,.....
tn?t, m0,1,2,..... C(x,t)
C(m?x,n?t)Cmn Using centered differences in
time and space CTCS
45Example 1 d wave equation
Called leap-frog scheme, doesn't work for the
first two time steps use Euler forward (forward
in time, centered in space, FTCS) for first two
46Term projects
Francois Jets in a nonlinear eddy-resolving
shallow-water model Thomas West-Antarctic
ice-sheet collapse, sea level rise Denise
Drake passage closure in BARBIE model Pierre
Bifurcation analysis Laurie Ice-sheet model
47Term project Francois
1. Implementation of Eddy-resolving 1.5 layer
shallow water model 2. Configuration for Pacific
basin (wind-stress curl idealized) 3. Jet
Diagnostic for different friction parameters 4.
Eddy mean-flow interactions
48Term project Thomas
49Term project Pierre
1. Learn about basic bifurcation theory 2.
install and run tutorial for AUTO 3. learn how to
run AUTO for PDEs 4. Nonlinear diffusion equation
with AUTO etc....
50Term project Denise
51Term project Laurie
1. Numerical scheme for ice-sheet model 2.
Sensitivity to ablation parameterization 3.
Coupling with simple ocean 4. Stationary-wave
feedback (Roe and Lindzen)