Title: Nessun titolo diapositiva
Paris, 17 february 2004
2In an unfavorable economic context, a lower
Operating Result mainly due to exchange rates,
but a higher net income thanks to financial and
exceptional items.
like for like
3A mixed evolution of the EU Markets
- France rebound of cement market in Q4
- demand stability in 2003.
- Belgium decreasing domestic market and effect of
German imports.
- Spain continuing dynamism of construction sector
in 2003. 1st cement market in Europe (46.1 MT).
- Greece big impact of forthcoming Olympic games.
4A difficult year for Ciments Français market in
North America
5Fair business conditions in most of our emerging
- Morocco exceptional harvest, infrastructure
projects and social housing programs. - Thailand strong economic growth
- Bulgaria growth in the construction sector
- Southern India sustained activity
- Turkey signs of recovery
6Higher cement and Ready Mixed Concrete volumes
(like for like)
7 with a sharp increase of cement and clinker
sales in emerging markets, a softer growth in the
EU and a decrease in North America.
8Cement sales are down mainly due to exchange rate
effect, but aggregates/ready mixed concrete sales
are up
(Sales contribution by business in M)
CEMENT CLINKER 1,864 1,918 - 2.8
3.3 AGGREGATES/CONCRETE 951 921 3.2 4.1
OTHER ACTIVITIES 84 91 - 7.7 - 3.3
9... with a stable level in the EU ( 0.4 ),
strong activity in emerging markets ( 6.4 )
but receding sales in North America due to the
devaluation of US Dollar vs Euro.
- 3.7
Total 2,899 2,930 - 1.1
Like for like
10Lower consolidated Operating Income (-5,6 )...
11...due to a negative impact of exchange rates
despite balancing of activity by cost effects...
(Operating results variation analysis in M)
12...with the addition of improving industrial
- Efficiency
- Thermal 4
- Electricity -
- Logistics 4
- Manpower 4
- 12 M
13and the decrease of fuel costs.
- Fuel costs - 8.9 (clinker volumes like for
like) -
- Improvement of per ton consumption - 2.2
- Fuel price 0.3
- Exchange rate effect - 7.0
- Fuel mix evolution
2003 2002 - Coal 50 49
- Petcoke 36 36
- Substitute fuels 9 10
- High viscosity fuel 3 3
- Others (Fuel oil, gas) 2 2
14Highly contrasted Operating Income among
- 34.5
Total 529 560 - 5.6
Like for like
15Net Income Group share is up thanks to a high
level of exceptional income and lower financial
16Lower financial charges
- Financial income / charges variation in M (14)
- Of which
- Volume effect (5)
- Lower Interest rates (5)
- Foreing exchange 2
- Turkey net financial and currency adjustments
17Exceptional items
- Tax refund in Belgium 37
- Capital gains 21
- Favorable outcome of a pending legal procedure 21
- Pension and welfare liabilities (17)
- Assets write off (9)
- Miscellaneous (5)
- TOTAL 48
18Valuation of long term assets
19Significant reduction of net financial debt
higher Cash Flow and lower financial investments
20Balance sheet
21Improved Gearing and debt coverage
22Shareholder value
23OUTLOOK 2004
24Outlook 2004
European Union
France/Belgium Stability
Greece Activitydownturn
Spain Small increase
25Outlook 2004
North America
North America Slight growth
26Outlook 2004
Emerging Markets
Turkey Sustained recovery
Thailand Market still growing
Morocco Persisting favorable trend
Bulgaria Continuing growth
Egypt Mild recovery
India Up
272004 More favorable market conditions and our
strong balance sheet will allow for renewed