Chapter E Exploring The Heavens - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Chapter E Exploring The Heavens


... along Ecliptic historically 12 but officially 13 are called the Zodiac ... Red to Copper to Orange to Black! 29. 30. 31. 32. July 1982 Total Lunar ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Chapter E Exploring The Heavens

Chapter EExploring The Heavens
  • AST1002 Introduction to Astronomy
  • Dr. Mike Reynolds

What is Astronomy?
  • Astronomy, simply stated, is the study of the
  • Astronomers classify objects into numerous groups
  • Some of these groupings like stars are easy
    to understand scientifically
  • Others are more difficult

Basic Objects in the Universe
  • Stars glowing balls of gas that undergo nuclear
  • Planets moderately-large objects orbiting a star
  • May be rocky or gaseous
  • Visible due to reflecting light
  • What is the size to be a planet?
  • Usually somewhat spherical, regular-shaped
  • Satellite orbits a planet four major groups
  • Also called a moon
  • Earths satellite Moon (proper noun)

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Basic Objects in the Universe
  • Asteroid relatively small, rocky/metallic object
    usually orbiting a star
  • Comet relatively small, icy object usually
    orbiting a star
  • Solar System Sun and all the objects which orbit
    the Sun, including the planets
  • Star or Stellar System A star and other objects
    such as planets and/or other stars and other
    materials that orbit it

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Basic Objects in the Universe
  • Moving beyond our Solar System
  • Galaxy large island of stars
  • Few hundred million to over a trillion stars!
  • Galactic Cluster collection of galaxies
    gravitationally bound
  • Supercluster region where galaxies and galactic
    clusters are tightly packed
  • Universe all matter and energy
  • Also called the Cosmos

Some Questions To Ponder
  • Can a planet become a star?
  • Can a planet be declassified as a planet?
  • Can a moon become a planet? Or a planet a moon?
  • Does a galaxy have to have stars with planets to
    be a galaxy?

Scale of the Cosmos
  • BIG!!!
  • Start with Our Solar System
  • Earth-Moon distance mean 230,000 miles
  • Earth-Sun distance mean 93,000,000 miles
  • 1 Astronomical Unit or 1 AU 93,000,000 miles
  • The Suns diameter is about 850,000 miles
  • The Earths diameter is just under 8,000 miles
  • Imagine if the Sun was an Orange

  • Terms you have heard or will hear
  • Rotation the spinning of an object around its
  • Earth rotates once every 24 hours (approx.)
  • Jupiter rotates once every 10 hours (approx.)
  • Revolution One object orbiting a second
  • Earth revolves around the Sun every 365.24 Earth
    Days approx. 1 year
  • Jupiter revolves around the Sun every 11.86 Earth
    Years approx. 1 Jovian year

The Constellations
  • Early peoples told stories about the shapes they
    saw in the stars
  • These shapes are called Constellations
  • Today astronomers recognize 88 official
  • Some Constellations are easy to recognize
  • Most are not!
  • We cannot see all 88 constellations from here we
    would need to be at the equator

Constellations Over the Centuries
  • Many peoples identified patterns in the stars
  • One example Orion the Hunter, the official
  • China Shen, supreme warrior
  • India/Hindus Skanda, celestial general riding a
  • Egypt Osiris
  • Most of todays 88 official constellations are
    Western European in design

Other Patterns
  • Asterism Star pattern within a Constellation
  • Not an official Constellation
  • The Big and Little Dippers
  • within Ursa Major and Ursa Minor
  • Pleiades within Taurus
  • The Seven Sisters
  • Japanese Subaru
  • Navajo Dilyehe
  • Hawaiian Makahiki or many little eyes

Our Night Skies
  • Celestial Sphere an imaginary sphere on which
    all the objects in the sky appear to lie when
    observed from a specific place
  • This sphere appears to surround the Earth
  • The Celestial Sphere appears to move
  • The Sun and Moon (as well as the bright planets)
    also appear on the Celestial Sphere, moving

Divisions in the Celestial Sphere
  • North and South Celestial Poles the points at
    which the Celestial Sphere appears to turn/rotate
  • An extension of Earths axis
  • Stars rotate about these points
  • Pole Shorthand
  • North Celestial Pole NCP
  • South Celestial Pole SCP

What Points Do We SeeLooking Up?
  • Local Sky sky we see from where we stand
  • Ecliptic Suns annual path across the Celestial
  • Why is the Ecliptic not on the Celestial Equator?
  • Zenith point directly overhead
  • Meridian imaginary line from due north to the
    zenith to due south
  • The Meridian divides the sky into halves

Other Moving Objects
  • The Sun
  • Ecliptic path
  • Constellations along Ecliptic historically 12
    but officially 13 are called the Zodiac
  • When the Sun is in Leo will the stars
    surrounding Leo be visible?
  • The Moon
  • Also travels along the Ecliptic
  • Sometimes in the evening sky, sometimes in the
    morning, sometimes not visible at all

Measuring the Sky
How the Sun and Moon Appear to Us in the Sky
  • Astronomers use Degrees, Minutes and Seconds to
    measure distances across the sky or sizes
  • Referred to as Angular Sizes the angle the
    object appears to span or distance between
  • Sun and Moon appear to be about ½ degree
  • Not their true sizes just how they appear to us
  • 60 arcseconds 1 arcminute
  • 60 arcminutes 1 degree

½ degree 30 arcminutes
½ degree 30 arcminutes
But in the Real Universe the Sun is 400 times
bigger than the Moon!
Seasonal Changes
  • Seasons occur on a planet or moon because the
    axis of rotation remains tilted in one direction
    during its orbit
  • The tilt is relative to the planets or moons
  • This tilt results in a planet or moon having
  • Earths axis is tilted about 23 ½ degrees
  • Uranus axis is tilted about 98 degrees

Orbital Plane
Earth 23 ½o tilt
Uranus 98o tilt
Seasons on Earth
  • Nothing to do with the distance to the Sun
  • Summer in the Northern Hemisphere
  • Winter in the Southern Hemisphere
  • Winter in the Northern Hemisphere
  • Summer in the Southern Hemisphere
  • Sun angles in the Summer and Winter make for
    differences in temperature

Seasonal Terms
  • Summer Solstice Suns rays are most-direct
  • Winter Solstice Suns rays are least-direct
  • Spring or Vernal Equinox Equal day and night,
    going from shorter to longer days
  • Fall or Autumnal Equinox Equal day and night,
    going from longer to shorter days

Some Other Seasonal Stuff
  • At the Equinoxes, the Sun rises due east and sets
    due west only at the Equinoxes
  • Noan egg will not stand on end because its the
    1st day of Spring (or Fall)
  • Summer the day is longer, the night shorter
  • Extreme at far latitudes midnight Sun
  • Winter the day is shorter, the night longer
  • Extreme at far latitudes no Sun!

Will Seasons Always be the Same?
  • No! Orientation of Earths axis changes
  • Precession the circular motion of a planets
    tilted axis
  • Slow process Earth 26,000 years to complete
    one precession
  • What are the effects of precession?
  • Celestial poles change
  • Timing of Seasons change
  • Nutation A wobble in the wobble!

The Moon in Our Sky
  • It takes 27 1/3 days for the Moon to go around
    Earth one time
  • From new Moon to the next new Moon takes 29 ½
  • Moonth month!
  • Why? Earth has also moved through space and the
    Moon has to catch up with that starting position.
  • Roughly the same side of the Moon faces Earth
  • 1 lunar rotation 1 lunar revolution
  • One half of the Moon is always illuminated by the

The Phases of the Moon
  • We see the Moon go through its phases due to the
    position of Earth-Moon-Sun relative to each other
  • NOT
  • Clouds
  • Moon moves closer or the Sun further away
  • Little Green Men aliens

Moon Phase Terminology
  • Crescent Moon less than 50 illuminated
  • Gibbous Moon more than 50 but less than 100
  • Waxing Growing larger
  • New Moon up to Full Moon
  • Waning Growing smaller
  • Right past Full Moon to New Moon
  • Full Moon 100 illuminated
  • New Moon 0 illuminated no Moon

More Moon
  • Can you see the Moon in the daytime?
  • Yes!
  • Does the Moon keep a constant distance from
  • No, varies from a Perigee of about 225,000 miles
    to an Apogee of about 243,000 miles
  • Perigee? Apogee? Refers to the Moons closest and
    farthest distances

Lunar Eclipses
  • A Lunar Eclipse occurs when Earth lies directly
    between the Sun and the Moon, so that Earths
    shadow falls on the Moon
  • Three types
  • Penumbral
  • Partial
  • Total
  • Entire night side of Earth can see the eclipse
  • Total lunar eclipses can vary in color and
    brightness due to Earths atmosphere
  • Red to Copper to Orange to Black!

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July 1982 Total Lunar Eclipse trail Photograph
by Jay Anderson
Solar Eclipses
  • Four Types
  • Partial
  • Annular or Ring Eclipse
  • Annulars are like a type of partial
  • Total
  • Total-Annular or Hybrid
  • Must be within the eclipse zone to see even a
    partial solar eclipse

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Annular Sequence Photos 10 May 1994
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Total Solar Eclipses
  • Moon totally blocks all harmful solar light and
    radiation at totality (not during partial)
  • Daytime becomes nighttime
  • Moons shadow, sunrise/sunset effect
  • Animal reactions
  • Several events and solar features visible
  • Bailys Beads
  • Diamond Ring
  • Corona
  • Prominences

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Total Solar Eclipses simply the most-spectacular
astronomical event (in my humble opinion)
Total Solar Eclipses
  • Others have been profoundly affected by a total
    solar eclipse
  • St. Benedict
  • A total solar eclipse so impacted him that he
    started his still-famous work the Benedictine

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